Chapter 294 Wakanda!

However, along the way, they have always taken care of the tourists’ emotions. There are almost responsive drivers and rangers, but this time they rejected their sponsors.

“No more, over there is Wakanda, a savage and primitive tribe.

The driver in the lead car started to make a U-turn, and at the same time had to explain.

I have risked getting too close today.

“Barbarian tribes? Cannibals? Listen, we paid money to travel.”

“That’s right, we’re going to see the cannibals!”

Will come to the African savannah, take this open-top sightseeing car, it is obvious that these tourists are looking for excitement.

Now hear all one xenophobic savage primitive tribe.

Instead, it aroused their excitement.

950 As for danger and safety?

Didn’t you see the firearm in the hands of the ranger!

If the rangers said it was a local tribe, or an armed group, they would be afraid.

Many villages in Africa are shot by one hand.

But since it is a primitive tribe, what else need to worry about?

Worried about their cold weapons and bows?

No matter how threatened or enticed the tourists were, the driver, ranger and staff were unmoved and resolutely turned around.

But soon, including the driver and the tourists in the car, they were all stunned.

Because he (bgbb) found that after the vehicle turned around, there was a figure walking towards this side on foot!

Hiking alone on the African savannah?

What is this operation?

Although they are also looking for excitement, the warnings before departure are all warnings about how dangerous it is to appear alone on the African grasslands.

Even those fanatical researchers would not do so rashly.

Looking at the leisurely appearance of the other party now, several tourists also feel that it is not so difficult.

I can do it too!

A blond white guy, who thought of it and did it, turned over and got out of the car, ignoring the warning from the ranger.

However, before taking a few steps out of him, a dark shadow had already bit his calf.

“Ah! I was bitten by something! Help me!”

The little brother who fell to the ground after being bitten by the shadow suddenly screamed.

The ranger who was about to get out of the car and pull him, after seeing the shadow of the shadow clearly, he turned around and took out a very large white bag, the kind that was just enough to hold a person in it:

“Black Mamba, there’s no way to save him, wait for him to be installed..

Glancing at the small disturbance in the distance, Zhou Yang didn’t pay much attention.

Continue walking forward.

In his eyes, Wakanda’s disguised mimetic system was in vain, and a magnificent sci-fi city was emerging in his eyes.

Except that Tony and his father extracted a little from the meteorite, there is only one vibranium origin on the earth, and that is Wakanda, which fell by the vibranium meteorite!

The vibrating gold that wandered outside all originated from here.

A guy named Ulysses Crowe infiltrated Wakanda with the help of a prince of Wakanda and stole ‘a little’ of vibranium.

This part of the vibration gold is almost all the external vibration gold, and it is also the source of the illusion body.

Zhou Yang didn’t know the guy Ulysses Crow, and he wasn’t easy to find, so he didn’t care to look for the scraps, and went directly to the place of origin of Zhenjin.

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