The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 247: Torak had corrupted her

Cassey, Jammie, Kai and Connor stood up from their seat with worried expressions, except Jammie, who still looked callous and didn't even flinch when a harsh slap landed on Stephan's cheeks.

On the other hand, shock also crossed the dragon shifter's face. The slap was something that he thought was meant to humiliate him.

Raine could sense the shifting emotions of Stephan in the way he let out a deep growl at Sunny.

This can't be good.

Raine quickly gripped his shoulder firmly to avoid something worse from happening. From the corner of her eyes, she could see a few people looking at them, their attention fixed on this small commotion. They could be the lycans that Torak had put there to look after her.

It was a good thing too that they were nearby, because if Stephan really lost it, Raine wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Stephan, let's go." Raine whisper-yelled at him as she tugged his body away with all the strength that she could muster. But Stephan was like a solid stone and couldn't be moved. "Stephan, not here!" Raine hissed.

She glanced at Sunny behind her. The girl was dumbstruck. Apparently, she didn't realize what she did until she had done it.

There was fear in her eyes and she was visibly trembling when Stephan stared down at her, but her expression remained stubborn.

Jammie came to her side and said in a calm tone. "You don't have to be so angry. All of us really wanted to slap your face for every comment that comes out of your mouth."

Yet, her statement didn't help the situation at all.

As if gaining support, Sunny lifted her chin defiantly and Stephan was livid.

It wouldn't be good for him to stay.

Raine soon got tired of tugging the dragon shifter away. She did not have that kind of strength anyway. Instead, she stood firmly in front of him, within his line of sight and warned him firmly, "Go! Now!"

This time, Stephan slightly shifted his gaze from Sunny and clenched his jaw tightly before he decided to follow Raine's order and turn around, stomping away as he grumbled.

Raine couldn't let him go alone, so she proceeded to follow him when Sunny's voice called her name.

"Raine… I didn't…" She tried to explain, but for now Raine needed to do something else.

"We will talk about this later... don't worry." Raine said and raced towards Stephan's direction.

And now, as Raine ran towards Stephan's direction, she could feel many pairs of eyes staring at her from different directions, yet Raine ignored them as she knew they were from the lycans.

Maybe they were worried because Raine was running straight towards the incensed dragon shifter, afraid something would happen to her.

Raine was out of breath by the time she managed to catch up with Stephan right in front of the library. She grabbed his elbow to stop him.

"What?!" Stephan snarled and startled her.

��Why did you shout at me?" Raine frowned. She didn't like the way Stephan talked to her. "I am not going to say that what she did was the right thing, but your comments were so offensive." She tried to make Stephan see her standpoint.

Stephan sighed and raised his arms. "Listen, I don't want to talk about this. I have my own problems also, so if I have to follow you around, it will only upset me."

"Then don't." Raine felt offended. She had never asked him to tail behind her. "Don't follow me then."

Stephan scoffed resentfully. "It is easy for you to say that, but I will be very glad if your mate stops pressuring my older brother."

"What do you mean?" Raine knew about Stephan's older brother, Reynold. She went to their house before and from what she knew, Torak attacked Reynold because he had killed one of the lycans in his pack that resulted to the harassment that she received the first time Raine arrived at the pack house.

And that also led to Torak's cruel action to squeeze out the lycan's life right before her eyes. Raine couldn't forget that moment.

"Oh, you really know nothing." Stephan mocked her as he crossed his arms in front of his body. "I forgot the fact that you don't even know where your mate is."

Raine raised her eyebrows. Stephan's words would go too far if she didn't stop him. It seemed he wasn't satisfied yet at making Sunny angry and now he wanted to anger her as well.

"Stop whining like a baby." Raine remarked. "Whatever Torak did to your brother, it has nothing to do with me, so what is your point in attacking me with your words?"

Raine could hear the sound of Stephan's teeth clenching.

They stared at each other for an eternity. No one was willing to back down, not even Raine. Sometimes, on rare occasions, she could be so stubborn and would not want to yield.

"Alright!" Stephan threw his hands up. "This depressing matter really had taken a toll on me."

Only then did Raine's expression slightly soften and she leaned her back against the wall as if tired after the staring contest.

Following Raine's gesture, Stephan sat down on the floor.

"Torak has been threatening our species you know…" Stephan started to talk.

Fortunately there were not many people passing by the corridor to the library, so they could have their conversation without being afraid that someone would overhear them.

Raine nodded. "His title requires him to do that in certain situations."

"Are you trying to speak up for your Alpha?" Stephan sneered at her. He didn't need another person to stand up for that cruel Lycan.

"I am not…" Raine contemplated. "But I had come to understand that, in some moments in our life, we need to use unacceptable measures to make the other party understand our intentions."

Stephan regarded the girl beside him with a bizarre look.

"What?" Raine raised her eyebrows when she felt Stephan's eyes lingering on her for a long time.

"I can't believe that you will say something like that." He shook his head, remembering the girl who used to hide behind the Alpha's back. "Torak really had corrupted you."

"Oh, I miss him." Raine sighed.

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