The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 768: The lilac

"I envy the relationship between you and Torak or Hope's with Kace," Lilac sighed and fiddled with her fingers. "Jedrek and I…" she pouted her lips and didn't continue.

"There is nothing to be envied about… the three of them have their own difficulties, they are beasts after all." Hope shrugged her shoulders. "But, I love his beast and I'm sure that you do your mate's too. It is just that there are a lot of things that have been coming our way and we are not ready to face them all, in turn making things complicated."

Silence enveloped the three guardian angels, as they were deep in their own thoughts and were busy reminiscing about all the things that they had been through before coming to this point in their lives.

Raine had been through a lot of dreadful things before she met Torak. He showed her unconditional love and cherished her in every decision that she made. Not even once Torak would raise his voice even though he was mad at her or Raine worried him to death.

Raine wouldn't be here and be the person she was now without going through all of that.

While Hope, she was quite lucky to have people, who loved and cared for her ever since she was only a little baby. Serefina with her fickle mood and Lana, who was like a sister for her.

Even if Hope ever felt a little bit worry about the sisterly bond between Lana and hers when she came to know about Lana's crush on Kace, that was all swept away as she could sigh in relief when Lana found Raphael. Their relationship seemed very harmonious. They were just like a newly married couple.

Sometimes, Hope wondered whether Lana's crush on Kace was only her imagination? A mate bond was so strong…

On the other hand, Lilac didn't know since when exactly she started caring for Jedrek… she came here with hatred for what that king had done to her, but over time when she learned about the dark secret that he hid from everyone else, including his own brothers, Lilac learned that he was not the person that she thought he was all this while.

Despite it didn't change the fact that Jedrek had killed her and put her into a deep sleep for a year, Lilac couldn't find herself to hate him the way she wanted.

Apparently, this was the trait, which made the guardian angel looked so weak in other creatures' eyes; lack of animosity was something that could be counted as a weakness.

However, the true question was; whether their relationship would be okay without a mate bond?

The mate bond seemed like a blessing to tighten the affection between them, but it was something that was out of their control.

Even Raine, occasionally, would question this and Hope would always wonder if the mate-bond disappeared, would Kace treat her the same?

But, for Lilac it was indisputable that Jedrek would choose Serefina over her the moment the mate bond was gone…

It was ironic…

"Tell me," Lilac broke the silence between them and the solemn mood in the air. "How did your mate marked you?"

Lilac wanted to hear something cheerful, since she would face her mating ceremony within a week, she wanted to know what she would have to expect.

"Ugh… the mark…" Hope grimaced and looked at Raine, who seemed pretending to not hear Lilac's question.

"I heard it was something romantic," Lilac looked at Hope and Raine expectantly. "Share your stories with me…"

And now Hope and Raine gave their fellow guardian angel a wry smile…

"They almost died when their mates marked them." Serefina's figure came into their view and none of the three noticed her presence in the room before those words travelled into their ears.

When did she enter the room exactly?

The witch sat on a chair at the end of the table nonchalantly and looked at the various flowers on the table in despise.

"There was nothing romantic about being marked for them." Serefina crossed her legs and looked at Lilac defiantly.

Lilac glared at Serefina before she spoke to Hope. "I don't know how you can live with someone like her for many years. I am just glad that you are nothing like her."

"Oh, don't worry honey, she doesn't have that blessing." Serefina waved her hand.

Lilac clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Is it her hobby to ruin other people's happy moments?"

"Yes, it is," Raine said with a small smile on her lips, she didn't know why but she found this whole situation very amusing.

Serefina had been very irritated with the relationship that Raine shared with Torak and would always pick some pricky words to complain about how Torak would always spoil her too much, but when Raine learned the reason behind the witch's hateful behavior, she was more or less, could understand where she was coming from.

After all, who would be able to stand and see the man that you loved, be with someone and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

And now that Serefina finally met Lilac, she wouldn't miss any opportunities to piss her off.

"Well, you can call me lucky to survive all those years," Hope chuckled and then grinned at Serefina.

"I didn't lie though, you can ask the two of them for yourself. I was there, when their mates marked them and that was awful." Serefina raised her eyebrows provocatively.

"I don't know whether you are so talented or you just naturally suck the happiness out of every soul in the room you entered," Lilac grumbled. "What do you want?"

"There is something I want to talk to the three of you," Serefina said calmly, ignoring the snarky comment from Lilac.

"What is it about?" Hope asked, she straightened her back.

"About your training." Serefina glanced at the flower again. "I expect we will start after this stupid ceremony."

Lilac couldn't agree more with Serefina for her last comment. She still disagreed with Jedrek's decision.

"Before I go into the details, I want you to do me a favor," Serefina spoke to Lilac and the latter looked surprised to hear the word 'favor' from the former's lips.

"What is it?" Lilac asked suspiciously.

"Choose the lilac as main theme for your decorations," she nodded toward the flower.

Hope frowned. "But you hate that flower."

"Exactly." It would give her an excuse not to attend to the ceremony.

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