The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 337: Black crow

"What do you mean by something big will happen?" Raine rarely heard Torak warning her about something, if it wasn't very important.

"The war my love… I saw the sign when I went down to the dark tunnel. A sign from the devils."Torak didn't want to scare his mate, he didn't want to say it, but he had to. This was something that Raine must know.

"What sign?" Raine frowned, as she wiped her tear stained cheeks clean.

"When I went in to the dark tunnel, I saw a black crow drawn on the wall with ashes." Torak tucked Raine's hair behind her ears. "When the first war happened, this sign was everywhere, engraved on every wall in the streets and houses."

While talking, Torak tore the sheet of the bed and wrapped Raine's bloody hand, as he felt his heart ache for seeing his mate hurt hand.

Raine hissed when Torak pressed her injured hand, as the pain almost left her feeling dizzy.

Once again, he failed to protect her and now she was injured again. Yet, Torak tried to compose himself.

Raine bit her lip because of the pain and rested her head on Torak's shoulder as she continued to talk. "I did it again…" She said in a low voice.

"Hm? What did you do?" Torak asked while caressing her back in soothing motions.

"I stopped the time again." Raine confessed. "This was the second time."

The first time was when she got clawed because she tried to save Aeon when she was in the village of angel.

"But why were you two still able to move?" Raine lifted her head and looked at Torak with a complicated gaze. She was very sure that the time was stopped but Torak and Jade could move about freely.

Raine wasn't complaining, she was grateful for that, if Torak came any later than that, she would have died in the hands of that little child by now.

Regardless of her gratefulness, she still felt this was too strange and she couldn't comprehend how Torak and Jade could move.

"By two, you mean the little boy and me?" Torak's eyebrows creased. "I don't even know that the time was stopped, all I knew at that time was you were in danger. I could sense you, so I rushed back to the secret door, but it  was closed and it was so dark down there…" Torak recalled what he had done after finding the door was closed.

Apparently, prying open the door was so hard that Torak could only smash the door to go through.

Torak didn't even realize that the four Lycans that came with him were not behind him, or why they didn't follow him when he left the room.

His mind was completely with his mate and Torakcould care less about anything else.

"But, I am sure that the time was stopped." Raine insisted, the tone of her voice increased, she was afraid that Torak wouldn't believe her words.

"I know my love, I believe you." Torak reassured Raine, of course he believed her, why would she lie to him?

Raine was slightly emotional because of what had happened, but now that she was with Torak, she felt a little better.

"I am sorry, what happened earlier had scared me." Raine apologized for shouting at him.

"There is no need for you to apologize." Torak kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to tell her that she was safe now. There was nothing to be worried about.

"Torak, Calleb is seriously injured." Raine murmured, she was worried about him.

"His wounds will be healed soon. No need to worry." Torak saw Calleb's injuries, but there was nothing serious about that.

The Alpha thought that with the Gamma's healing ability, he would be fine in no time.

Yet, Raine shook her head firmly. "No, Torak… Calleb is not okay, this wound can't be healed with your kind's healing ability." Raine saw how that poor Lycan couldn't heal his wounds after being bitten by the little boy.

For some reason Raine didn't know, the wounds wouldn't close and the torn skin was still wide open, no matter how long it took.

"The cuts inflicted by that boy, were anything but ordinary." Raine then told Torak what she had seen.

Torak's frown deepened when he heard what Raine was trying to explain to him and after her explanation, he brought her to see Calleb.

Calleb was taken to a spare room on the third floor and when Raine and Torak went in, they saw that a healer was already attending to him.

Yet, from the perspiration on the female healer's forehead and her twisted expression, both Torak and Raine knew that something was wrong with Calleb.

"Why are you here? How is my Gamma?" Torak asked the healer, who was standing outside of the door, instead of inside the room.

A healer was very easy to recognize, all the healers has a jade like sign on the spot between their eyebrows, the darker the sign, the stronger the healer was.

"Alpha, Luna…" The healer greeted both of them.

"What happened to Calleb?" Raine was not patient enough to hear her greetings, she wanted to know how was Calleb now. She felt like she would burst into tears if something bad happened to him.

"I have done everything I could, but I don't know why his wounds won't close, the blood was still oozing out from his torn wound." The healer looked very confused. "He already lost a lot of blood… At this rate, I am afraid…" She didn't get to finish her words as Raine stormed inside the room to see Calleb's current condition for herself.

Raine opened the door with a bang and walked inside with Torak following behind her closely.

Inside the room, on the bed was Calleb, whose complexion was pale white as he closed his eyes with his eyebrows knitted together, and his chapped lips opened slightly.

Not only Raine, even Torak was caught off guard to see his Gamma's current condition, he had never seen Calleb being in such a state before, and the healer even said she couldn't help him.

"Calleb…" Raine crouched down beside Calleb's bed.

Upon hearing her voice, Calleb's eyes opened and as his sight fell on Raine, he grinned. "What are you crying for? I am not dead yet."

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