The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 154: The way torak answered

Everybody has an addiction, mine just happens to be you.


After going missing for a while, now Jenedieth had to face so many things unfold in front of her eyes. How could Jenedieth keep insisting on her demand of being the Luna for Torak, when the man that she intended to be with was holding another girl affectionately? Her initial purpose of coming back now had shattered.

The atmosphere seemed to change drastically, unleashing the inevitably heavy awkwardness in the mood. Unfortunately, it applied only to Jenedieth. Because Torak, and Raine were evidently looking rather fine, unbothered by whatever it was that affected Jenedieth.

While Torak was playing with Raine's skin and, once in a while, he would breathe on her scent. On the other hand, Raine would nuzzle her head on Torak's shoulder, laying her head on a comfortable spot to rest her head.

"You can talk now." Torak generously reminded Jenedieth for her intention to come here.

Jenedieth could feel herself was hyperventilating with the anger that she tried to suppress. "Torak! What is the meaning of this?!" Jenedieth was angry now, unconsciously raised her voice in anger. She wished to escape the unbearable sight in front of her eyes, but couldn't bring herself to look away from Raine in Torak's embrace.

This scene was like a fuel that was burning the anger within her body. It was greater than before, that it became a flaming wrath. The more she looked, the more she burned. She was consumed, and soon she would be drowned in it.

Torak didn't answer her, and kissed Raine's forehead instead. Anybody could see it. The Alpha seemed to be looking oblivious about the people near him. He no longer cared about his surroundings. His eyes were fixed on, and only for his mate.

How the warmth of her body was so right against his skin, and how soft they were. Torak pulled the hair ties from Raine's hair, letting her long black hair loosened down on her shoulder, covering half of her face. He liked to play with her hair, the soft silky strands between his fingers. Torak didn't know since when this became a habit of his.

"Do you know how crucial this information that I have about her is?!" Jenedieth shouted at him angrily, she was frustrated.

Feeling like a fool, she realized that she had just made a big mistake by coming back to Torak's side. Never had she thought that she would regret betraying those two devils who salvaged her from dying in the prison. Above all, she was fully aware of the risks that she had to bear for betraying them. What worse, it was in the name of pursuing an empty hope of getting back her place in Torak's pack.

But, she didn't see it coming at all. The risks that she had taken were worthless. Because all that she got was this! A scene where the man that she had loved for more than decades, giving his affection to someone else! How frustrated this was for Jenedieth to witness all this!?

Even her warning about the information that she held about Raine, was somehow useless. It couldn't get a bit of reaction from Torak, totally ignored.

It didn't stop there, the sight of Raine who was still there, really got on Jenedieth's nerve. The girl was tilting her head, and looked at Jenedieth innocently. She rested her palm on Torak's chest provokingly, while staring at Jenedieth as if she was waiting for whatever Jenedieth would like to say next, if ever there was more of it.

"You will regret this Torak!" Jendieth warned him, but Torak was still unmoved.

It was almost like the Alpha was bewitched by Raine, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

Jenedieth couldn't take this anymore. "Belphegor, and Lilith will conspire, and go against you to take away Raine from you!" She said it out loud. "The person who killed Remi de Medici, and made Ramon as the suspect of it, was Belphegor! That was only the beginning of their plan! If you want to know what else they have in mind, make me your Luna!"

Raine frowned when she heard that for the second time… This woman was as annoying as Serefina for sure. Both of them like to blurt out whatever it was inside their mind, all without thinking about the situation they were in, and what worse was that the both of them loved to force their will on other people.

"You can keep her by your side if that's what you want! I can save you from their evil plan, but in order to do that, you have to mark me!" She tried to sound generous with her offer. After all, Torak only needed Raine because of the mate bond between them, right? Jenedieth was losing it when she witnessed how Torak gripped Raine's chin firmly, but so gently, to tilt her head and laid a deep kiss on her lips.

Jenedieth let out a loud gasp when she watched it. In her eyes, the scene was playing in a slow motion, resembling scene effects in the movie. On the other hand, Calleb was still standing at the door. He felt rather embarrassed only by looking at the way Torak kissed Raine so affectionately. But he just couldn't move even his foot, as if they were nailed through to the floor.

Not only Jenedieth and Calleb who were caught off guard. Even Raine was surprised by Torak's gestures. Yet, after her shock passed, she found herself bravely reciprocated the kiss with the same affection. The kiss lasted for quite a long while. No one could take their eyes from the passionate couple, no matter what kind of thought, and emotions that roamed around their mind. 

"Ehem…" Calleb caught lightly to get Jenedieth's attention. "I think that's the answer that you want to know." He kindly reminded her.

Jenedieth couldn't accept this! This was a humiliation that was openly thrown to her face!

"You have killed my old man, banished me from your pack and now, when I generously come to help you, you do this to me." Jenedieth mumbled, yet she was sure that Torak could hear her perfectly. "Fine.But, remember this, and don't tell me I didn't warn you about this Torak. There'll be time, when you'll come, and beg for my help! You'll regret this moment! And the dirty girl in your arm will suffer greatly."

After saying her fiery warning, Jenedieth stormed out of the room. She almost knocked Calleb down in the process. But fortunately, the Beta had a good reflex. Calleb grimaced, that must be a big blow for Jenedieth. But, Torak could have just answered her in the normal way. Rejecting her directly with respectful words, without hurting her dignity as a woman.

Nevertheless, he found it to be an interesting way to slap Jenedieth's face, and destroy her pride ruthlessly for the conditions that she demanded.

Made her as his Luna? Huh! It would never happen. Not even in her wildest dreams!—Calleb thought.

Torak had various methods to ensure Raine's safety, even if it required him to be with her twenty four hours, he would do that. The moment Jenedieth gave him her ridiculous conditions, the answer was absolute, there was no room for negotiations or talked about it further.

[Erm… Alpha, I am truly sorry for the interruption.] Calleb said timidly through mind-link, the only communication that he felt less awkward. Because he knew that Torak wouldn't be able to answer him anyway at this moment, if ever he asked any other way. [Do I have to imprison her again? Or, should I kill her?]

[Let her leave, and arrange someone to follow her.] Torak's answer was a bit disoriented as he deepened his kiss on Raine.

[Will do, right away.] Though that was what The Gamma answered, he was still standing there.


[Yes, Alpha?]


With that, Calleb hastily dashed out of the room. He even forgot to close the door, leaving it wide open. Meanwhile, the two people inside were once again, alone in their own world.

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