The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 231: Torak's woman

"What will you do when I am no longer alive? After all, I don't have eternal life like you do." Raine said sadly. "I will grow old and you will stay like this."

Torak stretched out his hand and caressed the side of her face. "The guardian angel has eternal life too." He said calmly.

It was true that most supernatural creatures have eternal life or have a life span that is much longer than that of normal humans.

Raine was elated when she heard that, but then she lowered her head in disappointment. "But… I am also human."

"Yes, that's why we still need to figure things out first before we come into a conclusion." Torak said.

Serefina had mentioned before that while her body was human, her soul was the soul of a guardian angel.

Torak has to admit now that Serefina has more knowledge about this than he had, thus, no matter what Serefina had done and how hateful her comments were, the fact that Torak needed her to find more things about Raine couldn't be denied.

As long as the witch didn't cross the line and kept his mate safe, he would endure it. It seemed there were a lot of things to discuss with the witch once she woke up and is in a better condition.

"You mean there is a chance for me to have a long life like you?" Raine beamed as she imagined her life with Torak.

"Yes." Torak caressed her head and kissed her forehead. "There is a chance…"

There is a chance, but… there is also a chance that she will die like any other normal human being.

That was the last sentence that both of them didn't speak out loud because they didn't want to ruin this moment.

The food they ordered was served not long after. The topic about eternal life had seemingly been forgotten, but deep in Raine's heart it still bothered her. However, Torak was more perturbed.

It would be a disaster if his mate could not live an eternal life with him. After centuries of waiting for her, finally the moon goddess had fulfilled what she had promised. If she was going to take his mate away after having Torak taste such breeze of heaven from her, he would turn this world into a living hell.

The moon goddess did not need to bother with the devils as he would put those devils into shame with what he would do should he lose his mate.

"May I know something?" Raine asked carefully after she swallowed a chunk of fish meat that Torak had deboned for her.

"You can ask anything." He replied.

This place was in the outskirts and no one would expect the famous CEO from Donovan company to have his lunch there with a young girl, thus they could eat quietly.

But Torak miscalculated the fact that he had been in the spotlight recently. He underestimated how human's curiosity could overcome everything.

"May I know where your parents are now? Are they still living in the castle?" Raine asked gingerly. She was afraid this matter was not something that Torak wanted to talk about.

However, Torak answered her without any change of expression. "They had been missing since after the great war." He said.

"Missing?" Raine stopped her spoon midway to her mouth and then she put it back down. "Someone kidnapped them?" She was surprised at her own idea.

Torak chuckled and grabbed her hand that was holding the spoon, guiding it back to her mouth, so she could continue to eat and stop gawking. "No. I don't mean to brag, but after the Great War, Lycanthropes are the strongest creature in this realm. I don't think other creatures would be able to kidnap them."

"Maybe it was something like conspiracy… you know, when your own people… hmph!" Raine was forced to stop when Torak stuffed a piece of chicken breast into her mouth.

"No, they left on their own volition." Torak stopped Raine from her wild imagination. "They left a letter for us."

"A letter?" Raine leaned forward as she was getting more curious. "What did it say?"

"Not much. It only said: since everything had settled down, we will leave the rest to the three of you to take care of." Torak repeated what his parents had written to them.

And when Torak didn't say anything more, Raine blinked her eyes in disbelief.

"Only that?" She asked.

"Only that." Torak reiterated her words.

With that, Raine was deep in thought as she stared at Torak blankly. "Maybe they want to take a long vacation after the stressful war?" She mumbled.

Upon hearing that Torak laughed heartily as he nodded his head. "That makes sense."

It was a rare sight to see Torak so carefree and laughing that way instead of his usual domineering demeanor and cold nature.

The man who was hiding behind the shadows captured those moments with trembling hands. He almost assumed that the man inside the restaurant was not Torak Donovan, the CEO of Donovan Enterprises Holding Inc., thinking that probably he had been following the wrong man or the man that he had followed got switched on his way here.

But that was also impossible, because a man like him was not common and was hard to find.

Regardless, the most important question was: who was the girl with Torak Donovan? She actually managed to make the stone-hearted CEO laugh like a normal human being.

While he was in deep thought, the sound of his cell phone startled him. He cursed under his breath before picking up the call.

As soon as he said 'hello', the person from the other end talked rapidly with enthusiasm. That must be something important as the man, who was holding the camera, was dumbfounded and looked at the couple inside the restaurant, talking intimately with each other.

"This will be big!" He exclaimed.


Three days passed uneventfully.

However, on the fourth day after Torak visited the restaurant near Raine's old house, big news suddenly appeared in all media.

"Torak!" Raphael burst into the Alpha's office with an annoyed expression.

He knew this sort of news would come to the surface one day since Torak and Raine were often in public, but still, the Beta thought this was too soon and abrupt. There must be someone who had influenced all the media this way.

However, that wasn't the thing that Raphael was concerned the most. The real problem was the headline of the news.

It mentioned that Torak Donovan, the CEO of Donovan Enterprise Holding Inc., who was known by his ruthlessness when it came to executing business matters and the most desired bachelor, actually dated a young girl who was far below his age and was rumored to still be underage.

"I know." Torak averted his eyes from the laptop in front of him and saw that his second in command was fuming mad. It was very rare to see Raphael lose his cool as he was always collected in every situation.

But apparently, this news had made him lose his composure.

Regardless of the fact that the news had not yet been released, they still had another way of knowing it beforehand.

"What do you know?" Raphael squinted. He did not remember saying something, so how on earth did he already know?

"About the news." Torak leaned his back against the backrest of his seat while intertwining his fingers. His blue eyes darkened a few shades.

"You already know?" Raphael felt his brows shot up in disbelief. Sometimes he wondered if Torak actually didn't need any help and would be fine on his own as he seemingly already knew everything, even the things that Raphael didn't know yet.

"Yes, I have an insider." Torak said in low voice. "It's Haco." He mentioned the name of the perpetrator of the commotion that would happen tomorrow.

"Expected." Raphael nodded and sat down across Torak's seat. He knew his Alpha has many minions that he had put in his enemies' territories.

Yet, every time Torak knew something before he did, it still made him depressed. After all, Raphael was his second in command. He would feel useless if the Alpha kept doing this.

"So, what do you want to do? Should I call Jared and have him suppress the news like before?" Raphael suggested.

It had happened before, when the first time Torak met Raine and they were trapped inside the hotel by the newspapermen as they were about to return to their own territory.

At that time, they had ordered Jared to clean up the mess that Haco had made, thus Raphael thought Torak would do the same thing this time.

However, Torak didn't agree with that suggestion immediately. He was in deep thought.

It was already six in the evening and the gloomy night out there complimented the dark mood that Torak felt right now. The dangerous aura that emitted from the Alpha was prominent.

A thick silence stretched inside the office and Raphael did not dare to interrupt Torak's train of thought.

This uncomfortable situation lasted until Torak's phone on the table rang and its light lit up to show the caller's id.

Upon seeing the name on the screen, the layer of ruthlessness in Torak's eyes slightly ceased down. Raphael didn't need to guess who the caller was.

"Yes, my love?" Torak's voice was so soft and calm. It was a contradiction to his behavior a second ago.

"Why are you not home yet?" Raine complained and said her next sentence in a whisper. "I miss you…"

Raphael's remarkable hearing ability allowed him to hear everything, so he heard his Luna's sweet voice.

"There is something that I have to take care first, but I will go home now." Torak said as he stood up and gestured for Raphael to follow him.

"Oh, alright…" Raine's cheerful voice could be heard as she bid him goodbye. "Take care on your way home."

"I will." Torak said with a smile on his lips.

And then the line was cut off.

"I will tell you later about what we should do regarding this matter." Torak replied to Raphael. "In the meantime, don't do anything."

"But the news will appear tomorrow morning. Once it is published, the damage will be harder to fix." Raphael said. They did not have much time if they did not want this news to be released. The effect of this publicity could backfire on the Alpha's image.

"Stay put." Torak replied curtly as he walked towards the car. When Raphael was about to go to the driver's seat, Torak opened the door first. "I will drive." He said.

With that Raphael sat on the shotgun seat and let the Alpha drove them home.


The Alpha drove the car at breakneck speed and so they arrived twenty minutes faster.

The moment they arrived, Torak gave the car key to the guard then he strolled towards the house with Raphael following behind him.

As soon as Torak opened the door, his sight was covered with black as he felt his body being hugged. Torak chuckled and reciprocated the hug with the same affection.

"I am sorry, I am late." Torak whispered to her ears as he felt her shaking her head.

Following behind Raine was Torak's third in command, Calleb. He jogged from upstairs with a wary expression etched on his face as he approached the couple.

However, he stopped a few meters away and scrunched his eyebrows at the sight of his Alpha and Luna.

"Eww! Can you do that later?" He whimpered, seeing Torak and Raine being affectionate. "Spare my heart please!" He grumbled.

"Get yourself a mate." Raine turned to look at him and then chortled. "So that you can be affectionate with her!" She hugged Torak's waist tighter.

"Oh, please! Can you give me the Alpha for two minutes please? There is an emergency that I need to tell him." Calleb rolled his eyes dramatically.

"If you want to tell him about the news tomorrow, don't even bother to do that. He already knows." Raphael walked past Calleb and informed him casually.

"Really!?" Calleb's eyes grew wider. He thought he would be the first person to break the news to them. "You told him? So what will we do?" He started to talk without stopping.

"Torak has known before I told him!" Raphael shouted from the kitchen.

Realizing that Calleb was talking about some news, Raine became curious and lifted her head to look at Torak. "What news?" She asked softly.

"So, what will we do?" Calleb asked. He looked at Torak with eagerness.

Calleb needed some action or something badass, because his days with Raine were so peaceful. Painting, drawing, petting the rabbit… painting again, drawing again and watching movies… he felt that any more of this and he would gradually become a kitten rather than a wolf.

But, like usual, no one was willing to answer his questions.

"Can I talk to you about something my love?" Torak lowered his head and looked at Raine in the eyes. His blue eyes were like the surface of a frozen river in winter, so still yet no one knew how deep or rapid the stream beneath it was.

Raine nodded her head. Of course, she would love to hear anything that Torak wanted to say.

With that, the couple left and headed to their room, leaving Calleb with his curiosity.

"So, what should we do now?" Calleb frowned because he didn't have anyone to talk to. "Hei! Ralph!" Therefore, he went to the kitchen to bother the Beta about what their Alpha planned to do about this.

Calleb liked to look after Raine, but the serenity was killing him.


Torak was hugging Raine from behind. They stood facing the glass door to the balcony, watching the droplets of water falling down the earth as a storm brewed in the gloomy sky.

"What is it?" Raine whispered. Her curiosity was gnawing at her heart as Torak remained silent, though he said he wanted to tell her something thirty minutes ago.

"I am thinking…" Torak said while spacing out.

"And…? What are you thinking?" Raine prodded. She really wanted to know what it was.

"Whether to tell you or not." Torak said with a grin. He nuzzled Raine's neck, the spot where Torak was supposed to mark her.

"That is ridiculous." Raine swatted Torak's arms that were resting on her stomach playfully, but she liked the way Torak kissed her shoulder. "Why don't you just tell me?"

Torak didn't reply to her immediately but instead, he asked a question. "Can I ask something from you my angel, if you don't mind?"

Raine blinked her eyes when she heard this. It was so rare for Torak to ask something from her. Before, he had asked Raine not to fear him.

And now, she didn't fear him, she loved him.

So, what could it be now?

"I would never mind if it's a request from you." Raine turned her body and faced him, her handsome beast.

Raine looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes and his perfect features. It was hard to believe that a man like Torak really loved her, as she felt herself lacking in every aspect.

Raine felt that she wasn't a beauty, not a very smart girl, didn't have an outstanding talent and didn't have a strong leadership like how she viewed a Luna should be. She compared herself to Diana, Torak's mother, and felt ashamed of herself. She was just so-so…

Once again, her perceived deficiencies bothered Raine.

Hence, what else could she do to feel useful to Torak if she did not try her best to fulfill his request? Even if Torak wouldn't think that way, Raine couldn't help but strive to be worthy of him. 

"You can reject it if you feel you don't want to do it." Torak said with seriousness which made Raine become even more curious about what Torak wanted her to do.

"What is it?" Raine narrowed her eyes. She felt herself tense up.

"If I say it, remember not to force yourself if you think that you couldn't do it." Torak reminded her. Raine was about to nod her head in agreement when Torak held her chin. "Listen to me first before you answer."

Raine blinked her eyes and waited for Torak to talk.

"I don't want to force you to do something that you don't feel comfortable with, but I think this is the right time." Torak released her chin and tucked her hair behind her ears while his other hand traced her jaw line.

"What is it?" Raine liked the spark on her skin every time Torak touch her and at this point, she was entranced by him, drawn into his blue eyes and willing to do anything to make him proud of her.

Torak stopped for a moment before his husky voice sounded in Raine's ears as he said clearly, "I want to introduce you as my woman."

Raine's obsidian eyes flickered in surprise as her brows furrowed. "To whom…?" She asked carefully.

"To everyone alive, to every creature that walk on this earth and to every single soul in this realm." Torak said solemnly.

It almost felt like Torak was going to propose to Raine.

Raine was flabbergasted and didn't know what to say, as if, at that moment,all the words in her head evaporated.

At Raine's silence, Torak continued. "I want to make a grandiose birthday celebration for you, instead of eating out with only the four of us. Will you accept that?" Torak kept his unperturbed eyes on Raine's reaction.

Except from shock, he had not yet seen rejection from her. Her lips slightly parted and then she closed them tightly before she bit them anxiously.

Torak let his words sink in and he did not force her to answer him immediately. He allowed her to take her time.

"You can think about this over dinner, okay?" Torak suggested. Raine's reaction was within his expectation and as long as she didn't reject the idea immediately, it meant she was considering it.

"Okay." Raine mused.

Torak knew this was too abrupt, but this was bound to happen sooner or later. Since he was given the opportunity to do it, why would he not use it as best as he could?

Raine had changed a lot since the first time he found her and it was only a matter of time before he would bring her out in the spotlight.

While Serefina had played a role in making her stronger by finding out her origin and learning about her power, Torak wanted to show Raine that in this world, there wasn't only good or bad. There were always plots hidden behind what one perceives as good or bad on the surface.

There would be various stratagems around her that she must face.

Torak loved her innocence and naivety. He wanted to keep her that way, but he came to the conclusion that keeping her that way wouldn't help her to survive in this world.

In any case, her ignorance would harm her and her kindness would only be used by others.

Raine ate without really enjoying the food that passed through her throat as her mind was elsewhere, roaming around thousands of possibilities and fears.

This was the quietest dinner that they have had so far and Torak did not even complain when Raine did not finish the food on her plate. It was obvious to see that she did not have the appetite.

Somehow, Torak regretted bringing the topic too early and ruining Raine's mood over dinner.

After dinner, they stood up. No one talked as they headed towards their bedroom.

When the light was turned off and Torak was thinking to mind link Raphael to instruct him to call Jared to deal with Haco about the news, Raine rolled her body on the bed and crept closer to him.

She nuzzled her face against Torak's chest and murmured. "If they knew I am with you… they will come after me…" Raine stated.

In that case, she wouldn't have the same peacefulness anymore.Her dream of being a normal college student would be no more.

"Yes." Torak wrapped the blanket around them.

"I will be the center of attention…" Raine hated being the center of attention. Every time it happens, she found herself fidgeting uncontrollably and starting to make nervous gestures, which wasn't good to see.

"Yes." Torak replied. He pulled her closer to him.

"Those women who like you will start to accuse me of stealing you…" Raine frowned at that thought. Calleb had told her two or three things about how women always surrounded Torak like bees eager for nectar.

They wouldn't mind attacking each other if necessary, though Torak wouldn't even spare them a single glance, more so appreciate their actions, yet it happened often.

"How can you steal me when I already gave myself to you willingly?" Torak answered solemnly. "You will be protected from them." He caressed her head lovingly.

And as darkness engulfed them tightly, Torak did not see the blush on Raine's cheeks when she heard that.

Afterwards, Raine did not ask Torak another question as she stayed silent, deep in thought.

"You don't need to force yourself to accept it." Torak reminded her. "Just like what I have told you before… but, I would like to announce to all people that you are mine." He tried another way to persuade her to take this arrangement.

"Will you be happy if everyone knows about me…?" Raine asked in a low voice, unsure if she wanted to hear Torak's reply.

"I will be more than happy, my love, to be able to claim that you are mine in front of the public." Those words were true. Torak would definitely feel that way.

Raine was flustered at Torak's words, but she was sharp enough to relate the conversation between Torak and Calleb this evening. "Torak, are you in trouble that required me to show up?" Raine asked gingerly.

"There is nothing to worry about…" Torak said, but his voice was laced with a little bit of reluctance.

Raine caught that and pondered to herself.

Meanwhile, Torak felt bad for manipulating his own mate, but Raine needed this little push.

At this point, Torak really wanted to laugh and mock himself because with this method, he felt he wasn't any different from the witch. In fact, he was worse because he didn't even spare his own mate and manipulated her like what he did with other people.

There were these contradictions: Torak loved his mate without a doubt, and he wanted her to become stronger so that she could protect herself. But he also couldn't bear to see her getting hurt, even though getting hurt was something that she must face.

His mind was conflicted.

"I will do it…" Raine said in low voice, barely a whisper.

She knew this decision would change everything that she had planned in her mind for her college life, but life does not always turn out the way you wanted it to. Raine had learned that in a hard way.

Moreover, this time, Torak had asked her generously and Raine did not want to disappoint him. After sometime, everything would pass, right?

"Are you sure?" Torak held Raine's chin and lifted her head to face him. Regardless of the lack of light, Torak could still see the outline of her face and touch her soft skin.

Now Torak felt restless because Raine had agreed readily.

This was the first time he was so unsure about something. He couldn't decide what exactly he wanted.

Actually, once Raine agreed with his suggestion, various plans had formed inside Torak's mind, but he had to eliminate a few of them because it could harm Raine in the process.

"Not only that, those people will also dig up your past, wanting to know more about you." Of course Torak would try his best to not let the information about Raine's past be revealed, but since the exposure on Raine would be so big, there would be some affect too.

Raine bit her lips and nodded her head. She knew she could not avoid it. After all, all of those were her past.

"I am sure." Raine's voice was slightly louder this time as if she wanted to find courage in her own words. "Let's announce it on my birthday."

Kissing her forehead, Torak made up his mind and he mind linked Raphael.

[Ralph. I need you to prepare something.]


As expected, the following day's news brought turmoil all over media.

The comments on line were all about the girl in the picture inside a restaurant, a mask party and in a mall. 

All of the pictures were taken candidly and showed the intimate affection and interaction between Raine and Torak.

Torak's name was on every people's lips and also on top of the search engines.

However, while the outside world was in turmoil, here, inside the extravagant house in the most elite location for multi-millionaires, a certain girl was holding her beautiful bunny while sitting inside the green house, listening to Calleb, who has been reporting to her about the progress of the situation.

Yet, he still couldn't cope up with the latest news.

"Raine, don't you know that if you go outside alone, you will be devoured by those jealous women out there?" Calleb said dramatically. "What was Torak actually thinking when he made this decision for you?"

"He thought what was best for me." Raine grinned and took another carrot to feed the bunny as it munched happily. "You said it yourself before that Torak would never harm me."

"Yeah… I know…" Calleb drawled his words. "It's just… it never crossed my mind that he would announce your relationship to the public all of a sudden and that you would actually agree with that.Time passes very quickly."

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