The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 726: The same wound like his younger brother

"The king is looking for you," Sebastian said when he met Lilac, after the guardian angel was done talking to Kaitsa.

For now, Kaitsa was mourning over her mate and was closely guarded so as not to harm herself, Lilac also gave an order to the guards to keep Ed from Kaitsa if she was not stable yet. Just in case, she might hurt the child like she had done earlier.

The conversation between Lilac and Kaitsa couldn't be described as a smooth one, since Kaitsa refused to shift back into her human skin even after half-way during Lilac's monologue. Most of the talking was done by Lilac and Kaitsa didn't have any other choice except to listen to her because the situation did not allow her to speak up or fight back.

And when Lilac thought she had explained everything that Kaitsa needed to know or possibly wanted to ask about, she left her alone, mourning, with an order to the guards outside of the room.

"Why?" Lilac asked. "We will leave to the city in a few."

"You can ask him yourself." After saying that Sebastian walked past Lilac. "Lyrus and I will wait in front of the gates with the other guards," he said impassively.

With a confused mind, Lilac walked back to Jedrek's chamber. He must have used the mind link to give an order to Sebastian.

Lilac walked under the scorching afternoon sun across the yard and reached the king's wing. It took twenty minutes of walking and when Lilac finally arrived, she was slightly panting and sweating. The dress that she was wearing, unfortunately, was not very thick, because she preferred something as simple as possible to make it easier for her to move.

The two guards, who were guarding Jedrek's chamber, nodded their heads respectfully at her and opened the door.

Once Lilac entered the room, she found Jedrek standing with his back facing the door, in his hand, was a book with black cover.

"Were you looking for me?" Lilac asked, she leaned her shoulder against one of the four pillars of the bed while fanning her face.

Jedrek turned around and saw his mate flushed face, for a moment, the king didn't say anything and relished the sight.

"Why?" Lilac frowned upon being stared at. "Sebastian said you were looking for me?"

Jedrek put down the book in his hand and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was wearing a grey robe that covered almost all his body, apparently he just finished taking a bath, as a few droplets of water were dripping from his wet hair.

He looked sexy and Lilac's throat became dry at the sight of him.

"I want to know what you were talking to Kaitsa," Jedrek talked in a soft voice. "You didn't allow anyone inside the room."

Lilac understood. He must be curious. "I said the truth. Maximus had been betraying you and took the devil's side, it was an unforgivable crime. He challenged you for the Alpha position, so it was only right for you to take his life, since that was the rule, right?" She shrugged her shoulders.

Lilac didn't know the whole laws of lycanthropes, but she learned one or two things and a challenge for an Alpha position meant that only one person could survive while the other would meet their end.

After that, Lilac explained a few things for five minutes before she concluded.

"That's it." Lilac told everything to Jedrek.

"And what did she say in return?" Jedrek walked closer toward Lilac and stopped when he was just a few inches in front of her. He was standing sinfully closer for Lilac's already bothered self.

This close proximity, made Lilac feel nervous slightly. "Unfortunately, she didn't say anything." But, then she corrected her sentence. "She couldn't say anything."

Jedrek raised his eyebrows questioningly. "And why couldn't she say anything? Did you cut her tongue off or what?"

"No. Of course not." Lilac cringed when she heard that. It was impossible for her to do something horrible like that. "I tackled her down and covered her mouth so she couldn't snarl at me. So, I spent over an hour talking alone. I am sure she was listening." Lilac grinned.

"She must listen to you," Jedrek stretched out his hand and caressed her cheek tenderly.

Lilac could feel her face becoming warm and red. There was something about their closeness that sent her heart thumping wild and the spark between them only urged her to lean in to his touch.

"I have to go," Lilac said hoarsely, she blinked her eyes to look at Jedrek and saw that her mate was looking at her intensely, the kind of gaze that she had never seen before.

"You will go with Sebastian and Lyrus, yes?" Jedrek wanted to make sure that Lilac stayed away from Tordoff.

"I will go with Sebastian and Lyrus," Lilac said.

And as if, this was a common thing for them to do, as if they had done this many times, Jedrek pinched her chin and tilted her head, as he bent his body and Lilac tiptoed to meet with his kiss.

It was an innocent kiss, only a peck on her lips, but it was enough for Lilac's silly heart to flutter uncontrollably.

"Be careful," Jedrek whispered on her lips.

"I will," Lilac said. She opened her eyes and met Jedrek's concerned gaze.


At one of the dark corners of the castle, a man was standing beside an opened window, the same window where he was standing a few nights before. From the grey cloak with a firebird symbol encrusted on the back of it, one could identify him as one of Jedrek's generals.

The general was waiting, waiting for the same muffling sound and when he heard it, a smirk crept on his lips.

This voice sounded like human, but their tones were hard to comprehend. The sound was akin to fingernails scrapping on a chalkboard.

The whisper came from a shadow like a smoke.

"He is injured and the wounds don't seem to heal, just like his younger brother." He nodded and grinned. "The guardian angel is going to the city.��

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