The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 348 Mirachi’s Soul Book

It may be that soul magic is rarer and more complex than ordinary elemental magic.

It's also possible that Thain's vision is relatively high, and he doesn't like ordinary magic, so he insists on choosing a more high-end and high-end high-level spell.

The knowledge contained in the light of arcane is as vast and unfathomable as the sea, and Thain cannot explore it to the end.

There are hundreds of thousands of soul enslavement spells alone.

This is only a soul spell applicable to first-level magicians. Since Thane has not even been evaluated for the title of first-level arcanist, he can only look up the magic knowledge between apprentice level and first-level magicians.

If you want to involve higher levels of magical knowledge, you must increase your arcanist level.

Only by reaching the first level of arcane magician can one find relevant knowledge in the arcane light that can be used by second level or even relatively simple third level magicians.

The shortage of arcane points made Thain eager to upload all his knowledge to enhance his authority.

But the arcanist level is not simply linked to arcane points.

He has already learned in the process of obtaining arcane points that after his own arcane points reach 100 points, the arcane light in front of him will provide an assessment. Only magicians who pass the assessment can truly obtain first-level arcana. The title of the teacher.

This setting is because in the history of the development of wizard civilization, there has been more than one case where a low-level magician obtained magical knowledge that did not belong to him through special methods, thereby earning a large amount of arcane points and improving the level of the arcanist.

In fact, Sky City will not strictly investigate the acquisition of those arcane points, because the plundered knowledge of alien planes is also one of the valuable intellectual properties of the wizard civilization.

If a magician or knight who knows nothing about anything gets a lot of arcane points by accidentally acquiring a lot of cutting-edge knowledge from foreign lands, is it possible that Sky City will award him a very high-level arcane master title?

The occurrence of this situation will only make the Arcanist title less and less valuable.

And it also insults the profession of arcanist.

The level of an arcane magician is only related to the level of knowledge the magician masters, and has less to do with the amount of knowledge he contributes to the light of arcane magic. As long as you go up the level and study something casually, the rewards will far exceed the efforts at the lower level.

It is also for this reason that the assessment of arcanists above level three is restricted to the Sky City in the Wizarding World.

It is to prevent some magicians with evil intentions from cheating.

This move also resulted in the prosperity of the magical civilization in the Wizarding World's Sky City.

In the wizarding world, only by visiting the City in the Sky can you deeply understand the power and prosperity of the magical civilization you live in.

The symbol of the wizarding world, and it is said that the most powerful magician in the wizarding world is also there.

Thane yearns for endless arcane knowledge and the prosperity and beauty of the Sky City, but now he has to keep his feet on the ground.

After some consideration of the decision, Thain chose the "Miraki Soul Book" which cost up to 76 arcane points.

"Mirage's Book of Souls", as the name suggests, should be a soul magic book written by a magician named Mirach in the wizarding world.

The reason why the redemption price is as high as 76 arcane points is because "Mirage's Soul Book" does more than simply introduce a method of soul slavery.

This book contains relatively comprehensive knowledge of soul magic!

And in addition to the soul spell model that can control first-level creatures that Thain urgently needs, there are also several soul magic tricks involved, which are also of great benefit.

Moreover, the soul slavery magic created by Master Mirage also has a special effect. It can subtly influence and transform one's slave creatures at the soul level, turning them into slaves that are completely obedient to one's orders.

The vast majority of slave creatures in the wizarding world are made to obey orders by means of forcible control and soul imprisonment.

Once these slave creatures dare to disobey their masters, the punishment from the soul level is enough to make them miserable.

However, the content described in "Miracchi's Soul Book" can make the controlled slave creature gradually become willing to be driven by others.

Even enslaved creatures will have a special kind of joy when being controlled by their masters.

This kind of soul magic is definitely a higher-level soul method, and with the help of "Miraki's Soul Book", Thane can also learn more about soul science in a more systematic and in-depth way. 76 arcane points are enough to bankrupt Thain. The assets here are intellectual property.

The previous 47 arcane points were simply not enough, so Thain then racked his brains and uploaded all his magical knowledge of alchemy, pharmacy, and other fire and light-related systems to Arcane Light.

Thain's alchemy was learned from his first mentor Moshe Duo. He didn't have much of his own, and it was all inherited knowledge from others.

Including the secrets related to alchemy figured out by Thane's mentor Moses, they can never be compared with Trilis who created the Jade Fire Magic System.

Most of the knowledge about potions and the elements of light and fire was obtained by Thane from attending lectures in public classes and self-taught. The arcane light did not give him many points.

So much so that after Thane almost "drained" himself, he was still a dozen arcane points short of the exchange value for "Miraki's Soul Book".

As a last resort, Thain could only upload the knowledge related to the mystery of the Jade Fire Tempered Body that he had studied in recent years to Arcane Light.

The amount of knowledge involved in the mysteries related to the Jade Fire Tempering Body is far deeper than the Eye of Jade Fire magic.

In particular, the body refining method that combines flame tempering and dragon blood nourishment used by Thain. Many things are original to Thain. A large amount of data used in it was tested by him personally. There are also some experiments accompanied by extreme Big danger.

In the end, the point value fed back to Thain by Arcane Light was also considerable. Not only did it directly fill up Thain's vacancy, but it also gained more than ten points in the end.

Looking at the last 17 arcane points left in the arcane light, Thane sighed.

Only now did he deeply realize the pricelessness of knowledge.

In fact, in Arcane Light, there are many higher-level soul methods suitable for first-level magicians.

For example, he saw a soul method that was priced as high as 376 arcane points.

For this soul science spell that may be more advanced than "Miraki's Soul Book", Thain can only look forward to it and sigh.

There are so many geniuses in the wizarding world, and there are countless high-end magics created.

As an official magician who has been promoted to the first level for less than a century, compared to other veteran spellcasters who have been walking on the road of truth for many years, Thain is indeed still a "beginner".

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