The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 777: Confrontation

"We need our Alpha to talk about this!" Alpha Ralph from Glory Wind pack was frowning. They wanted their Alpha to lead them, not his long lost brother.

All of them knew about Kace, who became a rogue, though the reason was still unclear, but they didn't appreciate to be toldoff by him.

Unfortunately, the five Alphas there had the same thought. They didn't want to take an order from someone who was not their leader.

Even if it was Jedrek in Kace's position, they wouldn't budge.

"Your Alpha gave this responsibility to me!" Kace was pissed by their attitudes and Chiron's presence made it hard for him to subdue them. Apparently, Torak's people have a problem to get along with other creatures outside of their kind. Even after their long journey together, they didn't warm up to the other creatures.

"And we have every right to reject it!" Alpha Ralph said grumpily. "We've just arrived after a long journey, if we have to talk about nonsense, I will prefer to take some rest."

His statement was supported by the other four Alphas inside the tent.

"Do you want to disobey your Alpha's direct order?!" Kace shouted. He couldn't believe that he had to face disrespectful behavior like this.

In the past, he had led thousands of people and commanded them without being questioned, but now they simply walked away right in front of his face?!

Kace indeed didn't want to give an order, but it didn't mean he would tolerate their behavior. His beast growled loudly inside his head, demanding respect that he deserved from these people.

They should know; despite being a rogue, as a Donovan, Kace's rank was much higher than anyone inside this tent.

"Come back here." Kace commanded them in a low but deep voice, he almost growled. However, no one paid attention to his warning.

"You are not here to give us orders." Alpha Brian said brusquely.

"I SAID COME BACK HERE!" Kace's voice thundered inside the tent, even people outside the tent could hear him.

Out of instinct, the five Alphas turned around only to find Kace's red eyes. His beast took control of him.


During their first dinner, Raine accidentally touched Jedrek, and since she couldn't control her power yet, some visions came into her mind about a few events that happened in the past.

Perhaps, Jedrek didn't realize that, since it happened so fast.

"Raine saw something," Torak said. His voice was neither loud nor harsh, but Jedrek could see how serious this matter was.

"What did she see?" Jedrek asked grimly. Lilac had told her about the power that the other two guardian angels possessed and he knew Torak was telling truth about Raine's visions.

"Are you sure, you want me to tell you now?" Torak glanced briefly at the two guards, who were still standing in the room with their heads lowered, feeling intimidated by the two Donovans.

Jedrek gritted his teeth. "Leave us alone."

Without wasting another second, the two guards immediately dashed out of the room and closed the door behind them.

"So?" Jedrek tried to guess what exactly Torak knew, or more precisely what Raine had seen, about his past.

"You fought father for Alpha's title," Torak enunciated every word clearly and he could see a flash of surprise in Jedrek's blue eyes, which disappeared in a flash, replaced by his aloofness once again. "Why did you do that?"

Jedrek didn't need to challenge their father for the Alpha's position. He would inherit it eventually. A challenge for Alpha would require one of them to die. Either the challenger win the battle by killing the former Alpha, or the Alpha would kill the challenger to prevent a complicated trouble in the future.

The challenger had betrayed their loyalty to their Alpha, therefore it was a death sentence for one of them.

"You know the rule! But, why!?" Torak growled as he took a step closer toward his older brother.

They were glaring at each other, as deep dangerous growls reverberated from within their chests, still Jedrek chose not to answer Torak's question.

"They didn't leave to live peacefully in the other realm, right?" Torak narrowed his eyes. That was what Jedrek told him when their parents disappeared all of a sudden. "You killed father in that battle for the Alpha's title." Torak's voice sounded nothing like his usual self.

"Yes, I killed him," Jedrek admitted.

Torak's whole body shook with rage and when he asked the next question, white fur sprouted on his skin. "Where is mother?"

"I killed her too."


"Serefina!" Hope saw Serefina entering the room and immediately rose to her feet before she rushed to hug the witch. "I miss you!"

"Get away from me," Serefina said grumpily as she shoved away Hope from her, but not hard enough to hurt her.

Meanwhile, Raine and Lilac were sitting next to each other. When they saw how Hope behaved with Serefina, Lilac leaned over to Raine to whisper something.

"I can't imagine Serefina raised one of us," Lilac said in low voice. "I feel like she would strangle us to death with her temper."

Raine chuckled when she heard that. She had also thought the same thing as Lilac when she met Serefina for the first time.

"Not everyone can stand her," Raine admitted. But, with time, she understood the witch, even though she didn't really agree with everything that she said or the decisions she made.

"Right," Lilac said, but then she realized; Jedrek was one of those few people, who could stand her.

"Both of you! Come here, we don't have all day!" Serefina looked at Lilac and Raine disapprovingly. "We need to do it now."

"Hm? What is it?" Raine looked at Lilac, but the latter just stood up and ushered her toward Serefina and Hope.

But, when Raine was close enough to Serefina, Hope felt cold wind blowing on her face, forcing her to close her eyes, and when she opened them again, they were no longer inside that room in the castle.

This place resembled the place she saw in her dream.

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