The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 315: He was a beast

"I need you to stay inside the car, alright?" Torak tousled Raine's hair as he kissed her forehead softly. "Whatever happened later, just stay inside the car and don't use mind link. I will be back as soon as possible."

Raine blinked her eyes, what did Torak mean by 'whatever happened'? Why does it sound odd in her ears? Maybe she was just over thinking things because she was nervous.

"Be careful." Raine mumbled as Torak walked out of the car.

"I will." Was all Torak replied. Afterward, the Alpha walked inside the building, leaving his Luna alone.

Torak opened the front door, he strolled inside the building in his imposing aura. The inside of this building was so messy with so much dirt on the floor and crumpled old newspapers everywhere.

Torak walked down a big corridor that led him to a black door made of steel.

As an Alpha, the enhancement of his ability was more prominent than other Lycanthropes, thus even from behind the steel door, he could hear low whisperings and hushed voices.

Once he was standing right in front of the door, he turned the knob to open it. But it was locked, as expected.

Upon hearing the rattling sound of the knob being turned, the noises from inside the room suddenly died down and everything became quiet.

Torak tried to open it again, but it was still locked.

After the quietness, suddenly there was a sound like someone sniffing the air, and then followed by the other.

Torak smirked.

Those wretched Lycanthropes, seemingly, had sniffed his presence. Torak could care less about it.

Let them know, let them feel the fear that came crawling toward them along with the realization that their Alpha was here and what kind of punishment they were going to receive once they were discovered by their Alpha, Torak Donovan.

It had been a long time since Torak weighed a war to clear those nasty rats from his pack. This was his way to straighten out things, especially his people.

Inside a world where you could only use fear and respect to control others, Torak chose to use both.

It was either they respected Torak and his rules, or witness in fear what the consequences for someone who dared enough to challenge their Alpha.

The beast in him was asleep not dead.

So, if they thought they could overthrow him while he was missing for measly a month, the outcome of merely thinking of challenging his authority was already their downfall, not to mention they had defiantly turned it into a move.

After the sniffing sound was another noise erupted the air and was followed by the sound of broken glass.

They were trying to find their escape routes from the hell called Torak's wrath.

Torak stopped trying to turn the door knob as it was still in locked position. He raised his feet and kicked the door instead.

The door flew a few meters away, forcefully pulled out from its hinges as debris and dirt floated in the air, creatinga curtain of smoke.

Once the debris and dirt settled down, the room was empty, as if no one was there in the first place, but it wasn't Torak's concern, he kept walking.

In the middle of the room was a big round table with fourteen chairs around it, which were in complete disorder as if no one even cared when they knocked the chairs to the ground in their haste to runaway.


Raine fixed her eyes on the door, through which Torak had walked inside earlier. She hoped to see him as she felt slightly nervous.

Actually, Raine knew what Torak's original plan, though he didn't break it into detail, she knew he should be fine, yet she couldn't help but feel afraid that something might happen and the result would be something that they didn't expect.

Raine bit her lip nervously. She really wanted to see the future now, but why couldn't her ability help her when she wanted it to work the most?

Or, maybe Raine forgot something that could trigger her power? The problem was; Raine didn't even know what it was.

Amidst her haywire thoughts, all of a sudden there was a sound of glass being broken and a grey Lycan rolled on to the ground along with the shredded shards of glasses from before.

The creature had created a big hole because of his actions and from the big hole, came out dozens of people.

Their expressions were very grim as fear was clearly etched on their faces.

Yet, before they could move away and flee from the scene, an earth- shattering roar ruptured the air.

In the matter of a few seconds, all of the Lycanthropes that Raine had seen before when they were bowing their head in front of Torak, stormed out of the shadow of their hiding places in their beast form, attacking the people that came out from the building.

Some of the people turned into their Lycan form and gave a futile attempt to fight back, but there were four people who was still in their human form, however they moved too fast and strong enough to be called as normal humans.

Raine wondered if they were vampires.

This was the first time for Raine to see a battle between vampires and Lycans. She had heard before that the poison from vampire's bite could do considerable harm to a Lycan.

And from the way those four people fought the beasts, they were indeed vampires.

The battle didn't last long, it ended as soon as it started and left so much blood on the street.

When the battle ended, some beasts brought back the losing party back into the building, Raine assumed they would meet with Torak inside.

Though the dreadful battle only lasted for a minute or two, Raine's fingers couldn't stop from trembling.

Raine sighed a deep breath and closed her eyes to calm her thumping heart.

And just a few meters away from her, inside the abandoned building, Torak was sitting on a tall chair while looking at his pack members, or should he say his ex- pack member?

"Alpha Torak…" One of them called his name, even his voice was trembling. He cupped his hands together, begging for mercy.

But, would Torak be so forgiving toward them? He wasn't a saint nor an angel. He was a beast.

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