The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 750: Sleep well, lilac

"Where were you?" she asked when Jedrek entered the room.

She was seen trying to bloom a flower on the supposed to be empty vase. Jedrek had never been fond of flowers since Serefina didn't like it. The witch was allergic to a certain flower. Therefore, the old castle was originally filled with all non-flowering bushes, trees and vines before Lilac came and changed that.

The guardian angel with the power of nature also did the same thing in this castle. Filling every inch of visible ground with flowering fauna.

This place was usually barren, but now one could see blooming flowers everywhere, though it wasn't the season for them to bloom. And somehow, Jedrek didn't even mind it a little bit. He even felt a strange feeling of comfort whenever he saw them.

"I don't like red roses." Jedrek strolled across the room and watched with furrowed brows as the roses bloomed under Lilac's touch. "They doesn't suit me."

"So, what do you like?" Lilac touched the last flower bud and it opened itself to her, unfolding its soft petals and spreading its scent.

Jedrek fell silent for a moment, he gave some thought to her question before he answered with a low and hoarse voice. "Lilac."

Lilac chuckled upon hearing that, she closed her eyes when Jedrek leaned over and kissed her temple for a little bit longer. However, aside from the delicious spark on her skin, she felt that something was off with him.

The moment Jedrek looked down to her, the guardian angel knew her guess was right.

"So, you like lilac now?" Lilac gave him a side look and continued to fill another empty vase.

"Your hands are injured." Jedrek pointed out the obvious, he frowned when Lilac kept moving them.

"I am practicing." She defended herself. "And you have not answered my question."

"I like Lilac now," Jedrek said as he sat down next to Lilac and took Lilac's hand carefully into his. "You should rest in your room and stop using your hands or it will take much longer to heal."

Jedrek had never been too worried about her for trivial things, even though their relationship began to grow on them and he had started to treat her very well ever since Serefina arrived to this castle, but her intuition told her that they were not as close as they seemed. There was still something between them. Either Jedrek's feelings for Serefina or the fact that they could no longer ignore the bond between them.

"I had been resting enough when you were gone," Lilac said. She raised her head and looked him right in the eyes. "And also, my question was; where have you been?"

"I visited Serefina." Jedrek didn't think twice before answering her. This was his foremost intention why he came looking for Lilac.

Lilac widened her eyes upon hearing the truth. The idea of Jedrek gave Serefina a visit crossed her mind, because no matter how cold he treated Serefina from the first day the witch stepped inside the castle or how he tried so hard to pretend that she didn't exist, Lilac could see his brooding look whenever he thought no one was paying attention to him.

However, to hear Jedrek gave her an honest answer was still surprising to Lilac, and she respected it.

"I expected it," Lilac mumbled. "You were looking for me to tell me that?"

"Yes," Jedrek answered curtly. He looked at Lilac deeply, trying to figure out what she had in her pretty little mind, yet Lilac was too calm and Jedrek couldn't read any of her emotions.

"How is she?" Lilac asked after a long silence that left them staring into each other eyes. "I hope I gave her wounds worse than this." Lilac nodded at her bandaged hands. She would be upset if Serefina didn't even get a scratch when she had to be bandaged and scolded by Jedrek.

"She got a few injuries, but she's healed now." Jedrek smiled softly when he noticed that Lilac didn't really like what she heard.

"How could that be?" Serefina was not a shifter, so it was impossible for her to have that kind of healing ability.

"She used her magic to heal herself," Jedrek explained it plainly.

"Oh, right." Lilac rolled her eyes dramatically. "She has that power in her."

"You have your own power." Jedrek made his point.

"Not as useful as hers apparently." Lilac waved her hands in front of Jedrek's face, showing him her pathetic bandaged hands.

Jedrek took her hands and helped her to stand up. "You need to rest," he said in finality, as he guided her to his bed.

"I will rest in my room." Lilac frowned when Jedrek pushed her to rest her head on a pillow that smelled like him. It brought comfort to her.

"Rest here, so I know you will not wander around the castle." Jedrek tucked her inside the warm quilt.

"What are going to do?" Lilac wrapped herself comfortably inside the quilt and it was only her head that could be seen.

"Work," Jedrek said, as he walked over to the table and picked a few documents to be brought to the chair near the window.

Lilac watched him in silent, but the bed's comfort wasn't enough to make her sleepy, thus she asked the question that she really wanted to hear an answer for.

"Jedrek," Lilac called him, her eyes downcast.

"Hmm?" Jedrek had a document in his hand, a good pretense to conceal his brooding mind.

"What were you talking about with Serefina?" Lilac stilled her heart to hear the worse, or maybe Jedrek wouldn't tell her anything.

"Nothing. A few arguments from the past. Many unanswered questions." Jedrek put down his pretense and looked at Lilac from across the room. "But it's over now."

"What is over?" Even after having this conversation more than twice and it would end up with Jedrek telling her that he chose her over Serefina, but it couldn't completely convince her.

"The thing between us." The words sounded dry in his own ears, as if it was someone else who spoke in his stead. "Sleep well, Lilac."

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