The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 181: The party (8)

"What happened here?" Torak suddenly appeared and grabbed Raine's arm, turning her body to face him.

When Torak saw her tears, he knew Serefina had let loose her vicious tongue again.

"Why are you crying?" Torak wiped the tears from Raine's cheeks. The mask couldn't hide her sad eyes and he could feel his frigid heart ache uponseeing her devastated expression. "Tell me, what is it?"

Without caring about his image and people's attention around them, Torak pulled Raine close to him and hugged her tight. He rubbed her back to calm her trembling body.

Instead of looking at the starry sky and waiting for the fireworks, people around them zeroed in their attention on Torak and Raine, though they wondered why they were not able to hear a single word from themregardless of their close distance. They couldn'thelp their curiosity.

Serefina's spell still worked after all. There was no way people out of her magic circle could hear them.

"What are you doing to her now?" Torak really had had enough of this witch. If not for Raine's sake, he would shred her into pieces.

All she had done was hurt his mate again and again.

Raine was fine when he left her with the witch but Serefina must have told her something that turned his mate this way.

"I said nothing, only the truth." Serefina shrugged her shoulder and took another glass of wine. She looked a little bit tipsy now.

Torak didn't talk, but the way he looked at Serefina was a demand for her to explain what she meant by saying 'the truth'.

"I said if the war broke out, she will die in order for the Lycanthropes to win the war." Serefina said callously, even giving Torak a faint smile. "I just found out that you did not tell her yet about this crucial information, so I took the brunt and told her." Serefina waved her hand. "No need to thank me."

Serefina held a grudge against Torak and Raine because she was aware of the importance of her role in Raine's recovery and how to strengthen the angel power. This was forced upon her because of that deal. As such, she couldn't help but spitefully enjoy the sight of Raine crying her heart out and of infuriating the Alpha again and again.

That is why Torak wouldn't be able to do anything atrocious toward her as long as she didn't hurt his mate directly.

Torak couldn't believe what he heard. He had been keeping that matter a secret all this time and Serefina just told Raine without a second thought?

No, this was Torak's mistake. He shouldn't have thought lightly about letting Serefina talkto Raine alone.

At first, he assumed Serefina and Raine would only talk about how to strengthen Raine's power and discover how to control it. Who would have thought that their conversation was going south?

"Let's go home." Torak whispered, intending to carry her out of the party room.

But Raine held him back and raised her head. She bit down her kissable lips and said in a low voice filled with dread. "Am I going to die…?" Another tear fell on her cheek.

The question made his beast scamper and howlpainfully in his head, on the verge of tearing the witch apart. But instead of letting his beast loose, Torak kissed her forehead to calm his beast down.

It wasn't only Raine who was afraid of that fact. Torak also felt the same since, from the beginning, he was aware of the purpose of the resurrection of the guardian angel.

"I will never let that happen." Those were notonly comforting words, but also an oath that Torak made to himself, a reminder about the excruciating pain that he will now suffer even with just the thought of losing his mate.

Torak couldn't imagine and dare not think about it really happening.

Since he kept that information to himself and never talked about it, it was easy to pretend not knowing about it and put this matter at the back of his mind while he cherished his mate's existence.

But because Serefina told Raine about it and this matter was brought up to the surface, Torak couldn't pretend or ignore it any longer.

"That means what she said is true?" Raine realized another meaning in the way Torak answered her.

If what Serefina said was true, then she really would die? Was she being sacrificed? Why does she have to face something as cruel as that?

"Will I be sacrificed in order for you to win?" Raine couldn't help but ask. It seemed that was the case.

"No." Torak said sternly, even his eyes turned black with the way Raine laid out this matter. Just thinking Raine would be harmed was enough to make Torak scared, how much more if she was being sacrificed for his sake.

If the time came and Torak needed to choose, the answer is crystal clear to him.

"I will keep you safe even if that is the last thing I will ever do." Torak wiped her tears and kissed Raine's forehead. "You don't need to worry about that kind of thing, there must be another way. We will find out about that soon, together."


Raine liked how that word sounded from Torak's lips, it felt like Torak trusted her and thought Raine was reliable enough for them to be able to find the solution to this hurdle together.

Raine cannot remember the last time she had done something together with another person.

"Stop crying." Torak turned Raine's body to face Serefina, but then he lifted her chin up to him. "Don't look at her. She is not a good sight to see." Torak reprimanded Raine lightly.

His words brought a smile on Raine's lips when she glanced at Serefina's angry face.

At the same time, fireworks burst through the dark night, displaying fiery blooms among the stars. They sent hot sparks into the cool evening air, searing with brilliant light and vivacious color.

Torak hugged Raine from behind and watched how they light up her smiling face, like a perfect real life photograph.

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