The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 366 Midic

After Thain took out Midic's Holy Light Badge, Thain was warmly greeted by a first-level magician from the Holy Tower of Dawn.

It can be seen that Midic is really popular in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

This first-level magician had already used the crystal ball method to notify Midic in the Holy Tower to come out to pick up people, while he himself was chatting with Thain.

Through small talk, Thane learned that the first-level magician in front of him had just been promoted.

He has never even participated in a plane war. Since being promoted to the first level, he has been completing academy tasks in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

This is a familiar first-level magician, and his words reveal his yearning for plane war.

"Master Midici also taught me at the beginning. He was a kind and patient mentor of the Holy Tower." said the first-level magician named Case.

"Is this your otherworldly companion? This kind of creature... I seem to have seen it in some magic illustrated book." Keith then asked Yuri next to Thane.

"No, this is my slave, my trophy in a plane war." Thain replied calmly.

Upon hearing the word slave, first-level magician Keith opened his mouth slightly, looking a little surprised.

After all, Thain looks to be about the same age as him, but much calmer than him.

And Yuli, who had been staying next to Thain like a shadowy wooden figure, now had a slightly red face.

This woman has almost adapted to her new identity as a slave of Thane, but when Thain calls her his slave, Yuri still feels a sense of shame.

This sense of shame made Yuli's head dizzy. It might be the effect of soul enslavement magic, but she did not feel any resistance or disgust because of it.

In short, it is a very special feeling for Yuli.

Even in the darkest part of her heart, she hoped that Thain would humiliate and torture her even more.

This is the power of "Miracchi's Soul Book". Of course, it may also be that Yuli's own physique is special.

Thain is not aware of the strangeness of his slave for the time being, because Yuli, at least on the surface, seems normal.

Thain kept chatting with this first-level magician from the Holy Tower of Dawn.

In fact, most of the time, it was the first-level magician named Case who spoke, and Thain opened his mouth only a handful of times.

On the contrary, his understanding of Thain was limited to knowing that Thain came from the Holy Tower of the Origin of Blue, had participated in at least one plane war, and owned a handsome alien slave.

Although Yuli has been captured for some time, she always has a special heroic spirit about her, which is very attractive to some younger guys.

A first-level magician named Case always looked at Yuri with a vague look.

Finally, this guy remembered which plane Yuri came from.

"This is a Neisser civilization creature! Last time I was in the trading area outside the Holy Tower, I saw a mechanic from the City of Steel selling similar creatures!" Keyes shouted.

"But...why do I always feel that this slave of yours, Master Thain, is a little different from that of the mechanic." Case said to himself.

At this time, Thane had noticed a bright light element high in the sky from far to near.

Thain immediately moved the metal disc under his feet to greet him.

Before leaving, Thane said to Case behind him: "I, this slave of the Neisser civilization, am a constructor."

Thain had a lot of emotions in his heart when he met Master Midici again.

Similarly, Midic, the second-level peak magician, also looked at Thain with eyes full of complexity and exclamation.

"Let's go and sit at my place in the Holy Tower of Dawn. We are old acquaintances." Midic invited.

"Thank you, Master, for the invitation." Thain replied with a mage salute.

Midici's residence is located on the 1243rd floor of the Holy Tower of Dawn.

Seeing that the Holy Tower of Dawn has a building with more than a thousand floors, we can see that this old Holy Tower is indeed much better than the Holy Tower of Blue Origin.

However, Thain does not regret his original decision.

Moreover, judging from the results, it is obvious that becoming a disciple of a fourth-level tower master has a much better future than becoming a disciple of a second-level peak magician.

"I didn't expect you to become the disciple of the Master of the Holy Tower of Blue Origin. As expected, gold will shine wherever it is. I was not wrong about you at first." In the spacious living room, Master Midici took out a cup from another dimension. of kiwi juice to entertain Thane. Tiny fire element particles hovered at the mouth of the cup, and the red flesh made people salivate.

As a second-level peak magician, Midic's background is much higher than that of a magician like Thain who has only participated in one plane war.

Thain's mentor Lu Lianman is naturally richer, but Lu Lianman usually goes straight to give Thain some good things.

And Lu Lianman doesn't seem to be a person who knows how to enjoy. At least Thain hasn't seen any utensils or food for enjoyment in her laboratory.

The Magician Midici in front of him is more easy-going in dealing with others, and he knows how to take care of other people's feelings.

No wonder he has such good popularity in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

Taking a sip of the juice that Midic took out, Thain replied: "Thanks to the token you gave me, Master, I was able to successfully study in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade."

"You don't need to thank me. Johnny told me about you after the Poison Fire Green Flame World War ended."

"Won the first place in the regional Holy Tower Academy War? Haha, I regret letting you go back then. I should have kidnapped you directly to the Holy Tower of Dawn."

"Fortunately, the dean didn't know about this, otherwise I would have been in trouble." Magician Midici said jokingly.

No matter when he was in front of the Midici magician, Thain never felt any pressure from him as a second-level peak magician.

This is a magician with a very friendly temperament. No wonder he has become the popular lover of most of the female magicians in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

Faced with Master Midic's joke, Thane could only lower his head and take a sip of juice in embarrassment.

He is not a particularly trouble-making character. He came to visit Master Midici this time mainly to thank him for helping him back then.

For people like Thain, he values ​​​​especially anyone who is kind to him or who has helped him.

Especially the kind where the other party helps without asking for anything in return is even rarer.

People like Master Midici are probably very rare examples in major holy towers.

"These are the Flame Fruits I collected while traveling in the Fire Pattern World. If you like, I can give you some seeds." Midic said with a smile.

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