The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 128: On the verge of losing his temper

I have never been so scared of losing something in my entire life, then again nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do.



"I can trust him." Though Raine said it firmly, in her heart, there was a doubt that started to grow. Would Torak manipulate her? But, for what?

She had no use for Torak. What did he get from keeping her by his side? 

Upon hearing Raine's firm answer, Aeon's eyes cast down. "By time, you will see how much you can trust him, and how long you can endure his cruelty."

"He is not cruel." Raine wanted to shout at Aeon to stop talking that way about Torak. But she couldn't, she had witnessed how cruel Torak could be.

And the question remained…

How would it be if the mate bond wasn't there? What if suddenly it disappeared? 

"Let me go to him, I want to be with him." Raine pleaded earnestly. She didn't know what Torak would become one day, but being with Aeon didn't feel right for her. 

The look of defeat crossed Aeon's expression as he lowered his head. "I will let you go to see what kind of monster Torak is."

And with that being said, Aeon took steps back until the shadow consumed his entire body.


Torak dashed at lightning speed in his lycan form. He was heading to the apartment where Raine and Serefina lived. 

Since the fire accident, the duel between him and Serefina last night, the policeline covered almost the entire area and in front of the lobby.There were several police standing while interrogating the denizen of the apartment about the fire last night.

No one could see him in his lycan form as he climbed the stairs within a second to reach Raine's flat.

By now, this was almost twelve hours since Raine disappeared, and Torak was on the verge of going berserk.

Once he stepped inside the room, his bone moved, as he stood on his hind legs. Then his human form was standing there, and analyzed the room.

There was more damage inside this room as a result of him going out of control last night. The fire was from Serefina, she used the fire magic to protect herself from Torak's wrath.

Not only fire, the evidence of him battling his Beta was also there. 

"She disappeared inside this room." Torak said impassively the moment Andromalius appeared from thin air, right beside him.

"Alpha, don't you consider telling me the identity of this girl that you are looking for? Probably it will help me to find her." Andromalius had tried to ask Lucifer the same question only to be regarded with another mystery because he refused to explain about Raine any further.

It was pain in the ass to be involved with these two crazy creatures! 

Torak's dark eyes glared at him, he was too talkative for his own good. "Find her now." His voice was dangerously low, though his expression was devoid of any emotion, but this was a perfect depiction of the famous saying; calm before the storm.

Andromalius relented and walked around the room before he stopped at the sofa that was badly charred.He touched it and mumbled something incoherently. 

Torak knew what it was. In spite it had been a long time since the last time he heard someone chanted that ancient language. 

This brought unpleasant memories to the front of his mind. To the moment where the battle between the Lycanthropes and the devil took place.

He wasn't fond of those memories, as much as he wanted to get rid of that, he couldn't help when the pictures of those devastation moments became more vivid.

After Andromalius chanted his charm, he turned around to look at Torak with furrowed between his brows. "What creature exactly is this girl?" His question was dubious and suspicious. "She is not a human, isn't she?"

"Did you manage to find her location?" Ignoring Andromalius's question, Torak asked the most important thing for him now.

Andromalius was known for his ability to track things or people. That was why Torak turned to him to find Raine. 

He didn't trust the witch, neither had he wanted to hand this matter to another person, including his Beta. He would find his mate at any cost and settle things with Serefina. 

"Talk." Torak ordered icily. Andromalius had been asking too many questions for his liking.

"If you are in need for help, you shouldn't treat your savior that way Alpha." Andromalius said in a mocking tone.His fickle personality would irritate anyone who had to face him. "I am still the one who hold the authority here, because this is my territory."

A moment ago, he was all submissive and showed his respect towards Torak. But a moment later he would challenge the Alpha with a cocky attitude, regardless of the situation or the person that he was facing. 

Torak wasn't in the mood for courtesy and another question.Let alone a lecture from him. He needed to find Raine immediately as he felt his beast was clawing on the edge of his consciousness, prowling in his head as it entertained itself with wild imagination of ripping Andromalius's head away from his body. 

Holding onto a tiny bit of the remaining of his patient, Torak moved dangerously fast. Andthe next thing they knew, just in a blink of an eye, he had Andromalius' neck in his grip, ready to snap it once his patience was crossed.

Even Andromalius himself was shocked by his sudden move. "I know where she is.If you kill me, you will not know where she is." He bargained with his life. "Well, not to mention that you can't kill me."

Andromalius smirked triumphantly at Torak. There was nothing he could do now right. What else Torak would do if he couldn't threaten Andromalius with his life?

However, Torak was well aware of this, the fallen angel was an immortal creature after all. 

Thus, knowing that, Torak squeezed hard Andromalius's neck, he did that with ease, not even a hesitation fleeting from his dark eyes. 

Andromalius, who didn't see this coming, stared at Torak in disbelief.His eyes were bulging on their socket as Torak snapped his neck into two.

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