The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 770: Why am i being followed?

The burning pain in his throat was the first thing that Theo could feel as he slowly regained consciousness, it was almost as if his throat was on flames and no matter how hard he tried to speak there were no words that could come out from his mouth.

He was not able to move his hands, his entire body felt like he just finished running marathon, utterly exhausted. Even breathing without feeling pain felt luxurious for him now.

As he tried to endure the pain in his throat, the memories of the last thing that happened to him came back, flooding like a broken dam and it shook him to the core.

Feeling startled, Theo opened his eyes abruptly and found someone sitting beside his bed.

The sudden light flooded his optical senses and he grimaced because his eyes hurt as he couldn't see anything clearly, who was this woman, but when he heard her voice, he finally realized it was the witch.

"Close the door," she said to someone that Theo couldn't see, afterward Serefina turned around and met his gaze. "You are awake," she exclaimed.

"What?" Lana walked back to find that Theo had opened his eyes and gasped loudly. "He is finally awake!" She walked to the table beside the bed and poured water into a goblet and helped Theo to drink it.

Theo was grateful when the cold liquid eased the burning sensation in his throat.

"How are you feeling?" Serefina asked, seeing the confusion in Theo's eyes. "Don't worry, you are safe here."

However, Serefina interpreted the way Theo looked at her wrongly. The general was not confused about where he was now or perhaps he forgot about what had happened to him.

He was anxious because he couldn't utter a single word to tell her about what actually happened to him that night.

There were traitors among the king's generals! And it was Kyle and Rowan!

Yet, when he tried to shout this out loud he realized he couldn't even utter a word.

"Take it easy, you just woke up, I will call the healer for you." A woman whom Theo recognized as Raphael's mate, spoke in a reassuring tone. But, Theo needed to see the king now, not a healer.

At the same time, a scent hit him hard. Theo realized he was nearby even before he could see his figure.

"Here you are…"

The heavy voice prompted both Serefina and Lana to turn around and see who was coming into the room and found Rowan at the door, staring straight at Theo.

Seeing Rowan, Theo became more anxious. He wanted to tell the two women to be careful with him, but he couldn't say anything. Not to mention about uttering a single word, he was not even able to move his fingers.

"I am worried where you have moved him because I can't find him since the night of the assault." Rowan ran his fingers through his copper colored hair and walked closer.

"Lana," Serefina called her. "You said you wanted to call a healer. Call her now."

"Oh, right. I will call her now." Lana immediately stood up and walked toward the door, followed by Rowan's hard gaze.

When it was only the three of them, Serefina could see how unsettling Theo was and the way he glared at Rowan told her that her prediction was right.

It didn't need a genius to read their situation now.

"I thought no one knows about this place," Serefina said. She watched as Rowan closed the door before approaching them again while the witch was standing beside Theo's bed.

"I found it by following Lana," Rowan replied casually. He stood three steps away from Serefina. "So, he just woke up? Did he say something?"

Serefina tilted her head and with an expressionless face, she answered. "Yes. He said he remembered the person who slit his throat."

Rowan was never really good at hiding his true emotions, thus the moment he heard that, his eyes turned dark and a low growl vibrated deep from his chest.

"So, you know already?" He asked in a dark tone.

"Know what?" Serefina narrowed her eyes and smiled softly, but out of instinct, she took a defensive stance.

"That I slit his throat," He spoke through his gritted teeth.

"Oh." Serefina feigned a surprised look. "Now I know. Actually, he didn't say anything." she shrugged her shoulders and glanced at Theo, whose expression was no less startled than Rowan's. "He just woke up. You are lucky to be here in time."

"You!" Rowan roared and shifted into his beast before he pounced onto Serefina.


Lana was still in disbelief when she heard what Serefina told her earlier, she touched her flat stomach and tried to feel something, but there was nothing.

Perhaps, Serefina was wrong or she just teased her, but as soon as that thought crossed her mind, Lana shook her head. Knowing the witch for such a long time, teasing someone this way was not her style at all.

Or, maybe Serefina made a mistake?

Or, maybe she knew something that Lana did not? What if what she said was right? Lana bit her lips to stop a silly grin from appearing on her lips.

It was so fast, but also predicted since they marked and mated on the same day they met.

But, she had not felt the change yet…

Lana walked with light steps toward the old tower, where the healer was residing and suddenly stopped walking before she crossed the yard, when she felt someone following her.

There was not many guards stationed in this king tower, except the part where Jedrek and Lilac resided.

"What are you doing following me?" Lana turned around and glared at the empty corridor. "Kyle?"

At first, there was no answer, only the sound of the wind that could be heard, before a man walked out from the corner of the corridor.

"I thought you will not realize that I am here." Kyle strolled toward Lana.

"I didn't realize it before." Just like Lana didn't realize when she was being followed by Rowan. It seemed like her five senses weren't working properly. "But, the wind brought your scent. May I know why I'm being followed?"

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