The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 197: Grimoire

Other creatures would look for guardian angels to sap their power in order to become stronger. This also holds true for witches, except for the pure blood ones.

Just like the Lycanthropes, the pure blood witches consider themselves already strong. And they were too haughty to use such method.

"Why is there an angel here?" Fabian frowned at Raine. His eyes moved to assess her in case he made a mistake inidentifying the creature in front of him.

A guardian angel would rarely walk away from its village and from the protection of the shadow warriors guarding it, knowing that they would either die from the attack of other creatures or die from the harsh law of nature.

Thus, seeing Raine here confused him.

Ignoring Fabian's question, Serefina spoke in a straightforward manner. "I came to see your grimoire, the family hereditary book."

"What?" Fabian was flabbergasted by Serefina's request. Witches treasure thegrimoire and would certainly never hand it over casually, especially to someone they had just met in less than ten minutes.

"As you can see, I am a pure blood witch too." Serefina stood unwavering under Fabian's dangerous gaze. "So this is my right too, to see the family hereditary book."

Fabian was speechless for a moment by Serefina's boldness, but then he scoffed. "I am the last pure blood witch and I don't know you!" As the blood line was counted from the men's side, so Fabian was certain that he wasthe last one.

Both of them were so stubborn and just would not calm down. Raine felt like there would be another battle before they could resolve this.

Why does Serefina havesuch an extremely horrible attitude? She should not ask anything from someone in such a nasty manner, right? Especially when it was only their first encounter and they did not know each other well.

"This is so annoying." Serefina grumbled as she clicked her tongue in irritation. "You can see that I am a pure blood witch."

"Appearances can be deceiving." Fabian squinted. He was in a defensive position and was ready to attack should Serefina do something fishy.

Yet Serefina did not take that seriously as she flicked her fingers lazily. She extended her right arm for Fabian to see with her hand closed. When she opened her hand, they could see a blue flower resting on her palm, the exact same flower that filled the hill. Under Fabian's questioning eyes, Serefina squeezed the flower until it turned into red smoke.

However, the red smoke formed a shape of an animal before it disappeared with the wind. Raine did not have time to figure out what animal it was since it happened too fast.

Regardless, the expression on Fabian's face changed drastically. "How did you do that?"

Having seen her husband in a long conversation with the two strangers and having witnessed what Serefina just did, Cassandra walked slowly to approach them.

"The blue flower only shows red smoke in the hands of a pure blood witch…" She uttered in disbelief.

That was a fact and what Serefina did was undeniable proof that she was a pure blood witch, just as she said earlier. As such, she was entitled to full access to the grimoire as she wished.

"I have proven myself, now show me the grimoire." Serefina clapped her hands as if there was remaining dust there.

Still, Fabian looked at Serefina in suspicion, even as he knew thatwhatshe had done was indeed only a pure blood could do.

He turned and took Cassandra's hand and walked back towards the hut, motioning for them to follow him. "The grimoire is inside."

Serefina raised her eyebrows. "Stay behind me." She said to Raine and then she grumbled in frustration, "This old man is really something…"

Raine, who felt out of place, could only follow Serefina and the others into the hut.

The hut was not big, but was comfortable enough for two people. Almost all of the interiors there were made of wood.

Even though it was warm, fire flickered in the fireplace.

"Wait here. I will get the grimoire." Fabian said, grumbling and going to one ofthe bedrooms while Cassandra went to make tea for Raine and Serefina.

The styleinside the hut reminded Raine of Lydia's house at the village of angels.

Serefina stood near the fireplace, while Raine looked out at the field of blue flowers through the window on one side of the living room. Pieces of wood formed like a cross in the middle of the oval-shaped window.

In a short while, Cassandra returned bearing two cups of hot tea, with steam rising enticingly from it.

Raine was drawn by Cassandra's beauty and apparently, Serefina was too. She stood there just staring intently at the woman without blinking, even when Cassandra handed the drink to her.

Raine thanked Cassandra and walked towards Serefina. "She is very beautiful, isn't she?" She whispered to her.

"Yes." Serefina agreed immediately.

Serefina's answer caught Raine off guard. What on earth was she saying? Raine was confused. She actually expected Serefina to disagree and point out that she was prettier than Cassandra.

Well both of them were beautiful in their own way. There was really no need to compare.

Raine pouted. She was jealous again and was in fact slightly relieved that Torak was not there to see the beauty of this woman.

After handing over the cups of tea to Raine and Serefina, she looked at them with a curious expression.

"Where are you from?" Cassandra frowned. "Your outfit is a little bit…"

"Weird." Serefina finished her sentence. "We come from a very far place."

Just then Fabian came out from the bedroom, holding a big and thick book. Heplaced it down on the table.The book was so big that it almost covered the entire round table.

"Here is the grimoire." Fabian looked at Serefina with a cunning smirk on his lips, but the same smile also appeared on Serefina's lips.

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