The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 673: Make it right

Suddenly, Jedrek shot to his feet. This was not because of the strangeness that he felt through the mate-bond. Somehow, he knew what was happening, even before he could confirm it. Killian, the mind reader came to his mind. Something must have happened to him. And whatever happened to him, it caused Lilac to wake up. 

Ever since Lilac was put unconscious under the illusion, Jedrek couldn't feel anything that was caused by the mate-bond. And now, he could feel it again. He decided to head there. The secret tunnel. Once again, after a few weeks since the last time he visited, he was there again.

He walked through the dark path, the one that he walked down countless times. No matter how much he had to go down there, the resentment that he felt every time he was there would never decrease, even for a slight bit of it. 

The tunnel was dead silent, like it always was. Jedrek's footsteps was the only sound that echoed through the wall. Unlike usual, The Alpha king took his time to walk down this path, for this could be the last time he would be there. He knew he should have done this a long time ago. But at the same time, he understood why he did what he did, the excuse that he always made for not doing the right thing.

"Finally! You are here." Janus's grim voice was the one who greeted Jedrek the moment he stepped inside the oval chamber.

"Glad to be here." Jedrek glanced at his father. But this time, he didn't brush him away like any other time. Instead, he listened to whatever nonsense his father had to say.

"Where is the sacrifice for me?" he asked through his gritted teeth. His body was fading away. It was as if his flesh had turned into a white smoke, all transparent, and weak. Now he could no longer touch Jedrek.

"As you can see, father. I don't bring any with Me." said Jedrek calmly. He leaned his back against the wall behind him, looking patient as ever, as though he would give all the time that Janus had demanded since weeks ago.

Janus glared at his son, but tried to hold back his anger. "You know the price you must pay, and the consequences if I disappear, or your mother stops living."

Jedrek shook his head, he looked tired. Now, he didn't look like the great king of lycans, who always wore his cold façade. This time, he let out his emotion shown on his face. "She died a long time ago. All the stupid things that you had done, only prolong her life."

"IF YOU GIVE ME THE GUARDIAN ANGEL, SHE WILL LIVE!" Janus roared in frustration. He threw Jedrek a punch out of his overflowing anger. But just like before, it only passed through Jedrek's face. It only made the fallen Alpha get even more irritated.

"But, that way will kill mine." Jedrek watched Janus attentively. 

For a second he made sure that he heard it right. Listening to his son's answer, only made Janus laugh like a mad man that he was. His laugh echoed inside the room. "You don't care about her, Jedrek!" Janus hissed. He was standing one meter apart from him. "Do you forget? You are the one who killed her when she was only a few days old, remember?"

"You are right. I still haven't forgotten about that. In fact, I can never forget about that." Jedrek nodded, admitting his past sin. "But, I prefer she dies in my hand, than yours."

"YOU!" Janus was about to turn feral now. If only he could summon the beast in him again, he would have shifted and clawed his firstborn son's face without hesitation. But he couldn't with now being weak, and fading away, ready to cease from existence.

"I miss the father that you were." said Jedrek softly. His voice was barely a whisper. Yet, it sounded so sincere. The amount of sorrow that he felt was real. It was shown in his face while recalling the joyful memories of the past inside his head.

"I am still your father!" said Janus pronouncedly, trying to get that message clear to Jedrek with the pride that was in each of his words. 

"No, you are not anymore." said Jedrek while giving his father a sorry look. For so long, he had been hurt by all the things that were caused by him. "You are no longer my father, the moment you made your first deal with the devil, and more so several deals after that."

"I did that to save Diana!" Janus squeezed his fists in anger. He knew better that it would be another futile attempt if he swung those fists and tried to punch Jedrek again. "What did you do for her!?"

Jedrek's eyes turned dark along with the surfacing beast. "I wiped out those guardian angels, and their entire race from existence. All to keep your end of the deal. I brought them to the battlefield just to draw their blood when you were done sapping their power."

It was fresh in his memory, as if it happened only yesterday. Those poor guardian angels were barely alive at that time. Jedrek remembered the way those weak creatures stared at him. All in their eyes were pure hatred, something that he thought was not possible for them to do.

"The moon goddess told you to bring all the guardian angels, not me!" Janus retorted.

"Indeed." Jedrek agreed once again. "But, I am sure the goddess wouldn't have agreed to help you to keep your end of the deal with the devil! As she never said anything about sapping their power!"

If Kace, and Torak could accept their mate with open arms, and excitement, Jedrek just couldn't do that. The moon goddess had lifted their curse, and finally gave them mates.

This so-called blessing from the moon goddess, was actually another punishment. It felt so much like a mock from the moon goddess, when she decided to bestow them guardian angels as their mate. The very race that Jedrek and his brothers exterminated from the realm.

Even more so, when Jedrek found out that by committing such sin, they had become part of helping hands for Janus to fulfill his deal with the devils. One of the many things that not even Torak, or Kace were aware of.

"Don't blame it on me," Janus sneered. "You challenged me for the Alpha king title that you wanted so badly, and then you killed me. But, in the end, you helped me. That was your call, your decision to bring all the guardian angels to me."

Jedrek sighed deeply when he heard that. The dreadful feeling of having his father killed with his own hands, right after that time he challenged his father for the Alpha king title, ate away at his conscience. Jedrek thought that he could make amends by saving Diana. And that the only way that was left for him to follow, was the way that Janus had paved.

Jedrek realized that he had walked the same path, and that was his first huge mistake. Because it led him to another, and more unforgiving mistakes.

"I challenged you because you threatened to kill Kace, if I didn't give you what you wanted." Jedrek pushed himself from the wall, and straightened his back. His dark eyes were filled with a rounded determination. "That was my mistake. And now, I will make it right."

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