The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 295: It was adair

Because of Raine's condition, they needed to stay a bit longer in the pack house, but of course they couldn't prolong their visit more than this because of Serefina's warning.

Raine had indeed gained her true power, but it didn't mean she could handle it yet, therefore it was still risky for her to stay among the Lycans.

That was why, on the second day after they arrived, Torak decided to travel back to Fulbright city that afternoon.

But, before they left, Raine wanted to see the flower plant that she had planted with Belinda when she was here months ago.

Torak didn't have a problem with that, hence before they went to the airport, to go to Fulbright city, Calleb drove them over.

The place where Belinda and she had planted those seeds was a meadow at the back of the pack house with a beautiful scenery of mountains which expanse for miles.

Belinda was already here, taking care of the plants while someone with her back was facing Raine, talking to Belinda.

On a closer look, Raine could guess who she was.

She was none other than Adair's friend whom she met last night in the kitchen, but when Raine was only a few meters away from where they were standing, she could practically hear Belinda growling at the girl.

The first thought that came into Raine's mind was; what exactly had this girl done until Belinda turned very upset.

Belinda wasn't a hot- headed person who would rebuke someone without proper reasons.

Yet, even before asking Belinda, Raine figured out on her own what the thing that was able to make the former very furious. After all, it wasn't that hard to guess.

Since Belinda was very fond of flowers, she had planted most of the flowers in this meadow and took good care of them herself, it was understandable that she was very upset when she saw a plot of land which she groomed with so much care, was now filled with withered sunflowers.

"Belinda, what happened to these sunflowers?" Raine approached the fuming Belinda while touching a withered sunflower. Almost all of its petals have fell to the ground lifelessly.

The bright yellow color of the flower had disappeared as it had turned into the color of dark brown.

The condition of the flowers was so patethic, therefore Raine assumed this was definitely not Belinda's doing.

"Raine." Belinda noticed her, but the word 'upset' was written all over her face. "The flowers withered." She complained like a little child to Raine.

Meanwhile, Torak and Calleb followed Raine, just a few steps behind her.

"This is the flower that we had planted together." Belinda was angry because she wanted to show it to Raine so badly since she was here. She didn't know when Raine would visit them again, but it was obvious that wouldn't happen any soon.

Raine also frowned when she heard Belinda's words, she insisted oncoming here because she wanted to see these flowers. It meant something to her.

Belinda kept talking hastily out of her anger. "Yesterday the flowers were just fine, I personally fertilized the plant and when you said you will visit here before you return to Fulbright city, I thought I will just come here early so I could pick some flowers for you, but… this…" Belinda spread her arm toward the withered sunflowers exasperatedly, her complicated emotions apparent in her eyes. She was truly upset right now.

"But, it wasn't me Belinda…" The girl was trembling now, especially when she realized the flowers belonged to Raine, their Luna and the scariest thing was the Alpha also present.

"You watered the flower with a disinfectant!" Belinda pointed a sharp nail toward the watering pot that the girl was holding.

Even Raine, as a human, could smell the strong smell of disinfectant that Belinda was talking about from where she was standing and despite Raine being sad because the sunflowers were dead, she wasn't as furious as Belinda, only now did she know that the witch loved flowers too much.

"Belinda… I don't know… my sense of smell doesn't work…" The girl whimpered as she rubbed her nose.

"Nonsense!" Belinda spat. "What kind of wolf would have trouble with his sense of smell?!"

On the other hand, Raine tugged Torak's sleeves, who seemingly didn't even bother with the scene before him, he wasn't fond of flowers and was there just for the sake of Raine alone, so when they were met with this scene, he was actually quite bored.

"Is it possible for a wolf to lose their ability to smell?" Raine whispered. She found that to be a weird excuse, but it was also so bold of this girl to lie about something like that.

Torak shifted his gaze from his mate toward the girl, who was crying now. "It's not impossible. She should go to sapphire and check her condition." He spoke to her with no interest whatsoever.

Raine bit her lip and looked at the withered sunflowers once again and felt a big palm rubbed on top of her head.

"Don't be sad, if you like it I will ask someone to fill our entire home with sunflowers." Torak tried to appease his mate.

Apparently Torak didn't quite understand with this kind of feeling and wasn't sensitive enough to feel sad over a bunch of flowers.

In his eyes, Raine was sad because she couldn't see the sunflower, without considering the sentimental fact that it was the first flower that she had planted. This matter was very simple in his eyes.

Raine was used to this side of him and didn't take it to heart. Torak meant well, but it's just that he lack sensitivity.

Once again, Raine stretched out her hand and caressed the petals, which slowly fell on to the ground. She blinked her eyes a couple of times as she felt her surroundings turn quiet.

If Torak saw Raine's eyes now, he would realize that they were blank as if her soul wasn't there.

Yet, it happened only for a few seconds before she regained her focus again and spoke in a low voice. "It was Adair."

"What?" Belinda stopped her rambling as she turned her head toward Raine.

"It was Adair." Raine repeated, clearer this time.

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