The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 281: This is unfair

"No way…" Raine was dumbfounded as her mind turned blank, but then a rush of feelings flooded through her and she didn't know how to stop it.

Now, she couldn't possibly think about Torak without the latter knowing it, but to stop it… how could she possibly stop what she was thinking? She had been thinking out loud inside her mind safely for these eighteen years of her life, and now it was so embarrassing because Torak would know every single one of her thoughts.

"Yes way." Torak smirked, his mood really improved a lot upon seeing his mate's flustered expression.

"This is so embarrassing…" Raine bit her lips while looking at Torak in horror. She was always thinking about Torak even when they were so close like this and would make a mental note about all his habits, but now she couldn't do that.

Raine had to admit that some of her thoughts weren't really appropriate.

Like; how handsome he was, how beautiful those eyes and how she liked it when he kissed her… oops!

"I don't need to read your mind to know that." Torak laughed, his eyes sparkled under the lamp light.

Raine was, once again, smitten by the way he laughed and how she loved to hear his voice, but then… she couldn't think about that! She needed to stop herself from thinking about him.

But, how…???

How could she hide from her own mind?

Raine covered her face in frustration, but more because she was ashamed of her own thoughts.

"Hey," Torak then ever so carefully lifted his hand and caressed her head gently. "Don't be shy, I love to hear your thoughts."

"No!" Raine rejected the idea sullenly, she put down her hands and looked at Torak. "You are invading my privacy!"

"Isn't this what you always wanted? I heard this from Calleb." Torak retaliated.

"That…" Raine was lost for words, she indeed wanted to be able to mind- link like those Lycans could do. "But… it is not like this…"

"It is just like this." Torak teased her.

How could Torak stand to ignore her for long? When moments like these, where they were having a conversation like this were the moments he cherished the most.

He had never been so happy like what he felt right now, and the silly fact was; with only a small gesture from his mate, he could smile like a fool.

He was selfish and he had to admit it. Regardless of the fact that he had harmed her and his decision to keep a distance between them, Torak still couldn't push her away.

His determination to stay away from Raine was wavered by only a simple hug and smile from her.

He was so selfish for being happy right now when he teased her, despite the fact she was still suffering from the injuries caused by him.

"Alright, alright…" Torak yielded when he saw that Raine was on the verge of crying. Her face was bright red, even the bruises on her neck became a few shades darker. "I will teach you how to mask your thoughts, is it fair enough for you?"

"Okay…" Raine mumbled while pouting. "But, why can't I hear your thoughts?"

"Do you want to hear them?" Torak raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." Raine stared at him intently, seemingly both of them had forgotten the reason why they were sitting on the bathroom floor, conversing harmoniously.

Torak smiled at his little mate and let his own thoughts flood her mind with a single sentence.

'I love you'.


Days passed uneventfully for Raine, but not for Torak, he had been receiving many reports about the activities of the vampires and the spell-casters near their border territory.

Some of them got caught, but some of them were only walking a step away from their border line, making the possibility to catch them difficult.

But, Torak's main concern was the Fulbright city.

He had just received a report from Raphael that a bunch of spell-casters and vampires had been residing there and even mingled with humans.

It was odd, as spell-casters usually didn't interact with humans. Just like many other creatures, they despised them. Thus, there was no reason for those spell-casters to be in the middle of the city that was filled with humans.

While vampires, they had their own territory, so why did they come out and reside in Fulbright city?

Those were the questions that Torak had tasked Jack to figure out along with his group of hunters.

Whatever the reason might be, it wouldn't be a good thing in the end.

And because the Fulbright city wasn't his territory, he couldn't possibly try and chase those creatures away from there. This was another concern of Torak.

And for the same reason, Torak had been asking Serefina if it was possible for Raine to be moved to the Oriole City, the heart of Torak's territory. She would be safer there.

Since Raine had gained her true strength, it wouldn't be an issue for her to be surrounded by Lycanthropes again, right?

Yet, once again Serefina objected the idea.

Today was the fifteenth day since Raine had arrived there and also almost a month after Torak had disappeared from the Fulbright city.

Most of the Alphas had started to show their claws to climb Torak's throne as the supreme Alpha, but even so, Torak was still calm and did nothing about it.

He wanted to see how many people under him would easily sway and turn their backs against him the moment he was out of their sights.

Torak would strike when the time was right and eliminate all those greedy Lycans out of his land, or most likely out of this world.

However now, his concern was…

"What do you mean she can't come to my territory when she has already gained her strength?!" Torak yelled at Serefina while he put another chicken breast on Raine's plate.

This was yet another argumentation between Serefina and Torak, space for peace would be nullified when these two creatures were put at the same table.

Any topic of discussion could be turned into a fiery dispute, moreover if it involved Raine.

"Give me a good reason for that!"

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