The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 741: Reputation to keep

Lilac knew, the moment Serefina refused to shake hands with her, there was nothing normal that would be left between them. She could understand that. That was why she was here to straighten out the problem between them.

However, the atmosphere became very tensed when the witch, once again, refused to let her in and without a second thought, Lilac was too upset to listen to her reasons and barged into her room anyway.

And when she finally realized her impulsive behavior, it was already too late to retreat, and now they both landed in yet another tense situation.

Lilac stood up after hearing Serefina's hypocritical words and approached her. "There is no need to lie. We both know that no one is happy in a situation like this," she said and met her gaze. "I come here to straighten out the misunderstanding between us."

"There is no such thing between us," Serefina spoke solemnly.

"Maybe not now, but we can't know what happens in the future for sure." Lilac looked around Serefina's bedroom. This was one of the largest bedrooms in this castle and Jedrek allotted her this room. "I just want to make things easy for us, so as to expel any awkwardness between us."

Serefina looked at her with a smirk at the corner of her lips and crossed her arms while staring at the guardian angel defiantly. "I am here to speak about the upcoming war, the prophecy and how we should end this. I don't have any intention to reminisce my past with Jedrek or create new memories with him. I can assure you that."

That was a lie and Serefina hid her own thoughts well. She was very proud of herself.

"I agree with the three things that you said; the upcoming war, the prophecy and how we should end this." Lilac heaved a heavy breath. "But, what if I say; I will give up on Jedrek if he wants you."

Serefina kept her face straight when she replied that. "I heard you are raised by the moon goddess herself, so I assume you should have known that you have to be with Jedrek." She tilted her head as her lime green eyes observed Lilac. "You and the other two guardian angels are gift for those Donovans." Derision leaked through Serefina's lips when she said her last sentence. "So, you should stay with him. That is what the prophecy says."

"I don't care about the prophecy. This is my offer to you." Lilac wanted to get the bottom of this.

"And I refuse." Serefina shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "Stay with Jedrek, you look good together."

"Another lie," Lilac sneered.

"Just pretend you don't know that," Serefina said casually. "we just have to play our roles, the moon goddess is very generous to put us in this interesting situation." Heavy sarcasm was laced in Serefina's words and Lilac could feel the irony of it.

After all, Lilac had said the same thing about roles to Jedrek, not too long ago.

They held each other gazes for a few seconds longer before Lilac broke the silence between them. "When will be the other guardian angels coming over?"

"They will come with their mates two or three days from now," Serefina replied.

"And their people?" Lilac watched as Serefina walked across the room to pour two drinks for them.

"Torak's people will come as soon as he gives a signal, but Kace has a condition for Jedrek." Serefina kept the bottle aside before picking up the glasses as she walked toward Lilac again. "Since you are here, I want you to inform Jedrek about this."

Lilac stared at the glass that was extended to her, but she didn't take it. "Why should I?" she raised her head and smiled harmlessly at Serefina. "Since you are good at pretending, I want to see more of your pretense."

Lilac ignored the glass that was offered to her, the same way Serefina had ignored her extended hand earlier.

"You can say it yourself to Jedrek over dinner." Lilac walked toward the door and said her last words before she closed the door. "I am sorry for disturbing you."


Lilac walked out of Serefina's room, but it only took her three steps before she felt her heart turning heavy.

She didn't mean to treat her that way, it was an impulse. She felt great when she did that, but not now. She felt horrible…

The only consolation that Lilac said to herself was; Serefina didn't treat her any better, so there was nothing to be sorry about.

When Lilac walked past the corridor on the second floor to reach Jedrek's study room, she saw Tordoff walking out through the gates. He looked like he was going on a long journey.

Where is he going?

"My lady, the king wants to see you in his study room." Lyrus spoke from behind Lilac and this startled her. "I am sorry if I startled you," the general added.

"No, it's okay." Lilac waved her hand. "Actually, I am on my to his study too."

Lyrus nodded politely and walked past her. If the Beta disliked her, then he was good at hiding it, not like some generals, who were blunt in showing their disrespect toward Lilac.

"Beta Lyrus," Lilac called him and waited until he turned around. "Where is Tordoff going?"

Lyrus glanced at the entrance gates and spotted Tordoff's figure disappearing in time before the gates were closed again.

"The king ordered him to go to the eastern region because it had been a long time since the last time Killian reported back to us," Lyrus said politely, but then he stared at Lilac deeply. "You don't need to concern yourself over him too much. The king will not like it if he came to know about this."

"I am just asking. What is wrong with that?" Lilac frowned.

"There is nothing wrong with that, but your mating ceremony will be within a week. You don't want to have a bad rumor circulating around you before that happens. Don't let your reputation be tarnished. Not everyone is on your side," Lyrus warned her.

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