The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 240: He treated her coldly

Ignoring the white little bunny, Raine threw herself at Torak and hugged him tightly as if Torak would disappear again from her line of sight if she didn't do that.

Raine was so afraid, she snuggled herself in his safe embrace.

Torak coaxed his little mate silently as he caressed her back and patted her head while saying in a tired voice, "It's alright. You are safe now."

Raine shook her head fervently because that wasn't what she was concerned about at this moment.

Didn't Torak realize that she was worried for him? Did he not see that she felt terrifyingly afraid at the thought that she would lose him?

But Torak didn't know that because Raine was so shaken to say a word.

Carefully, Torak scooped her up in his arms but didn't say anything else. His eyes were still bloody red and he seemed having a hard time clearing his mind. Torak kept shaking his head as if he wanted to clear the fog from his eyes.

Raphael took the bunny, which has been abandoned, from the ground. He then walked ahead to bring their car closer so they could go home.

Raine continued to bury her face on Torak's chest as her hands clutched onto his front shirt. She didn't want to let him go. Torak had to position Raine onto his lap once they were seated in the car and he cradled her trembling body as they drove away from the area.

Silence stretched out inside the car as no one tried to speak a word. Even Serefina did not want to break the tension.

Raphael glanced at his Alpha a few times through the rear view mirror and realized that his eyes were still the color of blood.

Torak was resting his chin on Raine's shoulder and would often nudge her neck, as if he was seeking for comfort.

Raine had fallen asleep during the two long hours of travel, but she woke up once they arrived at their house.

At first she was disoriented at her environment, but when the last memory about her grievances and the thought of losing Torak returned to her consciousness, she abruptly opened her eyes wide and started to panic.

Only when Raine realized that she was in Torak's arms did she relax a bit, hugging Torak's neck and crying silently.

Torak carried Raine out of the car, but didn't say anything, not even to offer comforting words like he always did before whenever his mate was feeling down, not to mention when she was crying like this.

However, he kept quiet and let Raine cry until she felt satisfied. The only soothing gesture that he did was occasionally kissing her forehead when her body trembled violently, but there were no words.

Torak stepped inside the house and placed Raine on the sofa. He told Raphael to dismiss all the guards from that room as he sat down beside Raine.

Serefina took a seat across Torak and Raine. She looked exhausted and worn out and she didn't say anything during the trip back and even until now.

Not long after that, Calleb came and joined them. He sat beside Raphael.

"Luna, can you tell us why you ended up at that place with Lucifer and the shadow warrior?" Calleb asked softly when no one opened their mouth.

Both Torak and Serefina looked too tired to speak while Raphael put his focus on the rabbit on his lap.

Hearing someone calling out her name, Raine raised her head and looked around her with her swollen eyes before they fell on Torak's face.

Torak's bloody eyes stared back at his mate and nodded to encourage her to answer Calleb's question.

"The bunny went out of the greenhouse…" Raine's voice trembled as she fought back a sob. "It went to the backyard…"

And then, stammering, Raine told them the whole story about what had happened this afternoon.

The guards were trying to help her find the bunny, but then the bunny appeared across the street and no guards were around to help her at that time, so Raine decided to take it by herself.

And how the gates were not locked when she went out.

However, when she took the fork in the road, Lucifer was holding the bunny and when she wanted to go back to the house, she had teleported to the rooftop of a building.

There, Raine met with Aeon and was taken to the library.

"Aeon said he would give me the grimoire that we were looking for…" Raine glanced at Serefina. "I had the book before, but because it bit me, I threw it away and now I lost it…" She said in a whisper.

"You were lied to." Serefina said without opening her eyes as she rested her head at the backrest of the sofa. "The real grimoire is gone in this time. It was burned. That is why I needed to bring you to the past when the grimoire still existed."

Raine bit her lips. She felt so stupid and regretted believing Aeon's words. "I am sorry… I didn't know…"

"That's not your fault, Luna." Raphael comforted her. "After all, once you were with them, the shadow warrior and the devil wouldn't let you go easily."

Though that was what Raphael said, Raine couldn't suppress the guilty feeling in her heart.


Raine lifted her head and glanced at Torak. Regardless of the fact that he was holding her close to him, she felt the distance between them.

Torak had not said a word since they were inside the car.

"But how did you find me…?" Raine intentionally looked at Torak, hoping he would answer her or at least would talk to her, but it was Calleb who answered her question.

"The firebird." Calleb said and Raine remembered the beautiful small bird that perched on her shoulder. "The firebird belongs to the Alpha and it has the power to find the person that you are thinking of. Once we realized you had disappeared, the Alpha used the bird to find you and Serefina took them to where you were." He explained.

Raine understood, but the only thing that she didn't get was, why is Torak treating her coldly?

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