Chapter 282 Loki Released From Prison!

Now, it’s probably the time period of the second Avengers.

In the following plot, Thor should begin to investigate why the Infinity Stones appear so frequently.

Then the previous generation of Ant-Man found Scott to become the new Ant-Man, and then there was the Civil War caused by the Superhero Registration Act and Spider-Man’s debut.

Immediately afterwards, Stephen Strange was involved in a car accident and became Doctor Strange under the tutelage of the ancient one, and at the same time forced Dormammu “Nine Five Zero” back.

And then, Thor, who originally investigated the Infinity Stones, discovered the secret of Ragnarok instead.

He then sparked the plot of Thor’s third installment.

Since then, Odin has fallen, Hela has returned, and Asgard has been destroyed.

At the same time, the second episode of Ant-Man is also happening on Earth, entering the quantum realm to find the mother of the Wasp.

Well, after the Nine Realms bosses were all GG, the purple sweet potato essence began to pop out to collect gems.

After smoothing the timeline, Zhou Yang also felt a little stressed.

There are a lot of events, but I still feel a little pressure to get the remaining three Infinity Gems.

“The universe is turning around now.

Zhou Yang shook his head, and with a thought, the space gem power activated energy and came to Xandar Star.

He looked in front of him and then pointed to a piece of meat that was covered by green energy and floated on the stall and asked:

“How do you sell this material?

The three-dimensional picture projected on the side also directly shows the source, description and value of this material, and finally shows the price.

Zhou Yang’s current location is the Xandar star sheltered by the Nova Corps.

This piece of meat is the residue of a giant space beast, and its original purpose was to extract biological energy and special materials.

But in Zhou Yang’s eyes, it is naturally an ingredient worth collecting.

But at this moment, Zhou Yang looked up at the sky.

The eyes are very familiar, not something indescribable, but Heimdall’s needle-eyed guy.

Heimdall seems to pay attention to himself from time to time, after all, the movement caused by leaving the earth is not small.

After comparing his fingers, Zhou Yang’s figure gradually faded from Heimdall’s eyes.

Although Heimdall’s eyes are very sharp, it is purely a matter of whether or not he wants to see him now…

“Well, I just bought this meat to eat, can it be cheaper, I have no money,

Asgard is still a wonderland surrounded by clouds in the universe.

Shelter the Nine Realms, and the Weizhen Universe.

Originally, because of Zhou Yang’s intervention, Loki had been imprisoned in Asgard’s prison and could not escape.

But because when Zhou Yang left, he clarified a lot of things in order to earn points, so Loki’s injustice was washed away.

He put all the blame on Zhou Yang with his backhand, climbed out of the prison to clear his name, and acted honestly as his good baby brother.

Because Frigga didn’t die, Odin’s state was pretty good, and Loki was not able to use Odin’s thoughts of Frigga 1.1 to create illusions that he didn’t want to leave, as in the original plot, and exiled him to Earth.

Therefore, in Asgard at this time, Odin still controls the overall situation.

It’s just that Thor, the god of thunder, went to Earth because of the appearance of the mind gem, preparing to destroy the Hydra Baron Strucker base.

After all, now the Rainbow Bridge has been repaired by Zhou Yang, and it is more convenient to travel back and forth.

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