The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 763: I will kill the lycan

Lilac suddenly woke up when she felt someone moving around her room.

At first, she thought it was Jedrek, but then she realized it was not him, some stranger was walking in circles around her bed, where she was currently sleeping in. When that understanding dawned upon her, her mind turned sharp. With her eyes closed, Lilac awaited in alert about what this thing would do.

Hence, the moment she felt something inching toward her ankle trying to grab it, Lilac opened her eyes and rolled her body to the other side of the bed and then crouched down with both of her palms flat against the floor, in preparation to defend herself or attack, if needed.

Right before her eyes, Lilac could see black smoke, slowly solidifying itself and reshaped into a human form.

"Who are you?" Lilac looked around her and found she was all alone with the strange man with a dark cloak that covered his entire being.

The man raised his head and revealed his face, but Lilac had never seen him before.

They stood staring at each other for a few moments. No one said anything or tried to make a sudden movement. They were assessing each other.

The two of them stayed like that for another minute before Lilac ran out her patience.

"What are you doing here?" Lilac checked the movement of the trees right outside her balcony. It wouldn't be fast enough to catch this man, but at least, she was not defenseless. "Answer me."

"You are a guardian angel." He stated.

That statement confused Lilac. She tilted her head, not knowing where this man wanted to lead this conversation. "Yes, I am. And?"

"You are not supposed to be with the Lycanthropes." Dorian said again. "Come with me and I will help you."

Lilac blinked her eyes. This was not the answer she was expecting. "Why should I? Wait… it think I know you…" she remembered something. The dark smoke around that man rang a bell in her head as she narrowed her eyes at Dorian. "You are a shadow warrior."

"Yes, I am." Dorian nodded solemnly.

"There shouldn't be any shadow warriors in this realm anymore." Lilac couldn't believe it, she was facing a shadow warrior. Weren't they already dead like a really really long time ago?

The shadow warrior scoffed. "Those were the same words said by that witch."

"Serefina," Lilac mumbled.

"Whatever her name is," Dorian spoke with hatred and hostility.

"You met her. Where is she now?" If the shadow warrior was here, didn't that mean something happened to Serefina? Yet, Lilac didn't hear any commotion. Everything was very quiet. Knowing Serefina, she wouldn't let him go without a proper fight, right?

Dorian didn't answer her.

The silence from Dorian only left Lilac assuming the worse. She stood up, crossed the bed and walked toward the door under the hard gaze of the shadow warrior.

One might think that Lilac would run out of the room to find Serefina, but it was proved wrong when she suddenly turned around and made a slash movement with her hand.

Dorian was caught off guard when he felt several branches from the tree outside the balcony whipped his body and sent him flying across the room before his body hit the solid wall.

Yet, Lilac didn't stop there, she rushed forward and let the branches coiled around Dorian's body, locking him tightly until there was no way he could escape, the same way Lilac did when she immobilized the beasts when they attacked her a long time ago.

"What is your purpose for coming here?" Lilac looked down at the shadow warrior, her eyes turned sharp when Dorian used his shadow tendrils to rip apart the bough that prevented his movement.

"To kill the lycans," he said calmly as he stood up, dusted the dirt from his cloak. "You are not supposed to be here."

If Lilac was surprised about how Dorian could escape from her grasp, it didn't appear on her facial expression. She mimicked the calmness that the shadow warrior displayed in front of her, while thinking what the best way to get out of this situation.

It was weird enough, after all the commotion that she created in here, there was not even one guard that rushed into the room to check on her. Jedrek wouldn't leave her unguarded, right? More so, Jedrek's chamber was only across from her room. It didn't make any sense if he couldn't hear anything.

Unless, he was not in his room. Lilac clicked her tongue, annoyed.

"You are on the devil's side," she stated in sharp tone.

"I will be on the side of whoever want to destroy the lycans," he said solemnly. It almost sounded like a vow.

"Why?" Lilac couldn't understand his motive.

"Is that even a question?" Dorian regarded Lilac with a disdainful look when he walked closer to her and Lilac took a cautious step back.

"It was the devils who ordered Jedrek to destroy your village and eliminate the shadow warriors and guardian angels. The devils used Janus to do it all. You should understand all this first." Lilac tried to explain about what exactly happened, yet it seemed like Dorian didn't want to hear her at all.

"All I know is; the lycanthropes attacked my village and killed all the people that I know, including my mate." Dorian's body became blurry, as his flesh turned into dark smoke. "And I will see they suffer the same fate like I did."

"The guardian angels never meant to be the shadow warrior's mates," Lilac said in a matter of fact tone. "That was the fate that you forced onto them."

Dorian didn't seem to like it when he heard Lilac's honesty. The shadow warrior glowered at her viciously. However, Lilac didn't budge when he disappeared into thin air, after saying his last warning.

"Don't worry, I will not hurt you. My target is the lycans and I will destroy them. You should know whose side you should choose."

Afterward, everything became still and all Lilac could hear was her deep sigh.

In the next second, Lilac rushed out of the room, but when she opened the door, she understood why no one came in earlier. In front of her, four guards were lying on the floor covered in blood, motionless. Dead!

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