The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 666: You don't deserve loyalty

Left petrified, Lilac didn't know what to say. Nothing came into her mind that she could use as a response to the unexpected news Jedrek had delivered. How could he kill his own general without batting an eye!?

"You lie!" said Lilac through her gritted teeth. She was absorbed in her anger while processing the news. It made her voice shaky that it was almost like every single cell in her body was so furious.

"I'm sorry that I didn't keep his head to prove my words." stood on the other side of the bed, Jedrek's eyes fixed on Lilac. 

"You, bastard!" All the dizziness that she felt seconds ago disappeared. It was immediately replaced by a profound enmity attitude. The word hatred was not enough to describe what she felt now. "I hope you rot in hell! You're a monster!!!" Lilac screamed on top of her lungs, she didn't even care that her scream hurt her throat even more than it already was.

"Monster?" Jedrek tilted his head, his eyes darkened the moment he heard that call addressed to him from his mate. "Yes, I am. You just realized it, my dear mate? What a surprise!"

"Bastard!" Lilac screamed again. Her eyes blazed with fury that she could no longer contain.

"Yes, you've said that before." Jedrek didn't show any emotion in response to Lilac's overwhelming outburst. He was far from looking bothered. The Alpha king walked calmly towards the table near him. He poured a glass of water. "Here, drink this, so that you can scream all you want."

"Now, I do understand why the moon goddess cursed you for not having a mate." Lilac hissed viciously, she was moving towards the door, ready to escape.

"Really?" said Jedrek while raising his brows. "Please, enlighten me."

"Your soul is filthy. You don't deserve even an ounce of love. You're ruthless, mean, and the most loathsome person that I have ever met." said Lilac truthfully. She made sure that every word was enunciated carefully, so that Jedrek could feel her repulsion through her words. "Even the devils would seem angelic compared to you."

The next five minutes filled with Lilac's rants. Trying to get on Jedrek's nerves, in hope that it would make him feel the same amount of anger that she felt now. However, it was only a waste of time, for the Alpha king didn't seem to get hurt by her words. Hell! He didn't even seem to flinch, or show any facial expression when she threw all the cusses she knew, at him.

The overwhelming emotion that took control over her had finally met its end. Lilac now lost for words, she had said it all. But it was not enough. She hyperventilated. Her emotion resurfaced, she couldn't control it.

Meanwhile, there Jedrek was, leaning his back against the table. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, staring at Lilac indifferently. "Go on. Are you done?"

"I hope you rot in hell!" Lilac screamed again, her fingers reaching the doorknob behind her back, trying to open it.

"Trust me, you're not the first to hope for that." said Jedrek calmly.

Aside from all the hatred between them, the Alpha king now looked calmer. In fact, he now seemed to be more talkative compared to himself a few days ago when he faced Lilac for the first time. As for Lilac, with all the hatred that took over her senses, she couldn't stand to be near this monster any longer. She needed to go. Anywhere was fine, as long as she could get away from him.

She had her hand gripped on the doorknob already. Then, with her right hand, she turned it. She was ready to leave, spared herself from unbearable repulsion. However, as much as she wanted to go, she forgot that Jedrek would have killed her if he let her go easily. There must be something he wanted from her. No. More like there was something he needed from her.

The door was locked. And no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't break it. The door wouldn't budge. Not even a little. Seeing the struggle his mate was facing, Jedrek approached her with leisure steps. He chuckled mockingly upon seeing his mate attempt to escape from that chamber.

"Why? Do you want to go to meet your lover? What is it? You can't stand being around me that you want to leave so badly? Are you that angry?" he asked rhetorically.

Lilac turned around, and faced Jedrek. She smirked defiantly. "Why? Can't you tell from my expression? Should I tell you out loud that just being near you, is really disgusting?"

"You have no choice then. You will have to find a way to bear with it, and get used to it. I hate to tell you this, but I have no intention of letting you go anytime soon," said Jedrek with his cold demeanor. "I do apologize for killing your lover. I should have waited until you're awake, so that you could see it with your own eyes, the consequences of betraying me."

"You don't deserve loyalty, Jedrek." Lilac bit back. She refused to back down, ever. Even now, when she didn't even have her power to protect herself from the worst that could happen: Jedrek's wrath. The guardian angel would never give in to the situation.

"And let what happened to Tordoff, be the fate of those who betray me!" said Jedrek while gritting his teeth. He shoved Lilac's away, so he could open the door. And then, he disappeared behind it. However, when Lilac was about to open it again right after Jedrek left, the door had been locked. She was sure Jedrek wouldn't have time to lock it. 

"What is this!?" Lilac tried to turn the knob, but the door wouldn't move. She kicked it, but nothing happened. The door was obviously made of wood. But for some reason, she couldn't bend it with her power. She couldn't feel it. There was something wrong here, or maybe, was it because her arm that had not yet healed? What is this place?—she thought.


Jedrek opened his eyes. He moved his head to look at someone beside him. It was his mate, Lilac. She was fast asleep. Her breathing was irregular, and her brows knitted tightly. The Alpha king stretched out his hand to smooth down the wrinkle between her brows. His thumb brushed her forehead carefully.

There was peace in the air when Jedrek stared at his sleeping mate silently. No one would know what was inside his mind right now, but from the way he laid his eyes on her, one could tell that there was a faint hint of helplessness, and regret. 

"Your Majesty," A man walked inside the room and broke the spell, forcing Jedrek to withdraw his attention from Lilac. "My apology for the interruption, Sir." 

"What is it Eaton?" Jedrek sat down swiftly and got out of bed.

"The mind reader was wondering, how long will you keep the girl unconscious?" Eaton was Janus's Beta, but now he pledged his loyalty to the current sovereign. He knew everything just like how Jedrek knew all the dark secrets in the Donovans family. "Because he needs to make some sort of preparation, if you mean to keep her in this state longer."

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