The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 746: Shambles room

When Serefina created a wall of fire that barricaded the room and prevented the guards from entering, Lilac extinguished it and replaced with a wall of her own power, trees as big as the size of human body sprang from the floor and created a concrete wall, sealing the entrance of the room completely.

Serefina drew back her dagger and pushed Lilac away from her.

"Oh, not bad." She clicked her tongue and looked at her provokingly. "Should we start now? I will not go easy on you."

Lilac scoffed.


When a servant went to find Jedrek, the King already knew what happened. Someone had mind-linked him and broke down the details.

He was furious to say the least. What were these women up to?! Weren't they on good terms for these past days?!Needless to say, there would be another room that would go under some reparation.

With Eaton and Lyrus behind him, Jedrek ran as fast as he could, but it seemed his human form was not fast enough, thus he shifted into his beast form and leapt over the balcony and dashed toward the north wing, where the battle between two women took place.

Eaton and Lyrus exchanged a look and did the same.

As far as they knew, both women were very hot-headed, no one could guarantee that everything would be all right with them wreaking havoc inside the castle.

Even from afar they could feel the ground was shaking under their paws, therefore, they hastened their speed. There was a possibility if they were not stopped in time, they would bring down the whole castle with them.


The white beast ignored all the servants and the guards gathered near the room, he rushed past them and saw the trees that blocked the way into the room.

Rumbling sounds resounded throughout the hallway and debris was falling off from the high ceiling.

Jedrek was furious, with his massive-sharp talons, the white beast tore the trees apart.

The way how Jedrek did that so easily, took all the guards and servants by surprise. They had tried to do that earlier, but they couldn't even scratch the trunk, yet the white beast did it as easy as a hot knife slicing some butter.

Before long the king's beast saw how Serefina and Lilac were attacking each other. Their dresses were already tattered and there were scratches here and there on their fair skins. The smell of blood and dirt filled the air since both of them didn't have any healing ability.

Sure enough, the room was in shambles, major reparation would be needed in this case.

Watching from where he was standing, the two women apparently didn't notice the king presence, they were too engrossed in their battle.

The floor beneath Lilac's feet was covered in flames, as the guardian angel was trying to stamp out the fire.

Meanwhile, Serefina had her blue flames on the tips of her fingers, as her eyes locked on to Lilac with a smirk at the corner of her lips, she was not in a good condition either.

But then, a root slithered on the floor very fast and caught Serefina's feet. The root flung the witch across the room.

However, before Serefina's body could hit the wall behind her, the white beast had moved ahead and protected her.

Serefina shrieked and accidentally burned the white fur of the beast when she hit his side instead of the wall.

A low deep growl resounded inside the ruined room, but Jedrek shifted back into his human skin and roared when Lilac was about to launch another attack.

"ENOUGH!" Jedrek's voice managed to make the two women stop fighting with each other.

The king was furious beyond words, even his eyes were still the color of blood when he saw the injuries covered the two of them.

Yet, he was injured because of Serefina's flame too. His cloak was burned and his left arm, which was hit by Serefina, blackened from the burn.

Fortunately, the moment he finished talking the charred skin started to heal.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" his voice boomed and even Eaton and Lyrus, who came after Jedrek, had to lower their heads in submission.

Jedrek glared at Serefina, as he steadied the witch and inspected her wounds briefly. From the looks of it, she would be fine.

After done with scrutinizing her wounds, Jedrek stomped toward Lilac. His anger grew palpable when he saw her fingers were dark and bleeding. It seemed she tried to shield herself from Serefina's fire with her bare hands. What a stupid move!

"I am asking you," Jedrek growled. "What. Is. Going. On. Here?!" He enunciated every word clearly, forcing the guardian angel, who seemed too scare to even raise her head, to answer him.

"I am…" Lilac stuttered. She hated to admit it, but Jedrek seemed very frightening at the moment. "We were just practicing…" she finished her words softly. Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Practice!?" Jedrek literally pushed the words out of his gritted teeth. "What kind of practice is this?!"

Lilac fiddled with her fingers, she no longer felt the pain, all she could think now was how to escape the king's wrath. She considered to run away, but Jedrek scooped her body into his arms and strode out of the shambled room, leaving Serefina, eaton and his second in command behind.

Only when Jedrek was out of the sight with Lilac in his arms, did Eaton and Lyrus approached Serefina.

The witch still had fire in her hands, ready to set ablaze in her command, thus the two lycans should approach her with caution.

"Serefina, come with me… we need to take care of your wound." Eaton called for Serefina as he inched closer toward her.

The former Beta of Janus had known Serefina for a very long time and knew exactly what had happened between Jedrek and her.

However, Serefina ignored him. Her eyes were on the hole that Jedrek created when he clawed his way through the barricade that Lilac had erected.

"No need." Serefina walked past the two lycans angrily before burning down the remaining trees on her way out.

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