The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 615: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

After sending Thane to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Tourmaline swam to the north of the Gem Sea on her own.

This dragon turtle maintains extremely high enthusiasm for new things.

Even though it has been at the Holy Tower of Blue Origin for nearly seven years, it still doesn't look like it's tired of playing.

When you are tired from playing, you take a nap. This is Bixi’s daily routine.

The reason why Tourmaline's interest has not diminished may also be that she accidentally slept in the eastern waters of the Gem Sea for three years when she took a nap last time.

Therefore, even though Tourmaline has been here for seven years, the time it has been truly awake may not even be two years.

This time, she specially ran to meet Thain, and Bixi suddenly sensed Thain's aura while sleeping lightly.

When she left, she yawned.

It’s not certain that I’ll fall asleep again later when I’m tired from playing.

According to Shirahoshi, it's time for Tourmaline to grow.

Sleeping more is good for it and can also speed up its growth.

Thinking of tourmaline's big brother, Mane Ba, with such a huge and exaggerated body shape, the turtle shell is only a thousand meters in diameter, there is indeed a lot of room for growth in the future.

After Bixi ran away to play elsewhere and the other magicians dispersed, Thain followed his mentor to the top of the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

In recent decades, the Blue Origin Holy Tower has developed and taken off faster and faster, but the architecture of the Holy Tower itself has not changed much.

The height of the Holy Tower has not increased, but Thain has noticed that many new single-family buildings and special areas have appeared on the east and west sides of the Holy Tower.

Lu Lianman spent all the money she should have spent wisely.

The expansion of the Holy Tower is not urgent in itself. We will wait until the number of registered magicians is almost full.

Thain has discovered that the number of registered magicians in the Holy Tower of Origin has increased significantly compared to more than 40 years ago.

There are more formal magicians walking inside and outside the academy than before.

There are probably more cats who stay in the laboratory and do research.

When there were no outsiders present and only the master and apprentice were left, Lu Lianman behaved much more casually. It could also be said that her true colors were revealed.

I saw that she was not as graceful as before, she poked Thain's forehead with her white onion-like finger, and said, "You've become more capable!"

"Can you trick even a demigod-level dragon turtle into coming back?"

"I heard that you participated in the Knight Continent trial not long ago?"

"You brat has already broken through level two? That's pretty fast!"

Lu Lian asked Thain a series of questions like bullets. This kind of atmosphere between master and disciple is completely different from the atmosphere between Thane and his previous mentor Moshe Duo.

But Thain does like this atmosphere more.

In front of Lu Lianman, he can even show his coquettish and rogue side.

Of course, Thain doesn't show off his childish side, he just doesn't have that kind of personality.

But that didn't stop Thain from enjoying this special atmosphere.

Perhaps due to the lack of care from his elders when he was young, Thane was not only not angry with Lu Lianman's tone, but also very attached to her.

And he could hear the rhetorical question on Lu Lianman's lips.

In fact, she was praising Thane and showing pride in Thain's abilities.

look! This is my disciple!

Lu Lianman took Thain out, and she was able to hold her head high in front of the senior brothers and sisters of the Jade Burning Fire sect.

Looking at Lu Lianman with a happy face, Thain also showed a smile on his lips.

Thain asked: "Mentor, do you know that I have been to Knight Continent?"

"Well, that kid Sylph told me."

"I thought she had made a mistake in the Western Islands, but I didn't expect that you brought me this right after." Lu Lianman pointed to the north and said.

Of course she was referring to the Dragon Turtle Tourmaline.

Regarding the arrival of Dragon Turtle Tourmaline, Lu Lianman was confused at first because she didn't recognize this giant turtle at all.

Fortunately, there are people in the Biburning Fire Master Sect who know each other.

When Dragon Turtle Tour Xi moved into Gem Sea, the first person who came to say hello was Lu Lianman's mentor Cuilis.

Immediately after Cuilis, people from the Flame Conclave, the Belen Empire, the Dawn Conclave, the Sea Tribe and other forces came to visit one after another.

Lu Lianman's brain was not bad, so she naturally knew that this dragon turtle had a lot of origins.

She even met and had a few words with Bixi's sister Bai Xing.

After delivering Tourmaline to Jizhiyuan Holy Tower, Baixing left in a hurry. She seemed to be busy with other things.

Compared with the illusory image that Thain left for Bai Xing during his time in the Western Islands, Thain's mentor Lu Lianman made Bai Xing very satisfied.

Bai Xing has a certain ability to read minds, so she can rest assured that Lu Lianman will take care of Bi Xi.

(PS: The main reason is that when Thain was on Tourmaline's back, what he did with Lina and Feier was indeed a bit too much.

It is reasonable for Bai Xing to have a lower opinion of him. )

"Sylph? Did she also participate in the Knight Continent trial? I have never seen her in the trial area." Thain shook his head. "Basically all the potential disciples of our Jade Fire Master Sect have gone."

"You were not in the Blue Origin Holy Tower at the time. I never thought that you could go in and try it out without the recommendation qualifications issued by the Holy Tower." Lu Lianman sighed.

"Mainly thanks to the help of Bixi and her sister Bai Xing-senpai." Thain replied.

Lu Lianman said, "Sure enough," and then muttered something.

"What?" Thain couldn't help asking.

"Nothing!" Lu Lianman's face turned red.

What she actually muttered just now was, "It just saved me money."

"When you came back this time, did you come to see me for something?" The blush on her face quickly dissipated, and then Lu Lianman raised her voice and glanced sideways at her disciple.

No matter how much trouble Thain caused outside, he still had to rely on himself as his mentor when he came back?

Thain's contribution to the Holy Tower of Origin made Lu Lianman, a teacher, a little discouraged.

Just the appearance of a Dragon Turtle Tourmaline brought more benefits than Lu Lianman had spent two hundred years developing the Holy Tower.

No wonder Lu Lianman's tone when she asked Thain just now was so disgusting.

Lu Lianman naturally also knew about the situation of Thain provoking the Dark Sword Knight Hall.

She was looking at Thain triumphantly now, just waiting for her disciple to take the initiative to ask her.

Sure enough, Thain did not disappoint Lu Lianman.

Thain dwarfed and said in a sincere tone: "During the trial in the Knights Continent, the disciple had conflicts with several first-level knights of the Yili Knights Alliance."

"I thought it was just a minor incident at the time, but I didn't expect to learn after returning to the Land of Green Origin that someone maliciously slandered the disciple and slandered the disciple for colluding with a black magician."

"Please mentor to uphold justice for your disciple!" Thain explained to Lu Lianman in an emotional voice.

Thain looked like a child who had been bullied by outsiders and was now crying to his parents.

Lu Lianman's performance was also very in line with Thain's psychological expectations.

I saw this fourth-level female magician wave her hand very boldly and said: "Even my disciples dare to slander!"

"Don't worry, the instructor will definitely help you get an explanation!"

"How could my direct disciple be at odds with the black magician?" Lu Lianman said righteously.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Both master and apprentice acted according to each other's psychological expectations.

One is willing to act, the other is willing to suffer.

All in all, both of them were quite satisfied.


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