The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 729: She is on her way here

"Do you think they are all right? Don't we need to go and find them? It's almost dark and they have already gone for hours now." Raine was worried about Raphael, just like Hope toward Lana. She hadn't even met her properly when Raphael took her out of the house to who knew where.

"Don't worry, they will come back soon." Torak caressed his mate's head, but it couldn't cease her restlessness. "I will ask Calleb to find them if they still don't come back in an hour."

"There is nothing to be worry about that girl, as she was his mate, no matter how angry he was with her, Raphael will not do something that will hurt her." Calleb added. "Moreover, tomorrow we will go to the other realm, there is no way they will not come back."

"Okay." Raine finally relented and rested her head on Torak's shoulder.

The three of them were sitting in the family room with the television on but no one was watching. Meanwhile, Hope was with Kace somewhere, having time for themselves.

Outside the house, the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw and under the infinity starry sky, Hope and Kace were sitting on the grass, leaning against each other.

"Do you think, Lana will be fine? The two of them still haven't returned until now," Hope murmured.

"You are worrying for nothing," Kace sighed and lay down on the ground, relishing the cold evening breeze. He stretched out his hand and played with Hope's hair while staring at her back.

There was a comfortable silence between them for a moment until Hope spoke again. "I know Lana has feelings for you," she stated clamly, successfully stunning Kace speechless with her words.

The lycan was too ignorant to realize that Hope had known about this long ago. The reason why she kept quiet was because she loved both of them. No matter what, Hope always looked up to Lana as her older sister and Kace was definitely everything that she needed.

Thus, she was afraid to confront this issue bluntly. Knowing Kace would never betray her was an assurance for Hope to ignore Lana's feelings for her mate, though sometimes she would get jealous and stand up if Lana went overbroad.

"I don't have feelings for her. You know that," Kace said sternly and started to play with her hair again. "I think of her as my younger sister."

Hope sighed deeply and turned her body so that she could face her mate. "I know. Therefore, I am very grateful when she finally found her own mate." Hope flashed Kace a gentle smile and lay down on his chest. "I hope Raphael treats her well. She deserves to be happy."

Hope couldn't help but think about Serefina. The witch had been through one-sided love too, but unlike Lana, who was fortunate enough to meet her mate, Serefina now had to walk toward her ex-lover, who had a mate of his own. It was cruel to say the least…

"He will," Kace assured her.



"The war is getting closer, huh?"


"I want to stay like this forever."

"So do I."

"A war meant deaths of a lot of people," Hope said sadly. That was an undeniable and brutal truth about a war. It didn't matter which party could finally won, both of them would lose something.


"New medicine?"Jedrek raised his eyebrows at a bowl filled with red liquid and emitted a strong scent that Lilac brought for him.

"Hope this one will work," Lilac said as she sat down beside the bed and handed the medicine to Jedrek. "The healer still doesn't know about your wounds."

"It doesn't matter." Jedrek took the bowl from Lilac's hand, but he didn't drink it immediately. "I feel better now."

"You have to drink it while it is still hot," Lilac reminded him when she saw that Jedrek had put down the bowl. Although their relationship had shown some progress, but Lilac could see how much he distrusted others, including her.

Jedrek looked at Lilac and sniffed the red liquid. His nose slightly scrunched when the strong smell hit his nostril.

"Don't be a baby. Now bottoms up." Lilac crossed her arms, waiting for Jedrek to relent. It had been their routine now, as it would take more than thirty minutes for Lilac to convince Jedrek that the medicine was safe before he was willing to finish it.

"I don't need this." Jedrek gave back the bowl to Lilac, refusing to drink. "This will not heal my wounds."

"No, we have to try. Who knows that this one will work, right?" Lilac frowned when she saw that Jedrek stood up from the bed and walked toward the bathroom.

Not long after that, Lilac heard the sound of water and she could only sigh in annoyance. She decided that she would wait for Jedrek until the stubborn king drank his medicine, thus while waiting, she walked toward the balcony and felt refreshed when the cold evening breeze caressed her face.

Above her, the pale crescent moon shone beautifully among the stars and the tranquility managed to put the guardian angel's restless heart at ease.

When the wind rattled the branches, it brought a dry leaf along into her hand. The leaf had travelled so far, blown by the wind again and again all the way up to Lilac, as it gave her a message…

The last pure blood witch was on her way to the southern region.

Lilac bit her lips, she felt nervous for the reason that she already got to know, but still it didn't make things easier for the three of them.

She turned around right in time when Jedrek just came out from the bathroom with droplets of water dripping from his hair with a grey robe clinging on his well-built body.

Lilac walked slowly to approach him and took the towel from his hand. "Let me help you."

"You are still here?" Jedrek frowned, but he lowered his head slightly to let her dry his hair.

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