The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 705: The traitor

"Where are they?" Raine asked, her voice was laced with fear. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized only Hope and she were walking into this place.

Looking at Raine who looked scared, Hope turned her head back to look for Kace and the other people, but there were no one behind them.

"Where are they?!" Hope was flabbergasted.

In the distance the voice of the woman who had been screaming died down and left them in an eerie silence.

Hope looked around her, but just now she realized, the fireflies that had been floating around her from earlier, which had been helping them to reach this place, had gone.

In the dead silence, they could hear faint voices coming from the same direction as they heard a woman's scream earlier.

Hope was still floored with what was happening, but Raine immediately got the gist of what was going on.

If Raine was not mistaken, apparently, they came back in time again, it was the same feeling and situation that she had been through more than twice…

"Come with me," Raine said as she grabbed Hope's hand to follow her.

Hope kept looking around and when she realized Raine was taking her toward the direction of the muttering voices, instead of turning back to go where they came from, she questioned her. "Where? We have to find the others."

"Sst!" Raine put her finger to her lips to signal Hope to keep quiet, "We can't find them now."

"Why?" Hope asked in low voice, but she let Raine to bring her toward the other direction. "Maybe we are going too fast, so they were left lagging behind."

Raine shook her head regretfully. "I am afraid that is not the case."

"What do you mean?" Hope narrowed her eyes when Raine pushed her to hide behind one of the stalagmites, and looked at Raine questioningly, .

"We are not in our time," Raine spoke and when she saw the other guardian angel was still confused, she added, "We went back in time, to the past."

Hope widened her eyes in surprise and let out a dry chuckle, but then Raine covered her mouth giving her a warning look. "I know it sounds impossible, but it is real." Raine knew what she was saying was true, as she nodded to something behind Hope's back. "Look."

With curiosity, Hope glanced over her shoulder and craned her neck to look at something that Raine told her behind the stalagmite.

And there, she watched in horror, the priestess standing alive! Not like her ghostly figure, with thin body and surrounded by smoke that floated in the air, but in flesh.

The priestess looked very beautiful. She was wearing the same white cloak that Hope had seen when they met for the first time.

However, in front of the priestess, with their backs facing Hope and Raine, were none other than the devil woman and Terra, the young maiden, who was once the priestess's trusted follower.

The devil and the devil child!

Yet, that was not the thing that caught Hope's attention. The fact that the priestess was already dead, but now that she stood before her, alive, made Hope gasp in disbelief.

How could that be possible?!

"She is the priestess, right?" Raine asked in low voice.

Hope nodded absentmindedly, without averting her gaze from the three people there.

On the other hand, Raine could understand Hope's astonishment. She too was like her before, the only difference was; Raine had to face it alone, that too in a more unpleasant place.

"Yes, she is," Raine nodded when Hope whipped her head to look at her. "We have came back to the time when the priestess is still alive."

Hope opened and shut her mouth, yet in the end there was only a single word that she could say. "How?"

"My power," Raine answered it simply.

"But, I thought…" Hope thought Raine was only able to see the past or the future, not literally went back to the past. "We are really in the past now…?"

Raine put her finger in front of her lips again and nodded at the priestess, the devil and the young girl there. "Yes."

Hope shifted her attention back to the three people, just in time when the priestess gave a dagger to the young girl and mumbled in a vicious tone to the devil, who was kneeling in front of her, clutching her neck in pain.

"Terra, stab her and I will seal her in this mountain," the priestess gave an order to the young maiden as she prepared to put some spells on the devil, so she couldn't run away.

The priestess was very focused until the end that she failed to see it coming. Instead of doing what she was told, Terra thrust the dagger into the priestess's chest.


Lilac walked on the street with Theo beside her and another three lycan warriors that followed behind her. As if she needed protection from them! She could protect herself just fine!

However, Lilac didn't say a word about her displeasure. She had enough argumentation with Jedrek this morning, regarding this.

Apparently, the rumor saying all the Alpha lycans were awfully overprotective and very authoritative was true. Lilac experienced it firsthand what it feels like to be the subject of possessiveness.

Jedrek wouldn't even allow her to go outside the castle if she didn't bring these people with her, on the other hand, the King had another matter that needed to be handled personally by him, so he couldn't go with her.

No, Lilac didn't want Jedrek to accompany her too, but she had another matter to handle as well in the city.

However, Jedrek didn't yield even after Lilac turned his throne room into a swamp. He simply said;

"You are welcome to destroy this room, but they will go with you or forget about going anywhere beyond the gates." He didn't budge at all.

"Do you think I will not be able to escape from them?" Lilac was all ready to clash head to head with her mate.

"And you will see what kind of punishment they will get."

With that sentence, Lilac was fuming, she stomped her feet out of the throne room under the hard gazes from the other generals, Lyrus and Eaton.

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