The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 508 Continue the journey

Bone Dragon Sanchez was the last one to leave. Before leaving, he gave some gifts to Thain and others.

It's a bit fanciful to expect a stingy, money-grubbing dragon creature to give him any treasure.

The gifts that Bone Dragon Sanchez gave to the three of Thain were all soul crystals, soul essences and some death-related materials that were of low value in the eyes of undead creatures like him.

But it's not bad, because the amount given by Bone Dragon Sanchez is really quite a lot.

The overall value of these soul crystals and death-related materials alone is not inferior to the total harvest of Thain and others from exploring any secret subspace.

The acquisition of these material resources at least gave Angelet a lot of gains.

If he hadn't followed Thain and the two of them, he would have never been able to obtain resources of this magnitude by exploring the secret subspace alone.

Thain and Lina obviously gained more!

Relying on the brand that is passively imposed on the souls of all undead creatures, Lina can give priority to summoning these creatures who have migrated to the undead world at a lower cost and cross over to help.

The Bone Dragon Sanchez himself won't say much. Just the several undead that have reached the first level of life under him are good helpers.

If Lina wants to gain a foothold in the Black Realm in the future, it is not enough to just rely on the attention of her mentor Felena and the master of the Black Tower from Cang Gu.

Only the strength of one's own strength is the basis for everything.

And Lina showed her strong strength and potential, which in turn attracted the continued attention of the Canggu Black Tower Master. This was a virtuous cycle.

In addition to the above-mentioned resource benefits, the Bone Dragon Sanchez also broke off three bone nails and gave them to Thain and the others before diving into the teleportation light door.

According to Sanchez himself, Thain and others can use these bone nails to contact it in the future and try to conduct cross-border summons.

This method of leaving a trace of life information on alien creatures is the most common method of summoning.

Of course, only alien creatures with good relationships would generously give a ray of life information to the summoners in the wizarding world.

Otherwise, if this life information falls into the hands of some ill-intentioned people, just a curse will be enough for the host of the life information to suffer a lot.

In the opinion of Bone Dragon Sanchez, these three little guys at the level of the wizarding world should not be detrimental to it.

The relationship between wizard civilization and the world of the undead is not a hostile relationship.

"It seems that guy doesn't know that the space channel will give him a special brand."

"In fact, you don't need this thing, you can also complete the cross-border summoning with the black crystal." Thain said to Lina who was weak in his arms. Lina nodded and said: "A total of 21,378 undead passed through the transmission channel."

"Didn't your Jade Origin Holy Tower just established? Maybe next time your mentor launches a plane war, you can get a large number of undead creature troops." Lina smiled weakly.

"I will introduce you to my mentor then." Thain also knew the purpose of Lina's move and said hurriedly.

A smile appeared on Lina's lips, and she rubbed her head against Sean's shoulder again.

Perhaps because her mental strength was too weak, Lina changed from the royal sister form back to a little girl after the bone dragon Sanchez finally entered the light gate of the space passage.

The consumption of mental power and heavy load are much more troublesome than the simple loss of magic power.

After the magic power is consumed, you can use magic potions to quickly recover.

Although mental power can also be restored by using related potions, it is not as simple as magic power.

In some cases, if mental power is excessively depleted, it can even cause permanent damage to magicians.

Go to the space passage to the world of the dead.

Bone Dragon Sanchez breathed a deep sigh of relief after the space light door behind him closed.

This guy is actually not as funny as he appears in Cemetery of the Dead.

This is a bone dragon that has lived long enough and possesses high intelligence.

After all, after being a mount for a demigod-level magician for thousands of years, he should learn some wisdom from the demigod-level magician Piano.

The huge and sharp bony fingers scratched his head.

Bone Dragon Sanchez has discovered that there is a dim and hidden mark deep in its soul.

And Sanchez was very familiar with this mark. It was naturally left by that bad old man Piano.

"This old guy did so many things for me even after he died."

"Forget it, just think of it as helping him to guide his juniors."

"But what is going on in that subspace secret realm? The element concentration in the material world outside the subspace is obviously higher than that of the world of the undead and even the wizarding world!"

"Although I was tricked by that old guy and gave him the cemetery that he has guarded for six thousand years, I received a lot of benefits."

"The energy feedback alone is more than what I got from sleeping in the world of the dead for six thousand years. The energy has even undergone a qualitative change."

"Hmm...demigod realm?"

"Can I touch the state that the old guy reached back then?" Bone Dragon Sanchez's soliloquy echoed in the space passage. …

The subspace secret realm began to close after being maintained for more than five days.

A space vortex appeared in the sky, signaling that it was time for Thain and other trialists to leave.

Of course, some people can choose not to leave.

But the consequence of not leaving is to stay here forever with this subspace.

Perhaps a thousand years later, the Knight Continent trial area will be reopened, and this subspace will also open up.

The three of Thain were the first ones to leave the secret realm of subspace.

When they left the subspace and returned to the Knight Continent trial area, the rich and abundant energy element atmosphere around them made many people feel warm.

Perhaps in the Knight Continent Trial Zone, there is no need to have any adventures or treasures. Just stay here for one or twenty years and practice and meditate step by step. Knights and magicians can gain the benefits that they normally have in the outside world. Hundreds of years of hard work.

This is the real treasure of the wizarding world and the inheritance of civilization.

No wonder there is no shortage of geniuses in the wizarding world. Basically every ten thousand years, outstanding rookies and leaders of the younger generation appear.

Under such a civilization cultivation mechanism, how can ordinary large and medium-sized world civilizations compete with the wizarding world?

Basically every face of the knights and magicians who came out of the subspace manor showed a trace of satisfaction, especially the knights.

It seems that their gains in the manor are not low.

It was also during their shallow exchanges that Thain determined that this manor indeed belonged to the demigod-level magician Piano.

One magician even got a magical notebook left by Piano.

A small trading bazaar began to appear in the clearing of the jungle as the subspace secret realm closed.

These knights and magicians who had just completed the exploration of the secret realm were conducting transactions to get what they needed.

Some of these trading items were obtained from the subspace, and some were obtained from the Knight Continent in the past three years.

Thain and Lina also visited this simple small trading market.

They purchased some rare magic materials that they had never seen before, but they did not sell anything.

After visiting the market, Thain and Lina continued their trial trip to the Knight Continent.

As expected, Angelet, a first-level blood warlock, rejected Thain's advice from his peers and continued to hone his skills alone.

"I won't disturb your two-person world. Anyway, there is crystal ball communication, so it is very convenient to contact you." Angelet said with a smile.

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