Chapter 220 The tyrant who resists nuclear bombs!

This was originally launched in the present world, but after entering the range of New York, Gu Yi also took it in.

The explosion effect of this kind of thing is not low, it is still safe to put it in the virtual world, anyway, these things inside are not distressed if they die.

Originally, the government wanted to use nuclear bombs to blow up aliens, but because of the virtual world, the nuclear bombs could not find their target at all!

At this time, Tony Stark relied on the fact that the battle in the virtual world would not spread to the outside, so he ran directly to the virtual world with the nuclear bomb.

“I want to see, you can’t stop a nuclear bomb!”

Iron Man flew over with a tactical nuclear bomb, while Thor, the god of thunder, climbed out of the ruins again.

He wielded Thor’s Hammer from a distance, sparking intense lightning, wrapping Thanos and restricting his movements.


Let’s go “It’s a nuclear bomb! 900”

Even the Black Widow and others who had just climbed up from the ground, after seeing the nuclear bomb, their faces changed drastically, and they kept retreating around.

After making the final adjustment, he released the nuclear bomb in his hand, and then he also flew away in the opposite direction.

Let the missile loaded with tactical nukes rush towards Thanos wrapped in electric shock!

At the same time, Hulk, who has absorbed enough anger, is now posing as a rogue who is entangled in the end, even if the nuclear bomb comes over, we will fight together!

He hugged Thanos, ignoring the thunder inspired by Thor, and dragged Thanos tightly!

The Hulk, who is almost immortal, can be forcibly eaten even by nuclear bombs, and radiation or something is his supplement.

But Thanos without his characteristics is different, and he must forcibly eat that devastating blow.


A mushroom cloud rose, and the dazzling flash almost blinded everyone in the Avengers.

A large number of Kirita people were directly swallowed by the shock wave of the explosion and swept in.

The skyscraper near the explosion in the virtual world spread out and collapsed like a domino in the next moment.

In the center, the huge figure of Thanos was also directly buried in the explosion, and it was obvious that under the dazzling brilliance, the purple body was completely swallowed and torn apart.

A tactical nuclear bomb was attached to the front, which made everyone in the Avengers breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the (bgbb) mushroom cloud that is still rising, and the collapsed and destroyed ruins around it. Feeling the whistling heat wave and the still sharp shock wave aftermath, I deeply felt the destructive power of that destructive weapon. This time it’s really over.

“What is the origin of this guy?”

At this time, Tony had time to ask Tony Stark beside him.

“He is Thanos, he is from the Moon of the Titans, he is a member of the Eternal Watchers, the master of the Dark Order, and one of the overlords of the universe!”

“Overlord of the universe? It sounds like it’s very powerful, but it shouldn’t be able to stop the attack of a nuclear bomb, right?”

Tony swallowed.

The voice fell, and in the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a figure like crawling out of the abyss of hell slowly walked out of the center of the explosion!

In the hands of Thanos, a dazzling purple gem is exuding a brilliant light, a gem of power!

It was this gem of power that helped him resist most of the nuclear bombs’ attacks, but even so, the charred black and severe burn marks on his body, as well as the nearly half-disabled body, also showed that the other party was accepting the attack. This attack was also received quite reluctantly.

“A terrifying weapon, but it doesn’t work for me! Ahem…  

Thanos’ cold eyes swept across the crowd, and his tone was full of pride!

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