The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 715: He felt it too, right?

"I am asking you!!!" Jedrek growled in annoyance. No one had ever disrespected him the way Lilac did and was still alive. But, at the end of the day, of course this fierce girl was an exception.

Jedrek grabbed Lilac's elbow and forced her to stand up and like what always happened before, Jedrek couldn't control his strength, thus he ended up hurting Lilac even more.

"You are hurting me!" Lilac snapped back at him and tried to push him away.

This time, Jedrek didn't insist on holding her and finally let her go after seeing Lilac's pained expression. However, he was still furious. "I told you to go back to your room!"

"Did you hear me agreeing to that?" Lilac turned around and entered the gloomy dungeon.

On the other hand, Eaton and Lyrus looked at each other, they felt a little bit awkward upon seeing the couple's argumentation, though it looked like this wouldn't be the last, but they swore it was the first time there was someone dared enough to argue with Jedrek after a long time.

Stiffly, Eaton and Lyrus followed the furious royal couple into the dungeon.

Inside, there were already several guards carrying the bodies of their dead friends, they could see how many casualties had fallen because of this mysterious attack. It seemed almost all the guards on duty had died.

"Where did you put the girl?" Lilac asked the guard, who had been following her.

The guard didn't answer her question immediately and looked at his King for confirmation, only when Jedrek nodded his head, did he led the way to the deepest part of the dungeon.

"Who had done this?" Lyrus watched as one of the guards carried a dead body with blood still dripping on to the floor. He was curious, "Why didn't their wounds heal?"

"The devils," Jedrek replied the first question while Lilac replied the second one.

"Black magic." Lilac knitted her brows when the strong stench of rotting flesh mixed with blood hit her nostrils, she glanced at Jedrek, but he seemed as if it didn't bother him. Shouldn't he have a sharper sense of smell? "It prevented them from mind-linking the other guards."

Meanwhile, Jedrek glanced at Lilac, though she seemed to be frowning and feeling uncomfortable, her steps were steady enough and lacked hesitation when she approached the cell where they kept the girl.

"That makes sense." Eaton commented.

"But, how do you know it was the devil?" Lyrus asked curiously.

"There is no strange scent here. Those devils don't have scent." Eaton replied and Lyrus nodded in understanding, he just remembered that the devil indeed had no scent and since they had the support of the witches, it was only fitting that what Lilac said was true.

"Someone had opened the door," the guard said when he found the door to the girl cell was unlocked.

"Of course, they had," Lilac grumbled and pushed the guard aside as she was about to open the door when Jedrek pulled her away and entered the room first, followed by Lilac and the others. "The devil has taken the girl."

Lilac could feel it when she arrived at this dungeon since she could no longer feel the darkness from Terra, but she just needed to confirm it by seeing it herself.

"Why can't you feel it when the devil was nearby?" Lyrus crossed his arms and asked Lilac. "If you are able to feel them, you could have notified us."

"Obviously, it's because I can't feel them." Lilac frowned.

"But, you can feel the darkness from the girl," Lyrus asked again. "I don't understand why when you can feel the darkness from the human girl, but you can't feel the devil."

"Because they are two different things. Every human being has darkness in their heart. However, I will only be able to feel their darkness if it has reached a certain level, just like what happened with that young girl." Lilac was in deep thoughts, she explained while staring at the chain on the floor, the same chain that was used to restrain Terra.


"Didn't you say that you would leave once you found out what was troubling Raine?" Torak glanced at Serefina, who was standing beside him.

They were on the ship deck and only an hour before the ship docked, staring at the horizon where the orange hues had appeared, as a sign that the sun would rise soon.

"You need someone to take you to my house," Serefina mumbled in reply. It was a lame excuse, even she knew it was.

"I think Kace and Hope remember where your house is, even though they've been away for a year."Torak responded and the witch was grumbling something incoherently. "Do it quickly and get it done right then and there, you know from the beginning that your relationship with Jedrek will not go according to what you planned by the time the moon goddess lifted this curse. That is the real reason why you left right?"

"Mind your own business." Serefina glared at Torak and it was a rare occasion that the Alpha didn't bite back.

The first ray of the sun was warm and beautiful to see, it was the time when the day casted away the cloak of the night and the cold wind.

"How did you feel when you found Raine?" Serefina asked all of sudden.

Torak looked at the witch and realized what actually she wanted to know. "I don't know how to put it into words," he started. "I feel like my life before meeting her is dull in comparison."

Serefina lowered her head and watched the reflection of the ship on the clear water of the sea. "So you are happy now?"

"She completes me," Torak said. "The word 'happy' cannot describe what I feel. It feels like all of my sins had been forgiven when I am with her."

"Hm," Serefina mumbled. She bit her lips when she thought; so, he would feel what Torak felt too, right?

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