The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 744: The preparation

"If he left it for you to decide, then I will assume you will agree with me." In one glance Serefina could tell what kind of answer Lilac would give. "Then, I think our discussion is over. So, I'm excusing myself now." The witch wiped her mouth and stood up from her seat.

After Jedrek and Serefina left the dining room, Lilac sat alone with her food, barely touched in front of her.

This would be a long and hard journey for them.


The night was glowing with the bright city lights and the starry sky. A beautiful scenery which Serefina could see from her balcony.

She had been here once, a long-long time ago when Jedrek visited this city with his father and Torak. They met in one of the inns and spent the night together. That happened a very long time ago and almost felt like all of those memories were from another life.

The witch stood there, basking in the light of the full moon. Tonight was exceptionally bright.

Full moon…

"D*mn…" Serefina cursed in a low voice. She forgot about this…

This would be another long night.

She needed to bar the door… thus, she walked with her hand on the wall, tracing her fingers while chanting a spell in an ancient language over and over again.

And the moment she reached the door, she repeated the spell when the pain started to gnaw every inch of her skin and she was having a hard time to breathe.

Serefina hated this when she was in this state. It reminded her about how vulnerable she was.

She hated when she had to writhe in pain and beg for this to stop pathetically.

She bit her lips very hard when she trudged toward her bed. Even the comfort from the soft bed couldn't reduce her pain in the slightest.

She hated all of this…


"The pure blood witch is here…" a man spoke in the darkness, to his own shadow and listened to what it whispered back to him. "Hmm…" he hummed and nodded his head.

The shadow reported to him what it knew and the man told it what he heard. They were exchanging information…

"So… it happens to the witch every full moon and it happened to the guardian angel on a moonless night… hmm… I know… tell them about this… so do I, I can feel the hatred feelings in the witch were growing stronger for every second she watch her ex-lover with his mate…" he kept talking for a little while longer until the shadow disappeared and left the general alone in the dark.


Lilac was surrounded with a few servants who were asking about the preparations for the mating ceremony while Jedrek was out of sight most of the time and shoved all the responsibility for the upcoming event, entirely on her shoulders.

"Silver or gold?" Keira, the woman with blonde hair paired with cherry red lips and a killer body, asked Lilac, she was holding a note pad to write down everything that they should do according to Lilac's preference. "Gold looks regal, but silver is the Alpha color."

"Silver then…" Lilac sighed. She flet very boring. She had been sitting on this chair with her chin propped lazily on her palm for more than an hour now.

The guardian angel couldn't understand why she had to deal with these unimportant things? They had devils out there, who wouldn't even spare a glance to tear them apart, not to mention a mating ceremony.

Lilac had been trying talk her way out of all this from two days, since Serefina arrived. She felt a little bit bad for having this ceremony in her presence, but neither Jedrek nor Serefina had shown a sign that they were not comfortable with this.

It was Lilac who was not comfortable with this.

Jedrek would insist for this to happen before anything else, as if his life depended on this and Serefina would only observe all the preparations quietly with an expressionless face. No one could know for sure what the witch had in her mind. She was hard to predict.

When Keira was asking about what kind of flowers she wanted, Serefina entered the room and stood across the table, crossing her arms arrogantly.

This was the first time Lilac was so happy to see her after two days straight being ignored completely. And, Lilac felt like they were playing some hide and seek game, on adult level.

When Jedrek could smell the witch's scent from a mile away, Serefina would know where Jedrek was, with her magic. This situation was really frustrating.

"Leave us alone," Lilac said to Keira and the other servants.

"But, the king said…" Keira didn't finish her words, she glanced at Serefina fearfully. The female werewolf heard about one or two stories about the witch and knew that what the people had said was true.

"What did the king said?" Lilac asked, but Serefina was aware what order that Jedrek have possibly given to them.

"Your future queen said, leave us alone." Serefina pulled a chair in front of her and sat down. "That is a direct order."

"But…" Keira tried to argue with her, but Serefina cut her off.

"Disrespecting your queen, it means disrespecting your king. Should I remind you about the punishment?" Serefina looked at her long-polished nails thoughtfully.

"Go," Lilac couldn't afford to endure another headache. If Serefina finally decided to stop pretending that she didn't exist, then it meant there was something important that she wanted to discuss, and by all means, Lilac was more interested to hear what the witch wanted to say rather than Keira's never ending suggestions.

"Yes, your grace…" Keira lowered her head, but took another wary glance at Serefina before she left the room with three female werewolves behind her.

"Your grace…" Serefina enunciated the title mockingly. "I like how it sounds."

"I offered you a chance to have it, but you didn't take it." Lilac shrugged and leaned her back against the backrest. "So, don't regret it."

"Nah, it doesn't suit me, I don't want to live in a golden cage." Serefina bit back.

It seemed, their meeting would not feel complete without starting with a few sarcastic words.

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