The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 300: Betrayal

After the first class ended, Stephan gave her a flash disk, it sparkled under the sunlight that came in through the window beside Raine's table.

"What is it?" Raine picked up the red flash disk and looked at Stephan curiously.

"You should thank me for summarizing all the lessons that you had skipped." Stephan said proudly. "Free lunch will do."

Raine chuckled. "Sure, but I don't want you to be at the same table with sunny and the others." She remembered the dispute last time and she thought it would be wise to not provoke Sunny any further. After all she and the other people with him were Raine's first friends.

"I am sorry sweety, but your mate will beat my a**, if I leave you out of my sight." Stephan shook his head dramatically. "You know how protective your mate can be."

"I am thanking you for this." Raine showed the flash disk in her hand, but then she waved her hand. "But, no. I don't want you to make a ruckus like last time. I will talk to Torak about this."

At the same time, and before Stephan could answer her, his phone rang, indicating that he had received a message.

Stephan skimmed through the message briefly and shrugged his shoulders. "I think you will get what you want."

Raine turned around and looked at him. "What is that?"

"I got an emergency call, so I will take my leave first." Stephan leisurely walked past her as he waved his hand.

"You will not come with me for lunch?" Raine asked in confusion. What kind of emergency could make him leave so suddenly? Usually, no matter what it was, he would never leave her side.

"I am sorry sweety, but this time even if you beg me to stay, I can't accompany you for lunch." He said with a laugh.

"Go away!" Raine shouted at him.

"Don't worry I will comeback for the afternoon classes." Stephan laughed at her reaction.

"Don't come back!"


Stephan walked toward the exit door and turned left. From afar he could see the parking lot where not many people could be seen around.

He didn't need to look for the right car for long time as he approached the black sports car, which was parked under a lush tree instead of in the parking lot.

Without checking first, Stephan opened the front seat and sat down quickly.

The moment he closed the door, he could feel the oppressive atmosphere inside the car. It was so suffocating until Stephan was having second thoughts to go out from this narrow space, but of course his mind knew that it was better not to do that.

"How are you Alpha?" Stephan greeted him timidly. This was the first time he met Torak after such a long time.

Actually he got a hunch that Torak would comeback, when he saw Raine returning after a long period of absence.

Torak, who was sitting at the back seat didn't answer Stephan's lousy greeting, instead he spoke straight to the point that he wanted to ask him. "Did you tell Lucifer about Raine's mark?"

"Ah, yes…" Stephan nodded his head. "Just like what you had predicted. He looked for me once he caught wind of the news you went missing and asked about the mark."

Silence ensued inside the car and made Stephan fidget in his seat. He gulped hard and turned his body to look at Torak, but he couldn't look him in the eyes, thus he stared at his shoulder.

"Alpha… how about our female…?" He asked gingerly.

"When will Lucifer let Reynold meet with his mate?" Torak asked. He knew it all. He had arranged it all. This was part of his plans after all.

"The devil said he would let them meet two months from now." Stephan said rather unsurely, a promise from the devil was something that could make one feel worried. "My brother had been so agitated about this."

Torak didn't talk again as he calculated something in his mind.

"Alpha…" Stephan called Torak because he didn't get any reply from him. "You know that I don't have guts to defy you, but… I don't think I can play this role for long time either… the Devils will know about this sooner or later."

"So?" Torak crossed his legs as he stared at the timid dragon shifter. This dragon shifter had been indulging himself in human world so much until his nature was corroded.

Without the influence of his brother, he would be nothing.

The scene when Torak cut off his brother's arm truly engraved in his mind and it made him fear the Alpha so much to the point even his breath turned so shallow every time he was near Torak.

Though, behind Torak's back he could still defy his order, such as letting his presence known to Raine at the very first day they met, disregarding Calleb's warning, but when he had to face Torak directly, he was nothing but a timid little boy.

"I am afraid they would do something to our female and …" Stephan gulped hard. "Well, you know how important she is for us."

But, at least there was still a little bit conscience was left in him, to actually think about the sustainability of his kind.

"We will free her." Torak said. That was one of his plans to ensure the loyalty of those dragon shifters.

"Oh," Stephan was surprised by Torak's statement, but relieved at the same time. "Thank you Alpha. I pledged my loyalty to you. I will never betray you." At this time Stephan tried to boot lick the Alpha, probably the later would be less scary if he succeeded in his little plan.

"Betray me?" Torak was bemused. "Do you even have a choice?"

Upon hearing that, Stephan gulped hard and shrunk in his seat.

"You can go now." Torak said coldly.

At that remark, Stephan hastily opened the car door, but stopped his movements as he remembered something when he was about to step down.

"Alpha, I don't think your mate's friends have good intentions toward her." He reported his thoughts.

Torak didn't answer him immediately, but a few seconds later he spoke in the same chilly tone. "You can go now." Yet, after Stephen disappeared from his sight, Torak added. "Look into her friends' background."

"Yes, Alpha." Jack answered politely.

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