The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 735: Serefina (3)

Serefina sheltered herself under a tree and she even had to use her power, just so that she wouldn't get wet. The witch was just being stubborn by not teleporting herself straight to the south region. She was simply wasting her time.

The sky above her, beyond the thick smoke, which Serefina had noticed all the way since she arrived at the castle, was pitch black.

The sky spat out beads of water and puddles began to form under Serefina's feet as the rain poured down heavier.

The murmuring of the rain through the leaves was akin to angry bees in Serefina's ears, but she refused to help herself from this chaotic weather

Even though she saved herself from the vengeful heavy rain, the witch couldn't stop the coldness that the wind brought every time it brushed past her body.

Occasionally, an unearthly caterwauling sound filled the air.

The witch raised both of her hands and blew warm breath into her freezing palms. She created her own fire to keep herself warm.

Even after two hours passed, the rain still had not stopped, Serefina was too tired to stand up, so in the end she crouched down, looking at the mist created by the heavy rain.

Serefina lowered her head and rested her forehead on her knees as she cried silently. She felt pathetic and helpless for crying like this. For feeling like this.

Serefina remembered the last time she felt very devastated like this was when her father left her. She didn't come to the forest where she usually meet Jedrek for days.

But, one day, when she was crying silently among the blue flowers in the meadow near her house, Jedrek managed to find her by following her scent, at that time too, she realized that the lycan was immune to some of her magic. 

Jedrek sat quietly beside her and patted her shoulder, but didn't ask anything until Serefina told him about what had happened. He listened to her.

He promised her that he would stay with her. He would never leave her…

Well, that was a lie…

Their situation now was more complicated than what they thought. Everything was not the same anymore and both of them had been through so much. They were no longer their younger selves, who were inordinately naive not to understand what would happen in the future, including things they didn't want.

Jedrek thought, as the future King, he would get everything that he wanted, be with whomever he desired, yet things got complicated when Diana gave birth to Kace and her health began to decline.

It was not normal for a lycan to get sick…

Serefina had known Kace since he was born. One night, Jedrek took Serefina to see his younger brother, in his nursery room and let Serefina hold baby Kace.

And years after that, when Jedrek was too busy with his journey with Torak and their father to visit their other domains, Serefina would play with Kace.

It was one of the most beautiful years she had ever had.

Serefina closed her eyes and let the puddle wet her dress. She would dry it later when her heart was no longer in a mess.

The rain was incessant, it snapped and crackled and continued pouring down in this realm, slowly unfurling all the flowers in the meadow.

The same rain was also pouring down on the south city, the dark clouds hanging low on the top of the castle tower.

When someone was crying under the rain, on the other side of this realm, there was someone else, standing silently while staring at the mist and relishing the petrichor that emanated from the dry grass after being drenched.

The smell soothed the king's nerves, but also brought back memories.

"Wear this," Lilac draped a warm cloak on Jedrek's shoulders and gave him a warm cup of tea. "It is a storm…" she mumbled while looking at the heavy rain outside and the thunders in the dark sky.

"Hm," Jedrek sniffed the tea before drinking it. It had become a habit.

"It is terrifying. It's my first time seeing a storm like this." Lilac tried to engage Jedrek in a conversation.

"The rainy season is coming," Jedrek replied.

After that, they shared a comfortable silence while drinking their hot tea to warm their body. Even after an hour, it didn't seem like the rain would stop.

Both of them were standing in the corridor, where the huge windows lined up the walls.

"Tomorrow the three representatives will come," Lilac reminded him. "Are you feeling better now?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I am fine," Jedrek put down the tea cup at the table beside him. "Come, I will take you to your room." he stretched out his hand for Lilac to take.

Lilac smiled and put down the empty cup beside his and took his hand.

The corridor was almost empty, there were only a few servants and guards here and there, and all of them would lower their heads when Jedrek and Lilac walked past them.

"The mating ceremony will be held in two weeks from now," Jedrek informed Lilac.

The guardian angel wasn't really anticipating this event, but Jedrek seemed determined to be done with it as soon as possible. Perhaps, her reluctance was because she knew the true reason behind it. "Don't you have to deal with the problem regarding Maximus and your people first?" Lilac asked. "I don't think this is the right time. After all, this is not very important."

Jedrek stopped walking in front of Lilac's room and opened the door for her. "This is the right time and this is important." He held the door for her. "Now, take some rest."

Lilac entered her room, but she stood in the doorway. Raising her head, Lilac stared into Jedrek's blue eyes as she spoke. "Serefina is only two days away from here."

After hearing that, Jedrek didn't answer her immediately, but then he leaned over and kissed her temple. "Goodnight," he said, as if Lilac hadn't mentioned anything.

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