The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 721: Early in the morning

"How is the King?" Sebastian asked when he watched as Lilac walked out of the King's chamber leisurely.

The fight last night had been known to everyone in this castle and Maximus's body had been burned, he was named as a traitor and died for challenging the alpha position. His mate had been informed and she wanted to meet the king to know what exactly had happened.

After all, her mate had been away for a year because of the king's order, but the moment he came back, the first news that she got was Maximus had been executed for treason.

She deserved an explanation that she was adamant to hear from the king himself, but that would have to wait, because right now, there was another important thing to take care of.

"He is still recovering from his injuries," Lilac replied.

"It is impossible!" Kyle shouted. "How could the wounds not heal even after one night? We are not like you," he spoke in derision while looking at Lilac.

Here it goes again.

Lilac really couldn't understand this highborn Lycan for thinking of the guardian angel as low as they could when the truth was telling them otherwise.

Probably, it was what they always say; you could defeat them, but to gain their respect was something else entirely.

"I am very glad to know that we are not the same kind." Lilac used the same tone as Kyle when she replied. "I want someone to call the best healer in the city."

Lilac watched as Sebastian, Kyle and Warlock remined standing rooted to the ground and didn't even budge from their position, they even acted as if they could not hear a thing.

"You," Lilac nodded to the guard who was positioned not so far from the chamber. "Call the best healer in the city."

If the three of them were too arrogant to take orders, then Lilac would give orders to someone else. She didn't have the time and patience to deal with their rude attitudes.

"He will not take order from you. He is the king's guard." Sebastian enunciated every word clearly, as though if he didn't do that, Lilac couldn't understand him.

From the corner of Lilac's eyes, she could see Warlock and Kyle sneering, but it made the guardian angel smile too.

Lilac flashed a warm and gentle smile as she spoke her next words. "Then he will not take orders from status-less people. But I do have a very reasonable status, haven't I?" Lilac trained her eyes toward the guard. "Do you know that I am the king's mate and your future queen? Do you know what would happen to those people who disobeyed a direct order?" She stared at the three generals as well.

"I will find the healer, your grace." The guard was about to excuse himself when Warlock raised his hand to stop him.

"What do you want to say? The king of the lycanthropes needs a healer?" Warlock looked at Lilac questioningly. "It is the king that we are talking about. There is no way he needs a healer."

"If the news about the king's sickness circulated among the people, it will cause another commotion, we already have enough problems on our plates." Kyle chimed in. "The king has never been sick."

Lilac crossed her arms and raised her chin defiantly. "He is now."

"You must have done something to him." Sebastian narrowed his eyes as if accusing her.

They had been waiting in front of Jedrek's chamber since the sun had yet to rise and the only thing that prevented them from barging inside the room was because Lyrus and Eaton didn't allow them. It was the king chamber after all and the king was with his queen.

However, hearing that the king had fallen ill was beyond expectations and they felt that they had to confirm it thoroughly.

"I did something to him?" Lilac asked incredulously and chuckled. "Can't you hear the irony in your own words? I am the weakest creature in you perception." Lilac threw them a nasty look before she continued. "Hurting the strongest creature in this realm, until he can't recover?" Lilac snickered and shook her head. "At least be consistence with your accusations."

After Lilac said that, there were deep growls from the three generals in front of her and the guard didn't dare to move to carry out Lilac's order.

"Calm down…" Lilac stepped aside and revealed the closed door behind her. "If you want to go inside, go on," She said casually and waved her hand to the door handle.

However, this sudden change of attitude made the generals frown.

"But, Jedrek doesn't want to see you. He said he will burn the first person who entered the room," Lilac looked at them sharply.

Sebastian sneered. "He doesn't want to see us, his generals, but let you come and go as you wish?"

"Precisely," Lilac nodded.

"If you want to lie, do it in a more convincing way!" Warlock snarled, he was still upset for being trapped by Lilac's power for hours last night. "What made you think that we would believe that?"

"I am your queen. Disrespecting me means you are disrespecting your king." Lilac needed to think another way to make them respect her. She had been saying this a few times and they were still talking to her in the same manner.

"You don't have a coronation yet," Kyle hissed as he glared at Lilac.

"With or without the coronation, I am still your Luna. Your Alpha's mate." Lilac squinted her eyes. "Go on and let us see, what consequences you would have to face for disobeying the Alpha's direct order."

Actually, Jedrek never mentioned anything about this. Lilac just made up this order because of what Jedrek said last night.


"You are leaving early?"

The voice behind her startled the witch, especially when her mind was wandering somewhere else. She turned around and snapped at Calleb. "Can all of you, Lycans, stop bothering me for a damn second?!"

Calleb shrugged his shoulders. "I just woke up and saw you going out."

Serefina groaned. Torak and Calleb had been bothering her about leaving, and now, when she was just about to leave, she had to meet Calleb. Great!

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