The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 281 Rejection

Compared with half a month ago, the main base of the fortress has returned to order and calm.

There are a large number of slave creatures as laborers, and rational and knowledgeable magicians are responsible for the layout of all aspects of the base. In short, when the war is over, everything recovers quickly.

The dozen or so slave creatures that followed Thain back to the main base of the fortress seemed very excited.

Because there are still a large number of flesh and blood corpses of flame creatures piled up around the fortress at this time, it may be that the nature of the flame creatures is special, or it may be that the magicians in the fortress have specially arranged some magic restrictions.

Therefore, the piles of corpses of flame creatures did not rot and were the best food for these slave creatures.

Although the magicians in the wizarding world treat these slave creatures as intelligent creatures during war, they still treat them well in peacetime.

Except for the corpses of flame creatures that have a certain value and cannot be touched rashly, the magicians of the wizarding civilization are not stingy in rewarding these slave creatures if they are just ordinary minced meat and carrion of little value.

Almost all the slave creature cannon fodder that followed the Wizard Civilized Legion in their expeditions north and south had an iron stomach.

Like the magicians of the wizarding civilization, there are still only a few civilizations that use wisdom and spiritual power to promote the transformation of the essence of life.

The vast majority of creatures in planes and civilizations still follow relatively primitive laws of passive evolution.

Eating is a behavior that most passively evolved creatures are passionate about and enjoy.

The knights in the wizarding world, strictly speaking, also belong to the passive evolution system.

In Thane's few memories, Earl Grant was a good eater, and his younger brother Sauron also had an amazing appetite.

In addition to enjoying a gluttonous feast at the fortress main base, another reason why these dozen slave creatures are happy is that returning to the fortress main base means they are safe.

Although they are slaves, these creatures from different planes still have certain wisdom.

Guys who have no intelligence at all are definitely the first idiots to die in the plane war.

Being able to survive wars and killings again and again means that they are smarter.

The dozens of slave creatures around Thane are not his personal slaves, but belong to the Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire and are considered the property of his ancestor Cuilis.

There are only a dozen slave creatures, but they come from all kinds of planes.

Since the war was temporarily over, and Thain was also curious about the alien planes ruled by the wizard civilization, after a brief inquiry, Thain learned that these dozen slaves generally came from five planes.

These five planes were all occupied by Thane's Jade Fire Master tens of thousands of years ago.

The Oryx holding the constructor's prisoner was considered the smartest among the dozens of slave creatures, including its ability to walk upright, and it was easier for Thane to command than those reptilian slave creatures.

After arriving at the center of the fortress's main base, Thain waved away the other slave creatures, leaving only the Antelope holding the constructor in place, while Thain himself went to the mission hall to submit the task.

There were not many magicians coming and going in the mission hall at this time, mainly because the war was still going on, fierce fighting was still going on in the east, and there were patrols in the other three directions.

After quickly submitting the combat mission and watching more than two hundred magic coins rise in the crystal ball, Thane turned around and left.

The magic coins counted in the crystal ball will be distributed to all magicians by the Holy Tower after the war is over.

Of course, Thain could just take it directly at this time, but it would be a bit troublesome. After all, it is impossible for the Holy Tower to go on an expedition with a massive amount of magic coins.

Don't look at the fact that Thain has already accumulated hundreds of magic coins within a few years of coming to the world of poisonous green flames.

But sometimes the accounts can't be settled that way.

Because in addition to accounting, most magicians also have expenses in plane wars.

Take Thane as an example. The expenses he spent on researching green fire magic in the fortress laboratory in the past two years may have already exceeded what he earned in the world of poisonous green flames.

Including this time, Thain suffered a lot of injuries, and it cost money to treat these injuries.

This does not include the energy crystals and magic potions that Thain consumed in the war.

Therefore, for ordinary magicians, from the time they participate in a plane war to the end, the net profit of the magicians participating in the war is actually that much.

Of course, the bulk of the plane war is still the specimens, cores and rare resources that the magicians plundered during the war.

These are invisible wealth that cannot be measured simply in magic coins.

Because the gains of each magician must be different, it is difficult for the fortress to calculate the specific income of all magicians participating in the battle. They can only average the magic coins issued by combat missions.

All statistics.

After walking out of the mission hall, Thane noticed that in the open square outside the hall, several magicians gathered in front of his trophy and pointed.

The Antelope, whose overall strength was almost at the level of a quasi-level creature, faced the crowd of several first- and second-level magicians. At this time, there were obvious sweat stains on its forehead and eyebrows.

These noble magicians are certainly not idle, look at this humble slave who is not even at the first level of life.

The real focus of these magicians is the Neisser Civilization Constructor held in the hands of this antelope.

During the battle at the main base of the fortress, many constructor golems from the Nesser civilization crashed, including many magicians who discovered the bodies of dead constructors inside the golems.

But there are only a few living constructors like this.

Including the only second-level magician present, at this time, he looked at the female constructor who was tied up with curious eyes.

When Thain came over, before he could ask what was going on, the second-level magician took the initiative and asked: "Is this your trophy?"

The pine-colored magic wand of this second-level magician pointed at the constructor in the hand of the Oryx.

"Yes, they are precious living specimens that I collected during this war." Thain frowned and replied in a calm tone.

"A second-level fire energy crystal, how about you trade her to me?" the second-level magician asked.

The price of a second-level fire energy crystal is not low. It can even be said that it is almost worth Thain's total harvest from working in the world of poisonous fire and green flames for many years.

But when faced with the price offered by this second-level magician, Thain calmly shook his head and replied: "These are precious specimens I have collected, and I have no intention of selling them at the moment."

Thain's refusal made the second-level magician look a little unhappy.

However, the opponent did not rely on its own strength to forcefully bully Thain.

This is the atmosphere of freedom and equality that generally exists among the knights and magicians in the wizarding world.

Under the protection of the rules of the Holy Tower, it is difficult for high-level magicians to bully low-level magicians openly.

This is one of the reasons why hundreds of millions of low-level magicians support the rules of the Holy Tower.

If everyone was like the group of black magicians who valued strength and acted completely according to their own preferences, then the wizarding world would have been in chaos long ago!

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