The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 313: On the way home

What you see is a continent full of pitch black rocks. This is the eastern continent of the world of poisonous fire and green flames.

In the sky, a man in black robes slowly flew in from a distance, and finally landed in a makeshift camp.

There is even a low magic tower more than ten meters high standing in the camp. The faint light of the elements on the top of the tower warns the surrounding flame creatures that this is not a place where they can be provoked.

After the man in black robes landed from the sky, he lowered his black hood, revealing a handsome face with short, luxurious golden hair.

Not long after, three magicians flew out from the magic tower in the camp and finally appeared in front of the man in black robes.

The man in black robes in front of him is naturally the first-level magician Thain.

"Cuckoo!" A special cry came from the sky.

A giant owl with a wingspan of more than five meters descended from the sky and finally landed firmly on Thain's shoulder.

Including the size of the owl, it quickly shrank to the size of one shoulder.

The majestic and stern giant bird suddenly became a little cute.

"Is Magician Thane planning to return to the main base?" one of the three magicians who came up asked.

"Yes, the fortress has approved my application to return to the Wizarding World. I will return to the Wizarding World with the next batch of magicians." Thain replied calmly.

The three magicians in front of him can be regarded as Thain's new "companions" in the past six months.

Two of them came from the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire, and one came from the Holy Tower of Flame Sigh.

After hearing Thain's answer, the three magicians all showed a hint of envy and emotion.

It has been more than ten years since they left the wizarding world, and these magicians are also a little homesick.

"Since Magician Thane is about to leave our camp and embark on his way back to the wizarding world, how about we hold another trade fair today." Another magician with a relatively mature appearance said.

"Okay!" The magician's suggestion aroused the approval of the other two magicians.

"I'll call the others." The last magician said.

Whenever a magician leaves this camp, especially after it is confirmed that he will return to the wizarding world, this magician camp located in the southern highlands of the Eastern Continent will hold a trade fair to say goodbye.

Most magicians are relatively restrained in their emotions, and in the current environment, it is almost impossible to hold a farewell party for nobles.

There's nothing better than a give-and-take exchange as a farewell.

Especially since Thane and others are about to leave the world of poisonous green flames. Since they can no longer collect so many fire-based materials at low prices in the short term, most people are extremely generous.

At this time, apart from the magicians who were out on missions, there were seventeen magicians left in the camp.

In the end, sixteen people came to participate in the trade fair. The only one who didn't come seemed to be that the experiment happened to be at a tense moment and couldn't spare the time to come to the trade fair.

Thane has been in the poisonous green flame world for so many years, and he has gained a lot of wealth and gains.

Most of the other magicians in the camp are definitely not as rich as Thain, but they are basically wealthy magicians with goods in hand.

The benefits of plane war are clearly evident at this moment.

Not only did the holy tower and the magicians of level 4 and above earn the resource wealth of an entire plane, but even the low-level magicians below level 4 also benefited from the plane war.

Only profit will drive so many wizards, civilizations and magicians to cross the long star territory and come to the little-known world of Poison Fire Green Flame World.

Although there were not many people at the trade fair before Thain left, the overall atmosphere was quite enthusiastic.

This is not the first time that Thain has participated in the trade fair. As his last move before leaving, Thain not only spent a large amount of magic coins to purchase a large number of fire-based materials, but also traded a lot of good things.

Thain's huge personal financial resources attracted the attention of many magicians in the camp.

Even Furkan, the only second-level magician in the camp, couldn't help but look at Thain.

However, thinking about the rumor that Thain might be the disciple of the master of the Jade Source Holy Tower, this second-level magician from the Jade Fire Holy Tower felt relieved.

The things that Thane brought for sale were some magic tools that he had made in his spare time during the past two years while performing tasks.

To this day, Thain's level of alchemy is slowly improving. Although he has not yet figured out the technical secret of adding the micro-sculpture of the power of jade fire into the magic weapon, he has already mastered it in other areas of alchemy. Great progress.

Some of the magic tools sold by Thain are definitely high-quality among the first-level magic tools.

Thain is not a magician who only cares about spending money and does not know how to generate income.

Good alchemy ability can also be another important source of income for Thane.

However, the resources that need to be invested in the field of alchemy are also quite large. If there is not enough financial resources to support it, it is possible to lose everything accidentally.

Fortunately, Thain's foundation is strong enough.

After the trade fair, the next day, Thain said goodbye to several familiar magicians, and then embarked on the journey back to the Space Fortress.

At this time, the Space Fortress of the Holy Tower of Green Fire is still located in the lava sea of ​​the Poison Fire Green Flame World. It will take quite a while for Thain to rush to the Space Fortress from the Eastern Continent.

Half a month later, the Jade Burning Fire Holy Tower Space Fortress.

Thain returned to the fortress faster than expected.

This is because Thane happened to meet a war airship that was returning to the space fortress on the way, so it was considered a hitchhike.

On the upper level of the space fortress, in the same room that belonged to the master of the Blue Origin Holy Tower, Thane met his mentor Lu Lianman.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon. I thought I would have to wait another half month." Lu Lianman said with a smile.

So Thain told him about hitching a ride on a war airship. Of course, the real factor that prompted Thain to return to the space fortress so early was that he also missed his mother plane and hoped to go back as soon as possible.

"The cross-star teleportation array is in the fortress operation area. Your sixth uncle is there now. You can just go there." Lu Lianman said.

"Teacher, won't you return to the wizarding world with us?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Lu Lianman shook her head and said, "I still have to stay in this world for a while, but don't worry, it won't take too long."

"The power of the laws of this world does not suit me. After dealing with the things at hand, I will return to the wizarding world."

"On the other hand, your master and uncle will most likely have to stay in this world for a long time." Lu Lianman said.

Thain nodded, and after talking to Lu Lianman for a while, he left.

The fortress operation area is located in the middle level of the space fortress. When Thane arrived in this area, he was dumbfounded to find that Sylph was also here.

Not only Sylph, but also two other first-level magicians that Thain also knew appeared here at the same time.

They are all disciples of the ancestral line of the Jade Burning Fire Master. One of them is the disciple of Andres, the fifth master of Thain, and the other is the disciple of Bo Hofs, the sixth master.

"Hello, junior brother/uncle!" The two first-level magicians proactively greeted Thain after seeing him.

Thain is not old, but his seniority is not young.

The disciple of the fifth uncle Andres is obviously much older than Thain, but he still has to be called Uncle Thain.

After nodding and replying to two fellow first-level magicians, Thane turned to look at Sylph, who was more familiar with him.

Without waiting for Thain to ask, Sylph took the initiative and said with a smile: "I guessed that you were about to return to the wizarding world. I didn't expect that you would be back after only a week of waiting."

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