The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 708: Where have you been?!

"Sst!" Raine looked around her, but the earlier path which led them here, was too far for them to reach without being noticed. "Stop crying, Hope," Raine said helplessly, she covered Hope's mouth with her palm.

Eventually, Hope's cries subsided and she glanced over her shoulder to see the devil woman and Terra who were now approaching in their direction.

"Come here," Raine said as she grabbed Hope's hand and ran toward the direction of the dark underground passage, from where they were separated from Torak, Kace and the other hunters before coming back in time.

"They will see us!" Hope whispered desperately.

"If we stay they will find us even faster," Raine spoke while dragging Hope along with her. "I don't know how to fight."

Right! They didn't know how to defend themselves. "I will ask Kace to teach me how to fight when we return," Hope mumbled between her sobs, she wiped her tears with her free hand while running.

"Right, but we have to survive this first," Raine agreed, but her mind was too busy to think the possibility that they would be caught by the devil.

Right at this moment, something was seen hurling over Hope's head and hit the stalagmite right beside Raine's head. It was a close call!

Raine turned around and saw that the young girl was holding another dagger and ready to lunch it at them again.

"Raine, bring us back! I think this is already enough!" Hope shouted in fear when another dagger missed piercing their flesh and they could hear the devil woman ordering something to Terra. "I don't know why you bring us here, but I think we have to go back now."

Raine grimaced when she heard that.

However, when they reached a place where the supposedly passage way should be present, which they thought they have come from, they were stunned speechless at the sight of the solid wall. The passage way was not there!

"Where is that?!" Hope touched the cave stone wall, but it was very solid. "Impossible! The passageway is supposed to be here!" she groaned in frustration.

"Come here!" Raine grabbed Hope's wrist and took her behind the stalagmite to hide again. "Where are the two people?" she breathed heavily.

Hope tilted her head and looked quickly behind her, but she saw nothing. There were no one there and the only thing they could hear was the streaming river.

"Raine, you need to bring us back to our time," Hope looked at the other guardian angel beside her. It was amazing to know that Raine could bring them back to the past, but she thought it was the right time for them to return to their own mates.

Raine bit her lips, she fidgeted. "I can't," she said in a soft voice that was barely a whisper.

"You can't? What do you mean?" Hope frowned at her. "You brought us here and you should be able to bring us back, right?"

Yet, Raine shook her head. "I can't control my power."

"What do you mean by you can't control it?" It took some time for Hope to discern what Raine was saying. "You can't bring us back?"

Raine shook her head weakly. "I don't know how…"

And Hope's eyes widened in disbelief. She wiped the remaining tears from her face, now the sorrowful feeling and grief that she felt a while ago when she watched the priestess being killed was replaced with something more fearsome!

They were trapped in the past with the devil and a young crazy girl, who was able to kill the other people without batting an eye.

"What should we do now?" Hope crept closer to Raine, hiding both of them as she looked around worriedly.

"Don't worry, we will go back to our time eventually…" Raine said, but even herself could hear the hesitation in her voice.

"Someone is coming." Hope heard the sound of footsteps, someone was approaching them. She bent her body to pick two big stones, from which she gave one to Raine.

Since they didn't have any weapons with them, they should be able to use everything they could find at this point.

In spite of the fact, the stones wouldn't be able to protect them, but it was better than having nothing at all.

Raine clutched her stone tightly when the sound of the footsteps approaching them became louder. Beside her, Hope had raised her hand to attack whoever appeared in their line of sight.

Hope could feel her heart beating faster when she swung her hand and was about to strike the other person, yet her opponent moved faster than her and caught her hand mid- air.

Seeing Hope was not able to attack the other person, Raine stepped forward and raised her hand to hit the person, who held Hope's wrist.

However, Raine dropped the stone in her hand the moment she saw who it was.

"Torak!" Raine pounced onto her mate and hugged him tightly.

On the other hand, Torak immediately let go of Hope's hand when he felt his mate in his arms, safe and sound.

"Where have you been?!" Torak growled, but it wasn't because he was angry, but he was afraid that something had happened to her.

Raine and Hope disappeared all of a sudden and they couldn't find them anywhere!

Torak knew the two guardian angels disappearance must have something to do with Raine's power, but it didn't cease his worry.

Meanwhile, Kace rushed toward them when he smelled his mate and hugged Hope tightly.

"Are we back?" Hope asked in confusion.


"Why should we question the child?" Jedrek asked Lilac in his stern voice.

The first thing Jedrek heard when he arrived at the castle was; Lilac had taken a human child into the dungeon and was about to question her.

"Because she is not an ordinary child, Jedrek," Lilac talked in low voice, she tried to hide her agitation, but it seemed her annoyance leaked from every word that she spoke. "There is something evil inside the child."

"Then kill her," Jedrek said simply.

They were in the hallway where it was just the two of them. Under rays of the twilight, Lilac's furious expression only made the King feel even more amused.

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