The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 223: Do you think torak will be happy?

"What is it?" Serefina looked at Raine in anticipation. She narrowed her eyes as if she wanted to figure out what was running inside Raine's mind.

Raine bit down her lips as she scanned her surroundings, unsure if it would work out or not.

"Now what?" Serefina was getting impatient at Raine's distracted expression. What was she going to do now?

Well, at least she needed to try this…

It wasn't because Raine didn't believe Serefina's words that she wouldn't do her any harm the moment she was sapping her power, but she did not want to take that risk.

Raine was not in such good terms with Serefina to the point that she would leave her life on the witch's hands.

"Aeon…?" She whispered his name.

"Aeon!?" Serefina glared at Raine. She knew Aeon was the name of the shadow warrior that came after her.

Serefina had put a spell on Raine and on the house where Torak and Raine were living to prevent the shadow warrior from coming close to her, but why was Raine callingfor him?

Moreover, how could it be possible that the shadow warrior came here? It wasn't a matter of distance anymore, for they were centuries apart.

"Aeon?" Raine ignored Serefina's perplexed expression as she called Aeon's name louder.

"Are you insane?" Serefina scoffed. "Do you really think he will come to meet you simply because you called him? What do you think he is? A genie?" She said in a mocking tone.

Raine grimaced at her attempt.

Well, this was indeed ridiculous…

She had thought that Aeon would be nearby to help her just like how he had helped her earlier when the chair almost crushed her head. When Raine was about to give up the idea,a distant voice replied to her call.

"Did you call for me?"

Raine and Serefina whipped their heads in unison towards the direction of the voice and found Aeon approaching them slowly. They could not read his expression as it was so rigid.

"You?" Serefina pointed her long fingernail at Aeon, her jaw dropping open in disbelief. "How could you be here?! How is that possible?!" Her mind was distraught.

Ignoring the frantic Serefina, Aeon only had his eyes on Raine. He intentionally avoided glancing at the baby in her arms.

"Do you need me?" Aeon asked.

Raine was quite surprised that her nonsense idea would actually work. She did not really expect him to appear although her instincts told her he would. After all, Aeon said that he would protect her.

"All of this is nonsense." Serefina muttered to herself and then she became alarmed when Aeon stopped and stood only a step away from Raine. "You better mind your distance."

"You better shut your mouth." Aeon retorted and shot her a dagger look. "If you can't protect her well, don't even try to act powerful. That's disgusting." He made sure that the witch heard his every word clearly.

"What did you say!?" Serefina's temper flared up as her hand conjured a blue fire, ready to shoot it at Aeon for his comment.

"Both of you please stop!" Raine yelled but she moved aside, afraid that Serefina would really shoot her with the blue fire. With Serefina,anything was possible.

All this time, the witch always said that she would protect her, but just how many times had she already been trying to kill her? That was why, when Serefina said she needed to sap her energy in order to save Fabian who was no other than her own father, Raine could not completely believe that it would be safe for her.

Nothing was totally safe with this cunning witch. Although this trip seemed to have improved their relationship, but in reality it didn't. Raine had to put her guard up all the time.

Aeon switched his attention to Raine. "What do you need, Raine?"

"We don't need you!" Serefina snarled.

"Yes, we do." Raine frowned at Serefina. This witch irked her through and through. "Aeon, Mr. Alizon is under the control of the wizard hunter and now he is fighting the Lycans. Do you think you can take him without harming both parties?"

Serefina rolled her eyes and leaned her back against the wall. "If Torak knows you asked for another man's help, do you think he will be happy?" She tried to use Torak as an excuse.

Even though her power was depleted now, asking help from an enemy was hurting her pride. Serefina thought of Aeon as her enemy.

"Do you think Torak will be happy to know that you took me here without a word and put me in danger? Not to mention that you plan to sap my power!"

"Sap your power?!" Aeon's shadow tendrils splayed around him as he glared at Serefina.

One of his tendrils moved forward with the intention of attacking her, yet Serefina waved her hand and a bright light appeared around her, like a bubble of protection.

"I am not in a good shape now, but it doesn't mean I can't crush and throw you into nothingness like the shadow that you are." Serefina snapped.

"Stop it please." Raine's arms were getting tired of holding the baby who was sleeping in Raine's comfortable embrace. "I just want for this to end."

"What do you have in mind?" Aeon closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself before he opened them and looked at Raine coldly. "What do you need me to do?"

At this point, Raine felt a little bit guilty towards Aeon. He had been trying to protect her, but Raine had shooed him away. Yet the moment she called out for him, he appeared, still willing to help.

"Actually, I don't have any idea how to do it, but Serefina does." Raine looked at Serefina. "Can you stop your snarky comments please? You said it before that time is crucial, so we need to move quickly."

Gritting her teeth, Serefina gave up and popped the bright bubble around her as she talked in the same arrogant tone. "Okay. Listen..."

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