The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 113: Metanoia (9)

She had beautiful eyes, the kind that you could get lost in…

And I guess I did.

-S.B pinterest-


Lydia chose a long cream color dress with an overcoat. Both had the same color tone, and also there was weasel fur around Raine's neck, so she would be warm enough.

Raine's mind wasn't there when she went on the process. 

Raine refused to talk to Lydia, ignoring her along the way to the place of the elder.She was good at it as she had been mute for eight years. 

After realizing her attempt to make Raine talk to her failed again and again, Lydia was silent in the end. 

The Elder place was the biggest building after the Great Hall in this city. 

It was a two floored building with the color of amber.But because of the snow, the building looked very bright as it glimmered under the warm golden sunlight.

There was another staircase to reach the terrace, and Raine should be careful, so her long dress wouldn't get wet, yet she didn't care and let the edge of her dress wipe the ice beneath her feet, making blotches of wet on its wake. 

"Raine, I know you are angry with me.But please trust me, I have been in your position now and everything is going well." Lydia held Raine's shoulder, before they entered the building.

Angry? That word sounded strange in her ear. When was the last time she was angry? She had been abused for years and didn't have the privilege to be angry.

But now, she was angry? 

"I don't believe it was only yesterday when I woke up, and felt intensely grateful to meet someone like you.But now you do this to me." Raine was utterly disappointed. 

"Raine… I have tried to delay this ceremony…" Lydia was really trying to make an excuse for her to delay this thing last night when she reported Raine's condition. "They are in need of extra help.There was a battle with Lycanthropes last month and we suffered great loss. We need more shadow warriors who have been together with the Angel."

"You didn't tell me everything didn't you?" Raine looked at Lydia with an expression that was devoid of any emotion. "What else will happen to me?"

"After a quick ceremony which implies you are together with the appointed shadow warrior, you will go to his place…" Lydia's expression was gloomy.

"That is why you said that I will find my own place?" Raine recall Lydia's words this morning. 

The sun had officially set, as the weather was getting cold. 

"You will have to do it sooner or later, Raine…" Lydia tried to justify her action. 

"I really don't know what this place is or its rule. And suddenly you pushed me to be together with someone that I don't know?" Raine raised her voice. "Just because I can't run from this place, and I stand in front of you right now makes you think that I willingly accept this!"

"You stay then you have to follow the rule here." Lydia averted her eyes from Raine.

"Can I go?" Raine asked sharply. 

"You will not have a chance to even reach the border, just say that you can run from here.Where will you go? If you think this rule is immoral, then you can see what those creatures out there could do to you." Lydia said sternly. "I bet you had never met them.That's why you thought our rule was awful, but once you meet them and…"

"I have met them." Raine cut her monologue icily.

It was true that Raine had met them, she had met them as they had been trying to kill her and turned her insane. 

"What are you doing here, Lydia? The elders are waiting inside."

Suddenly the door opened widely and Dorian's figure appeared from behind the door, he looked at Lydia and then Raine.

"Is there a problem here?" He stretched out his arms towards Lydia, and pulled her close to him.

"No." Lydia shook her head, as she tiptoed to kiss his chin. "Raine is only nervous." She said.

Dorian was still hostile towards Raine when he looked at the girl in front of him. "Go inside immediately, we don't have time to waste."


As if being together with someone, and have sex with them wasn't a big deal for anyone there, the so-called ceremony was a mere introduction for two people, witnessed by ten elders who was sitting on tall chairs.

Raine's partner was Aeon.

They had met in the Great Hall this morning. 

When the Elder called his name and his figure appeared from behind a massive golden door, Raine's heart skipped a beat.

Her whole body exuded rejection when he stood very close to her. She didn't like the closeness between them. 

The feeling was totally different when she was with Torak. 

On top of their tall seats, the ten Elders talked interchangeably, but not even a word that Raine could discern, her mind was elsewhere.

When Aeon stretched out his arms to accept her hands, Raine took a step back and avoided him.

But, Lydia was behind her to push her back, preventing her from taking another step back.

Seeing Raine's reaction, Aeon didn't even furrow his eyebrows.And instead he patiently waited for her to come to him. 

When Raine still rejected Lydia's advice to go to her partner, one of the Elder stood up, his nose flaring. "Your action is not appropriate!" He pointed his bonny fingers at Raine. "If you keep refuse this union, we don't have another choice except to punish you!"

The Elder's voice boomed inside the big room, echoed and reverberated throughout the wall.

Raine clenched her fist beside her body, and stilled her heart that she wouldn't yield.If it was before, she would cower away and tremble in fear. 

However, the reason this time was totally different, the situation was different.

In the past, though that was an act and verbal abuse, but it had never been sexual, yet now she was forced to be bonded with someone that she had never met!

It felt absurd, and Raine refused to yield! 

"Throw her to the dungeon until she learns her wrongdoings!" The other Elder shouted and gestured to the other man to apprehend Raine. 

At that remark, unexpectedly Aeon moved forward and wrapped Raine's tight fist in his big palm that felt warm. 

"I will punish her myself." With that being said, Aeon walked out of the room with Raine tagging along with him. 

The room spun around Raine, when Aeon took a large step to go away from that place. They went down the stairs and walked through the white corridor before they arrived at the entrance door of the building. 

He stopped for a while to check on Raine.The girl stared back at him through her obsidian eyes, there was fear and stubbornness in them. 

"I don't want to go with you." Her voice was so small, barely a whisper, but the way she said it, she was resolute with her decision.

She didn't want this union.

"If I bring you back, they will suck your blood dry." Aeon's voice was horse and hard, as he tightened his grip on Raine's wrist. 

Ignoring her futile struggle, he dragged her away from the building. 

The cold wind brushed Raine's cheeks, forcing her to close her eyes as the small particle of snow felt like tiny needles scratch her open skin. 

The snow has fallen again.

Raine raised her arms to cover her face from the wind when Aeon grabbed her other hands and put them beside his waist, kept her hands there.

A second later, Raine felt the wind wasn't as strong as before, but the howling sound was still in the air.Because of the distraction had gone, she opened her eyes slowly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, her vision was blocked by the view of Aeon's back. He walked ahead of her while keeping her hand inside the pocket of his lambskin overcoat to keep them warm. 

He blocked the wind for her silently, and made it easy for Raine to walk by following his footstep.

They walked like that until they arrived at the house that Raine assumed was his house. 

Aeon led Raine to the terrace of the house, and released her when he searched for the key house. "You will die within an hour in this weather." He said when he saw Raine glanced at the dark road, thinking about escaping from him.

Raine took a step back from him as she looked at Aeon in alertness, Aeon was still searching for the key house from pocket to pocket before he found it in his shoes. 

But, before he could open the door, Raine had decided to ignore Aeon's warning, and dashed towards the heavy fallen snow. 

She just reached the yard, and stepped on the snow when her feet sank until around her ankle, giving Raine a hard time to move forward. 

The weather didn't help her either, when she tried to walk away. She thought she would have a higher chance to escape than before, because who would stay on guard in this weather.

However, not only she couldn't move forward.But the harsh wind pushed her back until she sat on the wet, cold snow.

At this point, she was shivering because of the cold.

Raine bent her knees, and supported her body in an attempt to stand up.But it was so hard to even stand straight. 

In that case, how come Aeon could walk leisurely like nothing happened?

Raine clenched her chattering teeth, and curled her fingers, she felt them froze as the result of the direct contact with the snow. 

Not only that, Raine couldn't open her eyes too.

It wasn't an hour, she felt she could die within minutes in this condition.When suddenly she felt someone lifted her trembling body and brought her away.

It must be Aeon as he was the only person near her. 

"I have told you, you won't be able to escape in this kind of weather." Aeon's deep voice sounded in Raine's ears.

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