The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 143: She needs to learn to take the pain

We are made of all those who have built and broken us.



"Why?" Serefina asked the girl back. Both her arms were folded in front of her chest. Her short red hair dangled framing her beautiful face, looking like the fire that she conjured just about earlier to burn the book. "Well of course I did that to save you from the shadow warrior." 

Even with the despicable thing that she had done, no remorse could be heard in the way she answered Raine. She made it sound as if Raine was the one in the wrong for asking such a stupid question to her.

"That book is mine!" Raine was frustrated in Torak's arms, couldn't move and set free. She really wanted to kick that red headed witch, imagining hitting her as hard as she could for the unspeakable thing that she had done. No one seemed to understand how precious that book was to her. It felt like the air on her lungs was being sucked out from her body, leaving her breathless with an excruciating pain in her chest.

That very book was the only thing that she brought the moment Torak came, and saved her from her terrible life in the orphanage. That book was like a priceless treasure to her. Whenever she was feeling down, she would read it to cheer her up. The book would somehow remind her of how much her mother loved her, and that it would restore the strength that she needed for facing her miserable life.

But Serefina, just burned it away like it was nothing. That vile witch was standing there without showing any remorse, or feeling guilty for what she had done. She was looking calmed, and rather relieved after brutally burning the book.

"Don't be so attached to something irrelevant!" Now Serefina raised her voice as well. "If I didn't do what I did, the shadow warrior will always have his way to find you. Burning that book to destroy it, was necessary. I did what I had to do. It has to be done, because there was no other way, or he would get back at you." With such a significant tone, she then added, "He would get to you, even in your dream."

"That's still not your place to decide! That doesn't justify your action!" Nobody, not even Raine knew of how, or where she found such courage to talk back at Serefina, the way she did just now. "You can't do things as you please, or the way you wanted it to be all the time! Especially not to something that doesn't belong to you!"

Not only Torak, but also the rest of the people inside the room were surprised by this new side of Raine. Never had they imagined ever, discovering her new side this way. Raine who had always appeared weak, and easily scared, could be this fierce.

As creatures who bounded to rarely show emotion, let alone towards some mere inanimate objects, they didn't quite understand the concept of attachment that Raine had towards the book. Perhaps, that diary book was indeed important, that it held some sort of great value for her.

"Huh, doesn't belong to me?" Serefina's voice was raised even more, the moment Raine got the nerve to talk to her with such inconceivable anger, and sharp voice. With all the efforts that she had done, and got to be treated like this in return, the witch felt simply wronged. She just could not take it.

She said, "Then, what does that book do to you? Do you think by keeping it, your parents would miraculously come back to you? Do you think by keeping it, the book would somehow help save your ass from the danger? All while acknowledging the fact that the definite danger would absolutely be caused by the book itself? You'd still choose to keep it, huh!? Do tell me, what benefits does the book give you?"

"That book was the last thing left that I have of my mother's, the book reminded me of her…" Raine's voice trembled in between her sadness, and her anger. She was desperately trying to tell, and make Serefina see how precious that book was to her. But growing up as a deeply traumatized child who didn't speak a lot, Raine just couldn't find the right words to phrase what she meant correctly.

Instead, all the words jumbled up inside her head, without knowing how she was supposed to say it all, and get them in a correct, clear sentence to make her statement. The next thing she knew was when the witch got her turn to speak again.

"You don't need a book to remind you of your late mother. Because as long as you remember her, no one would ever be able to take those memories from you. With that being done, you'll realize that the book is just a mere book." said Serefina unfailingly spilling the truth. For a split moment, there was a fleeting sadness in her eyes about something else from years ago.

"Witch, I think your way of handling this matter is way too harsh. I mean, you can solve it in another way, right? Without obliterating the book?" Said Calleb, who was finally expressing his thoughts.

"Like I said, there was no other way. Destroying the book was the only way. If I didn't do it, no matter how strong the barrier that I put around her, the shadow warrior will always get a way to come close to her." Then, the witch shifted her gaze towards Torak. 

With that conflicting look in his eyes, Serefina knew just what to ask him. A question that she knew it'd be hard for him to answer. "Do you really still want to keep the book, while knowing that it would risk your mate's safety? Keeping it just because of her childish attachment towards the book? You know, the shadow warrior could appear anytime, walk through your door as he wished."

"Enough!" Torak shouted in response. "Leave!" He was still holding Raine's body, keeping her from storming angrily towards Serefina. Without the witch asking him that question, deep down, Torak was on the same boat with Serefina this time.

If destroying the book could guarantee his mate's safety, keeping her away from the shadow warrior. If this would permanently prevent the shadow warrior from ever coming near his mate again, then he was more than willing to have it Serefina's way, by destroying the book. But to see Raine being in pain after losing the diary, the supreme Alpha was suddenly conflicted.

Meanwhile, Serefina was once again dragged by Raphael, out of the room. Leaving only Torak, and Raine inside. "Can you stop dragging me?!" Being treated in the most disrespectful way, making the witch angry. On top of that, it was right after doing them a huge favor on solving the problem. She just couldn't let it slide. She conjured fire in her palm, and was about to attack Raphael.

However, Raphael moved faster than her. He grabbed her hand, and clasped their hands together. And then, in an instant, the flame was extinguished before it could burn him. "Can you stop being a jerk!?" Raphael glared at Serefina through his black eyes. He was almost losing his patience towards the witch.

Regardless of Raine's soft personality, or her trauma issues. Even though Raine had not yet met the expectation to rule thousands of lycanthropes alongside Torak. But the girl was still their Luna. Her title as Luna came first than all the things about her that had been considered concerning. Raphael just couldn't stand it if someone disrespect Raine, and treated her less than she deserved.

"Me? Being a jerk?" Serefina was looking perplexed in so many ways, glaring at Raphael for his stupid accusation.

"Your Alpha should've thanked me for removing another possible threat from his mate! Raine doesn't need that kind of petty attachment, if she wants to grow stronger! Mark my words Raph, there will be time soon, when she has to do something that must be done with her own hands. When that time comes, it doesn't matter if she wants it, or not, she must do it simply because that's the right thing!"

Calleb stepped aside when he felt that the tension between Raphael, and Serefina had now become a strong hostility. He really didn't want to interrupt, and caught in between. Especially with Raphael who was now totally pissed off. It was such a rare occasion to witness the Beta being all impetuous, and vicious like this. Because this way, Raphael was looking way scarier than usual.

The witch didn't stop there just because Raphael had shown his frightening side. She snapped back even more at him and added, "The book is a small thing that she needs to let go. I bet until now, the girl doesn't even know about the prophecy, does she? That's why I'm telling you this, she needs to know everything. Because in the near future, she needs to do more than just letting go a simple diary!"

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