The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 335: Survival instinct

Out of surprise, Raine took a step back, how could he move very freely when everything was so still?

However, that wasn't the point now.

The more important thing that Raine had to do was to think how she could get away from this situation, because Calleb couldn't help her as he was still frozen and Raine didn't know what to do to make him move.

Raine clutched her injured arm as droplets of blood fell on the ground. This was her only protection, yet she was unsure if this was enough.

Her prediction could be wrong and Raine was so terrified to even think about that any further.

The situation was getting worser than she could ever imagine. Once the boy latched his teeth onto her, she would die for sure.

The little boy crept closer toward her as if he knew that Raine was different from the big grey wolf, which couldn't move now.

Raine wouldn't be able to fight him back like the beast and he didn't need to use much strength to subdue this young lady.

Therefore the little boy took his time, moving closer inch by inch, with a creepy smile on his lips that showed his sharp teeth.

Raine's heart was beating so fast, her body was shaking from to time, but there was a determined look in her eyes.

She wasn't able to comprehend, why when other people couldn't move, the little boy was still able to move freely?

However, Raine didn't have enough time to think about that, as she had to deal with the boy, who was now standing just two steps away from her.

He didn't speak as he tilted his head to the other side and looked at Raine with interest.

As Jade's red eyes shifted from Raine's face, his vision fell to the wound on Raine's hand and his brows knitted together.

He didn't like it.

As if that was her cue, Raine raised her hand and made a wave motion as she splashed the blood that had pooled in her palm toward Jade.

Yet, the boy moved so fast and dodged the blood which came splashing on him swiftly. He jumped backward and stopped near the secret door, keeping some distance away from Raine.

His action relieved Raine as she understood that he was afraid of her blood and her idea actually worked.

Between her fear and anxiety, Raine gathered her courage to take a step forward with shaking legs and trembling hand, she felt slightly dizzy because of the blood loss, apparently she cut her palm deeper than she intended.

The boy growled at Raine and showed his canines, which she didn't even realize him having them until he bared his jaw.

This situation was so tricky and Raine hoped she knew how to make the time run again, it would be better if she had Calleb as back up since she knew how to hurt this little boy.

But, that wasn't the case and now she was all alone with this creepy boy.

All of a sudden Jade fell on his four limbs and raised his head as he assumed a position of a wolf that was ready to attack its prey.

It was insane! Raine didn't think she was fast enough to dodge his fast attacks.

Now, Jade was lowering his head, his red eyes zeroed in on Raine's neck. The sweet spot where those shape shifters liked, where the blood vessels throbbed with temptation.

Jade's hungry eyes didn't miss his target as all of a sudden he lunged his body in the air, ready to knock Raine down and enjoy the guardian angel's blood easily.

On the other hand, Raine squinted her eyes and moved as fast as she could to her left side when Jade lurched toward her with his tiny sharp claws raised in the air.

Just as expected, Raine wasn't fast enough compared to the little boy, as his sharp claws grazed her right arm and wounded her.

Raine hissed when her blood smeared her clothes, but Jade also wailed in pain when Raine's blood touched him.

He was in agony as he clutched his hand that he just used to claw Raine with.

Jade groaned and started to bite his own hand that started to look like it was burning as Raine could see his skin covered in blisters and burns.

Raine's blood actually affected him so much.

And the next thing that the boy did was staring at Raine in animosity and antagonism. Jade snarled, he was nothing like a three year old child!

If before Raine was still holding herself back because she still looked at Jade as a child, but not anymore.

Not when he crawled so fast toward Raine on his four limbs, intending to bite her to death.

Raine was ready, this was the moment what Serefina always chided her upon, about her being able to do everything that she could do to preserve her life, because her enemy wouldn't wait for her to be ready.

Just because she showed some compassion to her enemy that didn't mean the other party would do the same thing, and thinking so was one's first mistake.

Raine gritted her teeth. She didn't want to die.

Raine's obsidian eyes reflected the fast movement of the little boy as she tried to compose herself and gave her best to defend herself.

Yet, before the boy could reach her, a loud sound erupted from the secret door.

The wooden door was splintered by force from the other side as dirt and wood chips flung in the air.

And before either Raine or Jade could comprehend what was happening, Torak appeared next to his mate as his left hand wrapped around Raine's waist protectively and his right hand wrapped around Jade's neck ruthlessly.

Out of instinct the boy tried to claw Torak's hands desperately, trying to find a way to free himself.

While Torak's red eyes flashed with something evil, he snapped the boy's neck, yet nothing happened. He couldn't crush his tiny throat just as he wanted.

At the same time, Raine wriggled her body in Torak's embrace and put her bloody hands on the child's stomach, making sure to press them hard on his skin as her blood started oozing out again.

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