The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2652: A letter for help from the Minghe Empire

When Io hopes to contact the Chris civilization and solve the crisis of destruction he is currently facing.

Far away in the Wizarding Star Territory, another series of events occurred, prompting the top leaders of the Wizarding Civilization to sit in the conference room again.

It is impossible for the higher-ups of wizard civilization to keep paying attention to the battlefield in Faerûn where Thain and others are located.

The war in Faerûn is not a "little thing" for the wizarding civilization, but it is too arrogant.

But that’s about the level of “medium meaning”.

As for the current wizarding civilization, the major event that really attracts their greatest attention is the civilized battle taking place in the direction of the Mingha Empire.

The war over there will be the top priority of wizard civilization in the next tens of thousands of years.

Nigel and Blade Queen Lisa did not come to this high-level meeting. They were both temporarily entangled in the war in Faerûn.

However, most of the other high-level powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization who could come have already arrived.

Including Douglas, who had already "retired" and didn't care much about the development of the wizarding world, he had to come here in person to attend the meeting this time.

This meeting was not about the main issues that will be discussed at the 26th Wizards Alliance Conference five hundred years later.

They were talking about the war in the direction of the Minghe Empire.

I saw Ms. Bev saying in a deep voice, "The civilization of the Kingdom of Light has been completely defeated, including the mother star of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the Star of Light, has also completely fallen!"

"According to the news from the infiltration experts we sent there, the Demon Tide Civilization seems to have begun to fully demonize the Light Dimension Star."

"The King of Light and others finally died in the battle on their home planet."

"There are currently two groups leading the Guangwei family."

"One of them is Senagaro who has retreated to our wizard star territory in advance."

"The other part of the Guangwei survivors is led by Taptro, the son of the King of Guangwei."

"It is said that the Plasma Spark Tower, the civilizational treasure of the Kingdom of Light, is in the hands of Taptro. At the same time as he escaped from the Light Dimension Star Territory, there were several other master-level experts who were seriously injured." Bev said solemnly. .

Much of the information obtained by the wizard civilization is vague and delayed.

This is because the wizard civilization is too far away from the star field of the Kingdom of Light, and there is also a Pluto Empire that has fought with itself in the middle. It is really not suitable to send Dominator-level combat forces to observe.

The defeat of the Kingdom of Light and Wei was originally expected by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization.

But such a powerful civilization was promoted to the top civilization earlier than the wizarding world.

To be completely destroyed in the star world and become a thing of the past still makes people sigh.

Including the death of the King of Light Dimension in battle, the high-level wizard civilization leaders present were filled with emotion.

The King of Light Dimension is the leader of civilization.

Not long ago, the other party also sent a handwritten letter to the wizard civilization.

The fall of the King of Light and the complete fall of the Star of Light marked the official removal of the Kingdom of Light from the ranks of top civilizations.

Although there are still a few master-level light-dimensional warriors such as Taptro and Senagaro who retain the fire of civilization.

It is also said that he brought out one of his civilization's most precious treasures - the plasma spark tower.

But such strength, compared to the peak period of the Kingdom of Light, is simply not enough!

However, this is not the only bad news that Ms. Bev talked about when she called everyone together this time.

"In addition to the destruction of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the Minghe Empire also seems to have suffered a major defeat in the star field of the Kingdom of Light."

"A large number of the Mingha Empire legions originally in the Light Dimension Star Domain have withdrawn.

Returned to their home star field. "

"Although we have not yet received any news that the Demon Tide Civilization has launched an invasion and conquest of the Ming He Empire."

"But looking at this situation, the war will spread to the Minghe Empire and it will be unstoppable."

"It was also under this circumstance that the Minghe Empire sent us a letter asking for help not long ago." Ms. Bev said.

Why do you say "again"?

Because during the war that broke out in the star field of the Kingdom of Light, the tenth pharaoh of the Hades Empire had already sent two requests for help to the wizard civilization.

Naturally, the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization did not have any favorable impressions of the Tenth Pharaoh, a guy with a "serious criminal record" on the battlefield of wizarding civilization.

Moreover, this hostility and rejection is not only directed at the Tenth Pharaoh, but against the entire Hades Empire.

Tens of thousands of years of confrontation and bloody hatred cannot be solved by two letters from the Tenth Pharaoh.

In addition, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation was not over yet.

At that time, Thane had not even begun secretly sending envoys to the Gallente Federation to lead the surrender.

In this situation where the war on his side has not been dealt with cleanly.

How could the Wizarding Civilization agree to the sudden request for help from the Pluto Empire and send its own legion to the extremely distant light dimension star field to participate in the war?

The wizarding civilization is not a charity!

Although at that time, the Tenth Pharaoh shamelessly claimed in his letter that she was the junior sister of Lilith, the eighth-level true spirit magician of the wizarding civilization, and she also had a lot of connections with the wizarding civilization...

At that time, it was determined that it would be impossible to send legions to support the Light Dimension Star Territory. This does not mean that the top leaders of the wizard civilization will make the same decision now.

After all, these days are different.

Faced with the same letter asking for help, you also have to look at the wizarding civilization

Current status.

Bev continued, "We are almost convinced that Ozyman Deas, who was promoted to the ninth level, has left the star realm."

"With the strength of a ninth-level creature, he must have caused heavy damage to the Demon Tide Civilization Legion before leaving the star realm."

"We have not yet received any news about the damage to the legions of the Demonic Tide Civilization."

"However, judging from the fact that after the Demon Tide Civilization took over the Light Dimension Star Territory, it did not immediately launch a full-scale conquest of the Ming He Empire. Instead, it first demonized the Light Dimension Star Territory and digested the fruits of the victory of the war."

"The damage done to the civilization of the Demonic Tide is definitely not small."

"But the damage to the Minghe Empire is undoubtedly greater! Otherwise, they would not have asked us for help many times."

"In the most recent letter asking for help, there was not only the law mark of the Tenth Pharaoh, but also the personal seal of Emperor Minghe." Bev said in a deep voice.

The system of the Hades Empire was a dual-track system in which the pharaoh's temple and the imperial royal family kept pace with each other.

In the high-level areas, it is the Pharaoh Temple that occupies more leadership power.

Most of the dominant masters of the Hades Empire also obey the will of the Pharaoh's temple.

But in the middle and lower levels, it is the imperial royal family that occupies a more orthodox position.

After all, most of the lower-level people are in contact with the official power agencies of the empire, and they cannot casually get involved with the Pharaoh's temple.

The letter asking for help recently sent from the Minghe Empire even had the seal of Emperor Minghe engraved on it.

This signifies the urgency of this letter for help and the danger that the Minghe Empire is currently encountering.

After pushing the letter, written by the Tenth Pharaoh himself, to the center of the conference room, Ms. Bev did not continue to speak.

She needs to give opinions after reading it by other high-level wizards in the wizarding civilization.

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