The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 121: Metanoia (17)

Raine was in disbelief with what she had just heard. Torak wanted to kill her? But why? 

Her body froze in shock, even when Aeon reached to her, and engulfed her small body in his protective embrace firmly. Raine's mind was still trying to discern what Lyrus just told them. 

It was just a few days ago when she witnessed how Torak risked everything only to be with her, and how he wouldn't let anyone or any creature that would possibly mean harm to be close to her, but now…

He wanted to kill her? Did that even make senses?

"Let's go." Aeon said impassively in her ears, when he managed to reach her in the blink of an eye once he was released from the shadow tendrils.

On the other hand, the battle between the two parties would occur soon. 

While the werewolves scattered around the shadow warriors, and attack after attack had taken place in the vicinity.The shadow warriors conjured images of wide and large shadows that were covering the whole ground. Turning the afternoon into a midnight as those shadows also took the werewolves' eyesight and turned them blind in this darkness. 

Raine wasn't an exception as gradually she lost her ability to see, yet she still could feel Aeon's arms around her waist. He carried her away from this chaotic situation. 

The only thing that indicated the battle was happening was the thunderous roars from both parties and the eerie sound of cracking bones. 

Raine tightened her grip on Aeon's overcoat as he moved very fast, it almost felt like she was flying instead of running.

"Stay here with the other." Aeon said to Raine as he put her down.He could feel the girl's body was trembling, she was afraid and that was reasonable. With the soft heart of a guardian angel, who wouldn't?

But, seeing Raine still clutched onto his clothes, slightly surprised him, and made him stay a bit longer before Aeon cupped Raine's little face and saw her eyes that were still closed.

"It's alright, I will make sure that you are safe, I swear on my life." Aeon made an oath, bet his own life for the safety of the girl before his eyes, the girl that he barely knew, but he was ready to die for her.

Raine opened her eyes and found Aeon's obsidian eyes staring at her worriedly and then she looked around her as she recognized this place. 

Aeon had brought her to the Apricity River, the river that never froze even during the winter. Lidya told her about this a few days ago when she explained how Raine had to be paired with one of the shadow warriors. 

However there was something different with this river… something happened to this river…

"Stay here, and once the situation is under control. I will come back to pick you up and we will go home together, alright?" Aeon looked at Raine right in her eyes.He wanted to make sure that his anxiousness about the situation right outside of the border line didn't leak from his expression and made Raine become more afraid.

Yet, that wasn't Raine's concern right now. 

Her mind was still reeling from the shock after the news that Torak wanted to kill her. She couldn't believe that, Torak wouldn't do something like that. 

It was difficult to believe the fact that she was Torak's mate and that he would do anything for her.But Torak had proven that countless times.He even moved to his enemy's territory for her, but now to believe that Torak wanted her to die, was something more absurd after what he had done.

Raine didn't answer Aeon, and only stared through his shoulder to the woman behind him, who was fidgeting nervously.

There was a familiar feeling that rose inside her when she saw this woman.The feeling that she used to feel when she was still in the mental institution and orphanage. 

Because Raine didn't answer him, Aeon followed her line of sight and found Lidya was standing not too far from them. Dorian's guardian angel hung her head very low as she avoided Raine' eyes. 

That was a gesture of shame and guilt.

She was the one who told the elder about Raineto be Torak's mate. However, that wasn't totally her fault.In another way, she was only saying the truth, while Raine also only stated the fact.However, in this bizarre situation, seemingly nothing was in the right place. 

"Stay with Lidya for the time being, alright?" Aeon kissed Raine's forehead. "I will be back soon."

Raine was caught out of guard, she didn't see that coming. Aeon had just kissed her on her forehead and she wasn't sure if she was fine with that…

He shouldn't have kissed her! 

And Raine didn't like it when there was someone else doing something so intimate like that to her. She would only allow Torak to do that. 

After kissing her forehead, Aeon turned around and ran so fast to return to the border. There he left Raine, who was staring at his back with frown between her eyebrows.

Raine was standing there until when she felt someone touching her hand. Then there Lidya's face appeared within her line of sight. 

"Raine… let's go to the bunker." Lidya said timidly. She was aware that she had wronged Raine.

First she had forced Raine to accept the union between her and Aeon abruptly.And then she told Dorian, and the Elder about what Raine had told her, that she was Torak's mate. 

At that time, Lidya only thought about how to save the situation.And even though she knew how it would affect Raine, she still did that anyway. 

Raine looked at the hand that touched her, and traced it back to Lidya's face with her eyes. "You can show the way." She said quietly as she shook her hand from hers. 

"Raine, I know you are angry with me." Lidya grabbed her hand again, and tried to make Raine to face her. "But, I only meant it for a good reason."

"If you have done it, it could just only mean that you meant what you��ve done." Raine swatted her hand away.

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