The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 759: Strange night at the castle

Thunder and light split the darkness in the night sky, illuminating the old tower and along with that, rain started to pour down the earth, sending chills to their spines.

Calleb draped a blanket over Raine's shoulder to keep her warm, while the other two guardian angels had fallen asleep on the couch, huddled together with a quilt around their bodies.

As Torak had ordered for them to be together with each other, they all stayed in one room. Even so, in this kind of weather and situation, no one wanted to go back to their room.

Meanwhile, Raphael added more logs in the fireplace and kept arranging them until they burned just right and Lana was laying flat on the rug, reading some book.

Calleb couldn't be more happy for both of them, though the fact Lana was a rogue still bothered him, but her scent eventually merged with Raphael's and now he could barely smell it from her. This helped him too.

"Why don't you sleep?" Calleb touched Raine's head and handed her a cup of warm chocolate.

Raine was smiling when she received that and muttered a 'thank you'. "I will wait until Torak came back," she said.

"He will be fine, you don't need to worry too much about him." Calleb sat down beside Raine again and sipped the warm drink from his cup.

"I know," she said softly. "I just want to wait for him." She held the cup with both of her hands and sighed in delight when the heat warmed up her freezing hands.

"You are very stubborn," Calleb grumbled. On his first meeting with her, he didn't think that there would come a day when this seemingly fragile girl, who was too afraid to look at other people right in their eyes, would turn into someone who was very determined.

Raine grinned when she heard that.


Serefina walked along the corridor with Theo and Warlock. She ran her fingers along the cold wall of the castle while chanting something in ancient language.

She frowned as she concentrated to break the spell around the castle, how could this area be surrounded by magic?

It didn't make any sense. This magic came from witches, unless they were nearby there was no way they could do this.

However, since Serefina arrived here, she didn't felt anything strange. She could only sense the dark magic after the three Donovans went out of the castle because of the rogue attack, but before that there was nothing suspicious.

Unless, there was someone from inside the castle that helped those dark witches…

With that thought, Serefina glanced at Theo and Warlock, who were escorting her.

"Why didn't you go with your king to the nearby town?" Serefina asked when they climbed the stairs to reach the second floor from the old tower.

"The king wanted us to stay in the castle because everyone went to the town," Theo replied to Serefina. He knew who Serefina was and her story with his king. Therefore, he had his own thoughts that the king was more suited to the witch than the guardian angel.

Serefina looked fiercer, reliable and the fact she was the last pure blooded witch, surprised the general. Theo thought, there were no more pure blooded spell-casters and the rumor about her was not completely correct.

"Have you seen something odd recently?" Serefina went to the balcony, where she could see the city from there and spotted red flames in the distance.

The fire must be from a city that was attacked by rogue. The rogues must have been settled down by now and the three brothers would return soon.

"No, there is nothing strange around this castle." Warlock replied after a moment of contemplation.

"I don't think there is something strange," Theo chimed in. He stared into the distance too. "It was so quiet in the city when the nearby town was being attacked by the rogues."

Serefina didn't really listen to Theo and Warlock's answers, her mind was elsewhere.

"Can you mind-link someone in the town now?" she asked after she was sure that everything was all right.

Theo and Warlock's eyes became blurry for a few seconds when they tried to contact the other lycan warriors.

"Yes, everything is normal now," Theo said as his gaze started to refocus on Serefina. "I think you've casted away all the spells."

"The king had returned." Warlock pointed his finger to the north gates and sure enough, Jedrek entered the castle with his two other brothers, talking in deep conversation.

When the intensity of Serefina's gaze fell on him, the king looked up oit of instinct and met her eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds that felt like a lifetime until Kace talked something that caught Jedrek's attention and he broke the spell between them.

Serefina immediately averted her eyes and stared at the city again.

"You should be the queen for the king," Theo suddenly said when he stood next to the witch. "I think that role suited you better than the guardian angel."

Serefina chuckled, but the humor didn't reach her eyes. "You don't have an opinion in this matter," she said sharply and managed to shut Theo's mouth.

Right after that, Serefina gasped and turned around in alert. Her lime-green eyes studied the empty corridor intensely.

"What happened?" Theo, who was standing beside her, felt the witch's restlessness and walked over to the spot where Serefina had been staring at, yet he found nothing.

"What?" Warlock shifted his attention from the king and his brothers toward Serefina and Theo. "Everything is all right?"

"I felt someone staring at me," Serefina muttered in low voice. She walked toward the end of the corridor, but couldn't find any one, but she couldn't get rid of the feeling of being watched even now.

"But, no one is here." Theo voiced out his point by waving his hand. "Maybe, it was just your imagination."

Serefina squinted her eyes and walked toward her right side.

"Where are you going?" Warlock followed her, but the witch stopped him.

"Stay here," Serefina said firmly.

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