The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 309: Stop hurting me!

Next day, at 7 A.M sharp, Raine came on time to wait for Serefina inside the greenhouse. However, even when it was almost 8 A. M, the latter was nowhere to be seen.

Raine felt very bored waiting, while waiting for the witch she had fed her bunny, plucked some flowers and even spent quite some time doing  nothing but staring out into the distance, trying to see if she could awaken her own power.

But, nothing.

Seemingly, she didn't have control over when or where she could use her ability. This wasn't like a flashlight that she could turn off and on as and whenever she wanted.

Raine would be thrilled if she could foresee how Torak and she would interact in the future. Unfortunately she couldn't do that.

Once again, she looked at the time on her phone. It was ten past eight.

What happened to this witch? Raine had never had a proper appointment with the witch before, as Serefina would come and go as she wished.

When Raine stood up and was about to leave the greenhouse, tired from waiting for her, Serefina walked into the greenhouse while grumbling something incoherent.

"I am sorry, I overslept." Serefina pinched the bridge of her nose as she squinted her eyes at Raine. "What time is it?"

"Ten past eight." Raine told her right away because she had just checked the time before she decided to leave.

"Okay. We can start now." Serefina combed her messy hair with her fingers.

"Don't you want to freshen up first? Or eat and drink something?" Raine asked in concern. "You don't look good."

However, Serefina just waved her hand as she sat down on the same bench that they were sitting yesterday with Torak. "No need. Show me now."

"Show you what?" Raine grimaced when Serefina's leg accidentally hit the rectangular table in the middle. "Are you okay? We can do it tomorrow."

"Argh!" Serefina growled painfully and with the help of Raine, she tried to sit on the bench. "Thanks to your crazy mate, we don't have time for tomorrow."

Raine forced Serefina down unceremoniously because of her comment about Torak, which earned her a glare from the witch.

"So, what should I show you now?" Raine had never learnt. She shouldn't pity the witch at all. Who knows what happened to her, but somehow she still looked lethargic just like yesterday. And her eyes… "Are you wearing softlens?"

Without a doubt, Serefina's eyes color was lime green, but why did her eyes color seem to be golden brown now?

"No. Don't bother about my eyes." Serefina pushed Raine away. "We have wasted so much time already, we should start now."

Raine rolled her eyes, it was very clear that it was Serefina, who had wasted her time, by letting her wait for more than an hour, yet she talked like a righteous person. How ridiculous…

Regardless, it was pointless to talk about this to Serefina, they would only waste a few more minutes just for arguing on these trivial matters.

Thus, Raine just took a deep breath and swallowed her irritation. "So, what should I do now?"

"Show me what you get when you travelled back alone to the past." Serefina ordered her, this time she massaged the other side of her head.

"I don't know if I could do this… I am not sure…" Raine was hesitant. This was something that she had only tried once.

"You talk too much." Serefina glared at her and waved her hand as she said. "Stand there and show me."

The witch rubbed her face to gather her focus before she leaned her back against the backrest and fixed her attention on Raine.

"Alright… I will try…" Raine mumbled to herself.

She had tried this once when she traveled back to the past, but was unsure if she could do this again as she was in panic when she did it for the first time.

Instead of standing on the spot that Serefina had told her, Raine walked closer to her and squatted down.

Serefina was wearing hot pants, so Raine could see her leg which crashed into the table, had started to get bruises.

"What are you doing? Don't mind about my legs." Serefina frowned when Raine stretched out her hand and wrapped the red spot on her leg with her palm. "I said no need for this, we don't have time for you to act so caring."

Raine lifted her head, irritation was apparent in her eyes when she stared at Serefina. "Can you just shut up for a while? I'm not doing it because I pitied you, don't worry I don't. You can get your body bruised all over for all I care."

After saying that, Raine closed her eyes and concentrated.

It took her around two minutes before finally she opened her eyes and was greeted with a sarcastic remark from Serefina. "I thought you have fallen asleep."

Raine rolled her eyes at her comment and lifted her hand that covered her leg.

Before, Serefina's skin had started to show blue color, but now, it had returned to its original color as if she didn't hit her leg before.

Raine knew she could do this because when she traveled back to the past and Fabian got hurt because they fell from the cliff, she helped the latter. Thankfully Fabian was quick enough to use his magic so they didn't shatter into pieces when they hit the bottom of the cliff.

Thought the worst thing didn't happen, the wizard got hurt because his arms hit the rough surface of the rocky valley.

At that time, Raine was so panicked because the blood was oozing out from his wound and Fabian didn't know the spell to help his situation.

Thus, out of instinct, Raine grabbed Fabian's arms with both of her hands in hopes she could stop the bleeding and miraculously, the bleeding stopped.

Not only that, even the wound was healed. It happened after Raine obtained her power from the grimoire.

But, the annoying thing that Fabian said to her was…

"That's it?" Serefina raised her eyebrows questioningly. "You obtain your power and this is the only thing you could do?"

Like father like daughter!

"If you don't like to be healed. Don't worry, I can hurt you too." Raine stood up and started to hit Serefina with her bare hands.

"Aw! Stop hurting me!!!" The witch glared at her.

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