The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 275: I love you

"Are you mad?" Raine asked.

"Hmm," was Torak's answer.

"At me?" Raine raised her eyebrows. How could Torak be mad at her when she was the one who got bitten by his beast?

Torak shook his head. "At myself."

"Why?" Raine didn't feel sleepy, though the night had gone very late and the moonlight had already illuminated the room through the window glass.

"Because I hurt you."Torak said in a matter of fact tone.

"You didn't do it intentionally." Raine tried to reason with him. She snuggled closer to Torak, but her movement only caused a sharp pain shoot through her neck that made her grimace.

"Don't move please…" Torak frowned, he gritted his teeth from seeing the look of pain that crossed Raine's face. He didn't dare to touch her neck or any other part of her body, afraid he would add to her misery. "I will call Sapphire."

Torak was about to get off from the bed, but Raine clutched onto the front of his shirt and this stopped Torak in his tracks. If he insisted to move and Raine was still holding onto him, she would be dragged along and it would cause even more pain, but on the other hand, Torak couldn't forcefully pry her fingers from him either.

"Raine, let me call Sapphire to ease your pain… maybe she could give you…" Torak started to babble.

The Torak now, wasn't like his usual self, he was very careful toward Raine and, seemingly, even afraid to be near her.

"No, I want you…" Raine whined, cutting off Torak's words. "Stay with me please…"

Torak contemplated for a minute longer than necessary, before he gave in and laid beside Raine again.

"Hug me…" Raine said sullenly because Torak was laying too far for her liking.

"My love… I…" Torak couldn't bear to see Raine's face contorting in pain every time she moved as her neck became so sore.

"It's okay. You will not hurt me…" Raine tried to reassure him, but it was just like a jab to Torak's face when she said that when the result was as clear as day in front of him, how he had hurt her badly.

Torak's face turned rigid when he heard Raine's statement.

"I have already done that Raine." Torak's voice was so cold, laced with anger and guilt. He wanted to go out of the room, but Raine was still clutching his shirt tightly, he couldn't afford to make a sudden move and risk hurting her further. "Look at you now!"

Raine bit her lower lips, she had to phrase her word incorrectly.

"You hurt me even more, when you yell at me like you are doing now…" Raine's voice was so small as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Oh, my love… I didn't mean…" Torak panicked when he watched how her tears streamed down her face. "Please… tell me what should I do?"

Torak was afraid. He was afraid just because Raine was crying. His heart clenched agonizingly when a soft sobbing sound escaped from her trembling lips.

Her eyelashes were already wet with her tears, the pillow beneath her head wasn't any better either.

"I am sorry…" Torak felt devastated to see his mate in her current state. He had never felta situation this helpless and he was clueless about what he should do. "Tell me, what should I do to appease your pain?"

"Hug me…" Raine reiterated her demand, she tugged the front of Torak's shirt weakly as she stared at him expectantly. "I want you to hug me… I miss you." She repeated sullenly because Torak didn't even move an inch to close the distance between them.

Raine was akin to a kid who was asking her parent to buy her favorite candy.

"My love… I might hurt you again…" Torak tried to reason with her.

"No…" Raine refused to acknowledge Torak's statement. She even attempted to move her body closer to him and this made her situation even worse, she felt like her neck would split into two in any moment.

But, she had to do this, because Torak would always blame himself for what he had done to her and probably he would refuse to ever be near her.

Raine didn't want that, this was an accident, no one knew this would happen and moreover she didn't want Torak to put any distance between them and think he was a beast that would hurt her the moment he touched her.

No. Raine didn't want that!

"Please…" Raine stretched out her hand with teary eyes.

Torak gritted his teeth, how could he reject his mate when she looked at him that way?

Very slowly and carefully, Torak inched close to her as he put his hand on her waist, just like what he did before, this wasn't even close to be called as a hug.

Ignoring the pain on her neck, Raine pulled her body closer to Torak until she could smell his woody scent as she wrapped her arm around his waist and rested her head against his chest. She liked it this way.

However, on the other hand, Torak's body turned stiff.

"You are not hurting me Torak…" Raine mumbled as she closed her eyes, a wave of exhaustion hit her and the comfort that she felt every time she was with him, calmed her down. "Just like what you always said… you will never hurt me."

Torak remembered those words, he had told Raine countless times the first moment he met her that he would never hurt her… but, here they were…

Torak was afraid of the result of his actions by forcing his mark on her. The mate bond could be snapped because of that.

If that happened, Raine would probably hate him, but since the mate bond didn't show any adversities, it didn't mean she would accept it easily as he almost killed her because of his actions.

Or maybe she didn't want to be near him, she would fear him and they would go back to the time when they meet for the first time.

And Torak wouldn't even have the chance to say that she was safe with him, because the fact was clearly she wasn't.

Thus, Torak wouldn't have thought Raine would treat it as if it was nothing.

"I love you…" Raine said softly as her mate's scent lulled her into a deep slumber.

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