The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 164: I will do differently next time

Glancing towards the window, Lilith noticed the light. She gazed at the drizzle outside that was steady pouring, just had not yet to subside. The combination turned the room gloomier than it supposed to be.

"How long are you going to stay here, and do nothing while knowing that this woman is somewhere out there, running around, betraying us?" She whined. 

Lilith was sitting on a bar stool while sipping the drink in her hand. Her hair was tied up into a bun atop of her head. She rested her head lazily on the table. It must be because she had been hanging out around with sloths for too long. Being around the sloth gradually made her behave more like him, lazy. What a bad influence that Belphegor has.

Meanwhile, he was sitting opposite her, leaning his back against his chair. His golden eyes were staring at the ceiling mindlessly, as if there was something up there that was worth observing.

"Oh hell! Say something!" Lilith abruptly sat down, throwing the empty wine glass in her hand towards the Sloth. But then, that wine glass stopped a few inches before it could hit Belphegor's face, and  dropped to the floor.

Strange enough for any mundane eyes to see, instead of shattering into pieces, the glass landed quite nicely. All with only a soft thud sound when it touched the ground. 

"Lower your voice." Belphegor still didn't look at Lilith at all. He kept his eyes on the ceiling where sparkling dust flew in the air. "We are just a meter apart. I can hear you clearly from here."

"Damn it, Sloth!" Lilith cursed. This wasn't the first time he kept the plan to himself, and ordered her to run errands for him.

"I am damn, and it's been a long time already." Belphegor replied, there was no change in the way he talked as if the woman opposite him wasn't in fury. "I don't need a reminder."

Lilith threw her hands up frustratedly. "Alright, at the very least, tell me why did you let that woman go to Torak's place after you told her some of our plans!?" She hissed irritatedly. "Are you crazy?!"

They had been waiting for her to awake. But now that she had awakened, rising from her supposed death, all the efforts of keeping her alive somehow useless. Because Belphegor ruined it so easily by letting her go back to her former pack. What was the point of them taking care of the no-longer female lycan all these time? 

Thinking about it all, Lilith couldn't read what was in his mind. In fact she was completely lost. She really couldn't understand the meaning of it all, and why did it have to be let done? What was actually going on inside the head of this devil. What could possibly be Belphegor's real plan?

"So, she could use that information for her benefit, so she could return to the pack again. But we shall not be worried about it at all. Because she will come back to us." Belphegor said. This time, he hummed a strange song while knocking his fingers on the armrest of his chair. Ignoring his surroundings. 

"How sure are you that she will come back?" Lilith leaned her body over. She was getting intrigued into knowing what Belphegor had planned.

But, as usual, the Sloth was too lazy to explain all of his real intentions to her. Everything that he had done, and the many things that he would do in the near future, only he himself knew. 

She regretted having questioned him about it, knowing his response was just exactly as she had predicted. At this rate, it was pointless to ask him anything, because he would be too lazy to explain. "Aarrgh! Helping you just made me feel unnecessarily depressed, frustrated. It's exhausting!!" She knocked her forehead on the table, a little too hard that the wine bottle on the table was shaking. 

A single glance was Belphegor's only reaction in response to Lilith's whine. Then, he resumed staring meaninglessly at the ceiling above him, floating on his own thoughts. 

Of course, Jenedieth would come back. Where else would she go after Torak banished her? She had nowhere to go since her father died, and it was absolutely impossible for her to go join her father's initial pack. 

Belphegor was sure that the Alpha would never take her back in after everything that had happened. 

Jenedieth's father, Alpha Xavier, was killed because he tried to hurt the guardian angel. And it didn't stop there, before the unspeakable plot that was conducted by Alpha Xavier happened, Jenedieth herself was punished because she treated that girl so horribly.

There was no way that the Alpha would be willing to take her back into the pack. And based on Jenedieth's nature, she would likely end up in a far way unfavorable outcomes. All thanks to her lacking sensing ability. She was the worst when it came to reading a situation, especially her own. She would probably only make things even worse for her.

Belphegor sighed. How easy it was for him to read one's gesture, and then predict what would happen…

All he did was only take a closer look, a sharp observation at their characters and natures, and only by doing that, he was able to plan all of this… slowly but surely…

He only hoped that his fellow devils wouldn't come close to ruin everything that he had planned, he wished that they would stay away from his target. 

The time was ticking along with the sound of the rain that was pattering on the roof, and the window. 

On the other hand, Lilith was tired of pestering Belphegor and made him spill the information. Meanwhile, Lucifer had been away for the past few days, and no one had a single idea of his whereabouts. It made Lilith stuck with Belphegor in the end.

It was tiring to help the both devils, back and forth at the same time. Especially the Sloth.

When Lilith was about to go back to her bedroom upstairs, suddenly someone opened the door harshly. 

"What is that?" Lilith shrieked, while turning her head towards the door. A woman was standing there unmoved.

Belphegor smirked ever so faintly when the person that he had been waiting for, finally came. He stretched out his hands toward the woman, looking as if he was welcoming her presence.

"Come here Jen…" Belphegor stood up, with his hand still stretched out.

The woman was no other than Jenedieth. Her body was thoroughly drenched from what could've only been the rain outside. The droplets of water continued to drip to the floor. She trudged inside the room. Her blonde hair, and her pale face implicitly explained so much, about what kind of sufferings that she had been through.

"What the hell happened to her?" Lilith cursed under her breath. Never had she ever would have imagined that the day where she would see Jenedieth be in this kind of an awful-looking condition, actually arrived now. "What is it now? Did your pack throw you to a disgusting gutter?"

"Bring a towel for her." Belphegor ordered Lilith while he pulled a chair for Jenedieth.

"U-uh, no way!" Lilith rejected his order in an instant. Why should she do anything for this wench of a woman? Who the hell did she think she was?

However, Belphegor didn't accept her disobedience. He glared at Lilith menacingly. Having no other option in her hands, Lilith stomped her feet on the floor, and went off to retrieve the towel that Belphegor asked.

"It must be hard for you…" Belphegor caressed Jenedieth's soaked hair, and patted her shoulder. "I have warned you, haven't I?"

Jenedieth stilled and refused to talk. Not only that she couldn't snatch the position as the Luna with the information that she brought, it wasn't even close to working on lifting her punishment off of her. Worse of all, she now had to face her reality, being banished from the pack. 

Her father died, and no one from the pack stood up for her. The once an Alpha's daughter, and a well-respected Lycan, now turned into nothing but a rogue who didn't have any place to go. It was quite a blow for her already, especially when she watched how Torak treated that girl Raine right before her eyes. It was beyond humiliation! And she would never accept such a treatment!

With just the thoughts of it all, Jenedieth got her hands turned into fists.  She gritted her teeth. "You said that you can destroy Torak." Jenedieth looked at Belphegor beside her. "Are you telling the truth? Can you really do that?"

"Well, it'd depend on how you will help me." said Belphegor in response. He took the towel that Lilith put on the table, and wiped Jenedieth's face. "What is it now? Are you interested?"


Raine was beyond tired last night. Even when Torak carried her, and then after when he put her on the bed, she wasn't awoken at all. She had never been this tired that it caused her to sleep longer than her regular time. It was even longer than how it was supposed to be, thus when it was so early in the morning that the sun was still not yet to be rising on the horizon, she had woken up.

Her eyes blinked a couple of times before she felt a warm breath on her neck. She knew exactly who the person that was so close to her. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Raine turned around slightly to her side. And there, she found Torak's sleeping face right beside her. Her sudden move just made Torak grunted shortly before he pulled her back closer to him. Even in his sleep, he was aware of his mate's presence. 

Raine was pulled even closer that her face stuck on his chest. She found herself having a hard time breathing, then she started to struggle to break free.

"Can you stop moving around? It's way too early to wake up…" Torak mumbled in his sleepy voice. Then he put his leg atop of hers to make her stop moving around.

"I have to wake up! I haven't finished my homework yet…" Raine said, poking her head off from Torak's arms. "Mrs. Martha would scold me if ever I fail to do my homework…"

"I will fire her immediately if she scolds you." Torak grumbled in his half-asleep state.

Raine chuckled upon hearing that. "Let me go, will you?"

"Never." Torak insisted on keeping Raine stayed on the bed.

This time Raine laughed. "Now seriously, I really have to do my homework." Though that was what she said, instead of getting away from him, Raine nuzzled her head on Torak's chest. She was fond of being held like this, and how comfortable she felt, especially when she was in his hands. 

"Five minutes…" Torak mumbled. He went to sleep very late last night. It had been barely two hours since he fell asleep. 

"You can stay here, and go back to sleep. I will do my homework." Raine tried to talk him out. 

"I can't sleep if you are not here…" Torak frowned. He opened his eyes slightly, and then stared at his mate sullenly. "Alright, five minutes?"

Raine yielded, and hugged Torak back. "Five minutes."


"Stop kissing me!" 

Raine glared at Torak. She tried so hard to make herself look intimidating. She thought that she was frightening enough to make him stop, but little did she know, it didn't affect him at all. Instead of being frightened, he thought that she looked so adorable when she frowned sullenly.

Five minutes that Torak asked, now extended into an hour.

The moment Raine woke up, Torak was already dressed neatly, clad in his business attire. She jumped, and hurriedly dressed as well while complaining, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

In his defence, he said that he did try to wake her up. Only she was sleeping too deep, and so soundly that he simply failed to wake her up no matter how hard he tried. 

He might have tried to wake her up, but his effort was nothing more than a gentle caress on her face, that he did so lightly for a mere minute, before immediately giving up. 

Raine was trying to finish her homework, before they arrived at Torak'soffice. But there were just too many things that were unfinished. And she knew that she should've done them earlier, because it was simply impossible to finish them in such a short time. Worst of all, Torak didn't help at all. 

In fact, he had been bothering her since they left the house. He was seemingly gotten even more ecstatic once he managed to make Raine more frustrated.

Meanwhile, poor Calleb who was sitting on the shotgun seat, wished that he wasn't there inside the same car with the couple. 

"They're always like this?" Calleb whispered to Gregory, the driver, beside him. 

"Yes…" Gregory whispered back to Calleb before he put his focus back on the road ahead. He was a man in his early thirty with tan skin, and a strange accent. 

[God! Raph, I hope I'm in the same car with you!] Calleb whined through the mind-link as he stared at the car in front of him. Apparently the Beta took a different car from them.

However, Raphael ignored the whining Gamma. 

By the time they arrived at the company building, there were still five more problems left unsolved on Raine's homework that she had not yet answered. She hoped that Mrs. Martha had not arrived yet, so that she could finish her homework.

"How many problems have not been answered?" Torak asked when they were in the elevator up to his office. 

"Five." Raine said sullenly, while hugging her books. She kept looking at the number of the floor that flashed, hoping she still had time to finish it in time. Usually Mrs. Martha had never been late, because Torak would send a driver to pick her up, and drop her off after their session. 

When the elevator's door opened, Raine hurriedly ran towards the spot where she was used to studying, and failed to see a faint smile on Torak's face.

She had so little time, and the time was ticking slowly but surely, and each second now had passed. Raine was finally done with her homework, only then she realized her teacher had not arrived yet. She frowned, and looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock, this could only mean that Mrs. Martha had been late for almost an hour. Wait, this is unusual, what could possibly be happening?--she thought.

Raine glanced at Torak, who seemingly was really busy. She wanted to ask him about her teacher, but seeing him very engrossed with his work, she kept silent and ate away her curiosity. 

Raine didn't know what happened to Mrs. Martha and why she had not come yet.

The time showed that it was twelve already. Torak put down the documents in his hands, and walked over to Raine, who seemed to be re-reading her book. 

"Come on, it's lunch time. Let's go out, and get something to eat." Torak rubbed her head to get her attention.

Raine tilted her head, and she frowned. She was so confused, and it showed on all over her face.

"What? What's wrong?" Torak asked. Although he knew exactly why she made that face.

"Where is Mrs. Martha? Why is she not coming? Will she come at all?" Raine asked, Torak must've known something about this. 

"Ah, right. She is not here." Torak looked around, and couldn't seem to find the middle aged woman anywhere in the room. 

"Don't you know where she is?" Raine was a bit worried. She thought that there should be a reason for her absence. Could there be something happening to her?—she thought to herself.

"Hold on, I'll make a call." Torak walked back to his table. He took the phone on the table, while Raine followed behind him. She stood beside him, as she tried to listen to the other person's voice when the call went through. But Torak was too tall, and he didn't want to bend his body to let Raine hear his conversation with the other person on the phone. 

Thus, she could only ask after he hung up the phone. "So? What happened?" 

"There is nothing to be worried about, they're just gotten into some flat tire situation. Mrs. Martha will be here after lunch." said Torak reassuringly and then he kissed her forehead. He took her by her hand as he walked towards the elevator. "Let's eat something." He said.

Raine was relieved to hear that, but she felt there was something wrong with it. Did such a coincidence actually just happen? Of all time, it was right when she needed time to finish her homework. And out of the blue, the car that picked Mrs. Martha got a flat tire?

"You really have nothing to do with this, right?" Raine asked Torak when they were inside the elevator.

"With what?" Torak frowned, but she could see it clearly behind his mirthful blue eyes, hiding the truth of some mischievous doings that had indeed been committed. The obvious answer didn't need to be said, it was all easily read from his expression. 

"Torak." Raine cried, and slapped his hand lightly. "Why did you do that?" she didn't believe Torak would go to that extent for this trivial matter.

However, the Alpha laughed cheerfully when his little mischievous trick was discovered. "Alright, I can't lie to you." He tousled Raine's hair, and pinched her pouty lips. "I just can't stand it, if ever there's someone scolding you, that's it." 

Raine was speechless when she heard that. It was a simple, obvious reason that Torak would've done. If only she knew him a little better.

"Don't do that again." Raine said helplessly. Actually, it was sweet of him that he took it to the point where he intentionally made his own car getting a flat tire, just so that she could have more time to finish her homework, and most importantly to avoid any possible scolding that she might get. But if this kept on going, Raine wouldn't be able to learn properly.

"Alright." Torak relented, and opened the car door for her before he sat on the driver seat. He decided to drive the car alone. "I will try another thing next time." It meant that he would do it again in the future, only in a different way.

"Torak!" Raine swatted his arm playfully while she laughed at his ridiculous words. 

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