The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 783: Can i have a hug?

Jedrek stood alone under the moonlight, in the middle of the yard, feeling the wind caress his skin as his cloak fluttered freely. The night was very serene. He wondered if he would feel this way two days from now when the mating ceremony took place.

However, he didn't feel at ease even now, a complete contradiction to his surroundings.

His last conversation with his brothers truly left a big hollow in his heart, though he tried not to show it on his expression, yet he couldn't help but think whether what he said was right or not, or he said it wrongly and they misinterpreted it completely?

Jedrek would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about what his brothers thought after hearing what he had to say.

He chuckled when he realized it. He shouldn't feel this way, especially after the way he had treated them during their separation and how he drove Torak away from this realm, forcing him to create his own pack because Jedrek didn't want him to stay in the same castle where the soul of their dead father used to control his decisions.

Aside from that, Jedrek wanted Torak to have his own force, his own people that he could trust.

"What are you doing standing there?" Jedrek asked without even turning his body. He had sensed her presence a few minutes ago. He thought she would leave him alone and he would pretend that she was never there in the first place, but she stayed.

"What is bothering you?" Serefina should have known that she couldn't hide from him, but she was not able to bring herself to walk away from him when she saw how low Jedrek was feeling at the moment.

The sight of his back was so lonely and it left Serefina unable to leave him alone.

"Many things," Jedrek admitted. "The list can go on for two days," he said exaggeratedly, but Serefina neither laughed nor mocked him.

Perhaps, he was just saying the truth.

Jedrek heard the faint sound of Serefina's footsteps, walking over to him. However, he didn't budge or turn around to see her until the witch was standing in front of him.

"Something is bothering you." That was a statement, not a question. Serefina looked at Jedrek closely and felt very familiar with the stoic expression that he wore right now. Her heart ached for him.

"Something is always bothering me," Jedrek admitted. He stared at the woman that he loved. The person that caused so much pain for him and left him when he needed her the most.

The cold wind blew again, rattling the branches and the leaves, yet it was not cold enough to make the two people sought for a shelter.

Serefina stretched out her hands. She shouldn't do this and make things became more complicated between them again, yet she couldn't help herself. She just wanted to touch him.

How long has it been since the last time she could touch him? How long has it been since the last time they had this kind of conversation? Time flew so fast and Serefina didn't feel like she was really alive.

However, before the tip of her fingers could touch him, Jedrek dodged it swiftly without breaking eye contact with her. There was a warning in the way he looked at her and Serefina understood it perfectly.

The witch laughed bitterly and put down her hand. "I see," she said softly. "We have grown apart."

"You should expect this since you left without a word," Jedrek tried to sound indifferent, but the pain in his voice was palpable.

"You should have expected this since you hid something from me," Serefina countered. She wouldn't have gone to the village of angels to vent out her anger and got killed, if she was not very mad at him at that time.

Jedrek started to hide something from her and Serefina didn't like it. Especially, when she knew it was something very big that occupied his time and mind.

"You don't understand," Jedrek said in regret.

Serefina was always stubborn and didn't like it when she was being left in the dark, but Jedrek was not ready to share his burdens at that time and the witch didn't have enough patience to wait for him to open up.

No one could be blamed in this matter, but it caused so much damage for both of them.

"Make me understand," Serefina gritted her teeth. Suddenly, it was easier when she longed for him, but couldn't be with him, instead of seeing the disappointment in those beautiful blue eyes that she loved.

"Tell me why did you leave?" Jedrek asked without hesitation. However, when he looked at her reaction, he knew immediately that he wouldn't get the answer that he needed. "You can't answer that."

Serefina lowered her head. For a moment, she couldn't bring herself to look at him in the eyes.

"It couldn't be helped, right?" Jedrek said in soft voice and stretched out his hand to caress her hair. "I never imagined that we would end up in this situation."

Serefina bit her lips and savored his touch.

"The mating ceremony will happen in two days," he informed her. "Tell me if I made a wrong decision."

Jedrek tried to justify himself by giving Serefina the last chance to tell him the truth.

Yet, when the witch raised her head and looked at him, she was smiling softly while she shook her head. "No, you made the right decision. Congratulations for the two of you."

"Thanks," Jedrek said coldly and put down his hand.

"This is it then," Serefina stilled her heart when she lost his touch. "Can I have a hug? One last hug." she asked in a teasing tone, spreading both of her arms wide, but the sound of her voice sounded pathetic even to her own ears.

However, Jedrek took a step back, avoiding her.

"Goodbye, Serefina." The king nodded slightly and excused himself, he didn't even turn around when he heard the soft sobs of the woman he left behind.

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