The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 226: The promise

Seeing Raine's frowning expression, Torak leaned over to kiss her forehead, his kiss lingering a bit longer before he cupped her face to stare at her deeply.

"I know I can't give you the comforting words that you need. Honestly, I don't even know exactly how you feel right now. After living for centuries, killing numerous creatures and going through battle after battle, I don't know how to feel again. During that time, I don't know what fear is."

Torak caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. Raine's condition had improved greatly since the first time he met her, so Torak thought it would be right for her to be taught little by little about another side of this world, the dark side of it.

Though Torak did not want Raine to see it and learn about it, the fact that most of the time 'ignorance' could kill forced Torak to put aside his nonsensical thought that he could always protect her.

That thought had been proven wrong many times and what she just went through was a recent example.

"But all I want to say is that I would rather that you kill other people than that other people harm you." Torak explained his standpoint. "Don't feel guilty that you killed the wizard hunter, because that wizard hunter wouldn't feel the same thing if he managed to kill you."

Raine blinked her eyes. Torak was right. No, he was totally right.

Raine remembered how the wizard hunter laughed at her when he thought that he had killed her along with baby Torak.

Raine rubbed her eyes and tiptoed to kiss Torak's lips. "Thank you."

"You are most welcome my love." Torak rubbed her head, relieved that his little mate had calmed down a little bit. "Will you tell me about what you have gone through?"

Torak was really against the idea of having Serefina train Raine after what had happened, especially as, sometimes, the witch neglected her responsibilities.

Yet in the end, he had to compromise and accept that not everything would happen according to what he wanted, especially when this was about his mate.

Raine looked at Torak with conflicted and sad eyes before she shook her head. "I can't…" She said regretfully.

"Why? Serefina told you so?" With Raine, Torak really learned how to control his emotions and discovered another side of himself.

Raine nodded. "She said something about knowledge about the past should stay in the past, or the present will change and we don't know if it will be for good or bad…" Raine repeated what Serefina had said to her.

Torak sighed deeply. "Do you really want to keep doing this?" He said after he stared at his precious mate. "If Serefina's method is too harsh, let's find another way for you to gain your power. There are thousands of witches, so there should be another one who knows about this."

Raine gave some thought about that. "Serefina had managed to use my power to bring us back to the past and we had progress in finding the first guardian angel that was able to control time." She felt a little bit awkward when she talked about her ability because she had not yet felt it. "If I stop now, there will be retrogression."

Raine was trying to give her point of view.

Torak closed his eyes and touched Raine's forehead with his. "Can you promise me to do everything you can to be safe? I couldn't ask you more than this. Whatever you do or whenever you go, please come back to me."

Torak said in a deep voice as he pleaded for the safety of his mate.

"I will try my best." Raine said. She looked at Torak's face that was so close to hers.

"Promise me, my love. Promise me that you will return to me." Torak demanded. He was frustrated for not being able to go with her to travel back to the past and to protect her personally.

"Promise." Raine finally said after she went silent for a while.

"And what I meant with everything is every way possible or impossible." Torak wanted to underline his words that he would not mind if Raine killed one or two more creatures in order to save herself. She must do that if she has to.

Raine could feel how worried Torak was for her as she placed her palms on the side of his face and said, "Where will I go if I don't return to you?" She smiled sweetly the moment Torak opened his eyes and looked at her.

"I think I should correct my words earlier." He mumbled.

"Which one?" Raine asked because she didn't know what Torak meant.

"The part when I said I don't know what fear is; because even though you are so close to me right now, I am still afraid of losing you." Torak said those cheesy words in all seriousness that Raine didn't know what to do, whether she would laugh at it or she would feel ecstatic.

But one thing was for sure, she felt contented at Torak's words. Raine giggled and hugged Torak tightly, which he reciprocated gladly.

Not long after, Torak caressed Raine's head and kissed her. "My love, I don't mean to offend you, but your smell bothers me…" He said calmly.

"Ah!" Raine shrieked and suddenly pulled herself from Torak's arms. She just remembered that her body reeked with the foul smell of dust, dirt and blood. "I will take a bath!"

"Do you need help?" Torak caught her waist and whispered in her ear.

"No. No. No." Raine rejected the offer frantically as she escaped from the room and ran to the second floor.

As soon as she left, Torak walked towards the side of the cabinet. This spot was a blind spot in this dining room, where people could hide without being seen. But Torak did not need his eyes to know there was someone there.

"So how can your condition be like this?" Torak asked the woman who was sitting there. Her breathing was shallow.

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